Alright I'm taking a poll, doing it in here because people that haven't subbed this thread don't get a vote
The situation: I have a good friend whom is a bikini competitor and has done quite well in that, recently she has expressed interest in powerlifting so much so that she signed up for the same meet as me and now wants to train PLing for the next 3 months of her off season from bikini to do this meet, as of now she is doing the 3Dmj (it's like a bodybuilders take on what powerlifting is but does have some good parts in it for sure).
The dilemma: she has recently sent me some videos of herself doing the big 3 with 5rm weight (this is how the whole program runs) she has great form for building muscle and hyper trophy aspects but I can tell right off the bat she can push a lot more weight if she switches to PLing technique and I just told her this (I.e high bar to low bar squats, ATG to parallel squats, restricting ROM on bench with a proper arch ((she's a ex ballerina so incredibly flexible)) and pulling conventional instead of sumo as I think until a certain point it builds more strength but that's controversial at best)
Her reaction: could you train me until the meet...?
My first thought: fuck yes you are incredible hot and want to push a lot of weight why wouldn't I! Second thought after that, I have an amazing girlfriend already so I've gotta take the fact that she's attractive out of the equation and look at it as a friend.
My question to be polled: would you (A) train them at a possible slight expense of your own training as its going to make sessions longer (which are already long)
(B) give the occasional advice on form and the odd workout together as long as it doesn't interrupt your session.
I'm a decently nice person and would like to see her do well but I know bikini is number 1 for her so I don't know if I should invest the effort and possibly have to drive double the time to a gym and back which may hinder workout times and therefore decrease my workout volumes. It's a rough life when these are my problems.
Whatever the vote goes to is what I will be doing so I leave it in your hands