Running check in thread

Good work man. I never was a runner either until lockdown hit. Keep it up, as you start getting your wind and see progress it gets real addicting.

It feels silly because y’all are putting in real miles in real times, but I’m damn proud of myself. Yearssss ago I wanted to run so bad. Could never make it past a mile and I was DEAD at a mile.
Already told the wife I’m getting running shoes and we’re gonna get a jogging stroller for the baybay.

Any brands you prefer? I was thinking about trying on some brooks and asics (idk how to spell it).
Never been a runner and never have ran farther than a mile. This thread inspired me after an off plan meal today, which wasn’t bad at all but figured it was a good motivator.

Walked from my front door to the main rd as a warm up which ate into a few minutes of the total time and average pace.

I’ve got to google how to run and get running shoes if I’m gonna do this again.

Pretty sure this was all heart rate zone 7.3. Going snowboarding at the end of the week, let’s hope i can still walk by then.
I love this bro!!!❤️ take it one week at a time, and don’t overdo it. It will work wonders on your health, I’m glad you put in that fucking work. Start light with just one run like that per week
I love this bro!!!❤️ take it one week at a time, and don’t overdo it. It will work wonders on your health, I’m glad you put in that fucking work. Start light with just one run like that per week

This will definitely be my only run this week. Ankles and calf’s and strangely enough my traps are all sore. I gotta have fresh leggies this weekend so no more using my legs haha
It feels silly because y’all are putting in real miles in real times, but I’m damn proud of myself. Yearssss ago I wanted to run so bad. Could never make it past a mile and I was DEAD at a mile.
Already told the wife I’m getting running shoes and we’re gonna get a jogging stroller for the baybay.

Any brands you prefer? I was thinking about trying on some brooks and asics (idk how to spell it).
When I first started running during covid I couldn't even run a mile without stopping 5 times to walk. So I get what you're saying. You will slowly build up endurance and it will become easier. Just don't push yourself too hard, listen to your body,

Those are all good brand of running shoes. For me New Balance works well. I went to a running store and tried on a bunch of different brands until I found a pair that fit my feet well. Some running stores will have a running specialist on staff that will look at your foot and find a pair specifically for your foot type/arch.
It feels silly because y’all are putting in real miles in real times, but I’m damn proud of myself. Yearssss ago I wanted to run so bad. Could never make it past a mile and I was DEAD at a mile.
Already told the wife I’m getting running shoes and we’re gonna get a jogging stroller for the baybay.

Any brands you prefer? I was thinking about trying on some brooks and asics (idk how to spell it).
Love to see it, I'm much slower than this lot ATM so don't worry. Progress is progress and it gets addictive!
wow that's amazing! How many miles were you running a week during that time? What peds, if any helped you with performance/recovery?

I ran 41 miles that day as part of the same event I've just started training for again, however I'm doing it as a team this time so will be running much less!

Back then I was averaging around 70/80 miles a month, cycling around 100 miles a month and weight training 3 or 4 times a week. I was racing a few times a month and doing parkruns most Saturdays. I was young enough and light enough to get away with doing too much, too fast and not get that many side effects... Just about!

I wasn't taking any PEDs back then, just had my diet dialed in and plenty of free time to sleep.
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Come on now, let's keep the good work going.
What tracker are you using? Great work man, I’m on a very short hiatus I’ll be back on the pavement mid April. Currently on a mini blast and the pumps are too crazy. Also have to save my knees I’m almost 240 rn lol

Also do you always do treadmill runs? I find that it’s much easier on the knees but I get bored sometimes on a treadmill and when I’m outside I’ll just daydream for most of the run, my favorite part.
I went into a severe arrhythmia 2 weeks ago for 4 days. Resting heart rate was 196. Had to get a cardioversion and luckily I’m back in rhythm. I’m only 29. Recently had covid, but I was also taking 50 mics of t3