Running check in thread

Gonna try and sneak out late for a quick 2 miles to hit 50 for the week
Great week of running for being on vacation
Didn’t lift at all
Had hoped a little something in my shoulder would heal up but it didn’t just gonna keep working around it…
@beastmode_b killing it bro, good motivation! what app u use for tracking your runs?
You're beating me! I've been doing about 5 miles a day, running outside, 40 minutes or so (so probably more like jogging not running). Sometimes I go for an hour albeit even slower on average.
good work, 5 miles a day is great no matter the pace!
More money in the bank
It’s fucking hot
250 test c
100 primo
70mgs of anavar on run/workout days and then just 30 mgs post run with no work out.
Have a month of anavar left.
I have been running for years now , but it’s crazy watching this little bit of body fat I have left just melting right off from this combo and the running.


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