Alright so real updates.
Yesterday's workout went great
No stims in my body and I'm eating in a slight deficit but weight felt crazy easy
Squats 325 4x4 @7RPE
Deadlifts 425 3x3 @6RPE felt like I could rep it at least for 10 if not more my deadlift groove is unreal right now and my last AMRAP has me at a projected 585 max of which I'm confident I could get at least 545 if not 565
Power cleans 185 4x3
Weighted pull ups BW+25 4x4 @7RPE (adding one rep to each set every workout until I can do 10 strict with 25lb then I'll go to 4 reps with 45lbs and do it all over again)
Back extensions with 65lb band of resistant
Military shoulder press 95lb 4x8 @7RPE
OHP 115 2x6 @6RPE
shrugs 315 4x12 225x16 135x43
Farmers walks 70lb kettle bells total of 150m
Today I went for a bike ride in the morning (my rides aren't tame especially with the group of people I ride with ((some are sponsored by a popular energy drink)) one broke his collarbone today) it's great cardio lol.
Also today was my final try outs for a lacrosse team, I've made the cut and will be playing serious ball again so 2-4x a week I'll be playing and considering it as HIIT cardio. I really don't know how I made the team as I am rusty beyond believe and this is a very popular team, I think the coach is expecting my to perform like the old game footage he's seen with the added benifit of me having 50lb more muscle. Hoping my next cycle of test and tren can give me a bit more aggression on the floor as I'm extremely passive and could use a fire in my belly to really lay the gears to some guys. Added bonus if I want to get violent while on cycle I have a legal way to do so and will only get a 2 min penitly and some awesome highlight reels.
I'm going to try and take my log seriously again from this point on, I'm not really enjoying the workouts as much having no one to celebrate a good lift with and the community is great for that. I read everybody's logs still it's basically the only part of meso I haven't been able to kick
just want to mknow how everyone's training is all the time