Running check in thread

@demon yes stampede is awesome. Not sure if it’s the carnitine or atp. I am a big fan of Amino Asylum, tho I don’t purchase their peptides but aminos.

@PaintDrinker ah man I don’t need another to obsess over lol. Now I’m gonna look into sr 9009 . good to know it’s not a sarm. I’m trying to stay away from those and that’s why I am interested in cardarine and mk677 because they are not.

I’ve bought cardarine from evolving nations, amino asylum, and have xce on hand. Who knows maybe it does work but I just don’t realize it. With running I feel you are never fully comfortable.
Get your reaction score up so I can dm you lol I have a blend of GW that’s 501516 and 0742. If your not feeling the GW your taking, you will definitely feel this. I didn’t come to the board to advertise tho, more or less to make friends seeing as I have no life

I can assure you SR is a fun one, lots of really cool info out there on it. It’s intriguing that it acts on the genes that are responsible for circadian rhythm I find that fascinating. It was also shown to kill lung cancers cells aggressively it’s like the stuff eats cancer.

To chime in on the stampede I’ve never actually used injectable aminos. Water based injections kinda scare me unless I reconstitute myself with my own BAC water, I’ve seen some scary shit in pre mixed solutions. I wonder if I could just get the raws and make some cool pwos myself. You really do feel the stampede aye?
Get your reaction score up so I can dm you lol I have a blend of GW that’s 501516 and 0742. If your not feeling the GW your taking, you will definitely feel this. I didn’t come to the board to advertise tho, more or less to make friends seeing as I have no life

I can assure you SR is a fun one, lots of really cool info out there on it. It’s intriguing that it acts on the genes that are responsible for circadian rhythm I find that fascinating. It was also shown to kill lung cancers cells aggressively it’s like the stuff eats cancer.

To chime in on the stampede I’ve never actually used injectable aminos. Water based injections kinda scare me unless I reconstitute myself with my own BAC water, I’ve seen some scary shit in pre mixed solutions. I wonder if I could just get the raws and make some cool pwos myself. You really do feel the stampede aye?
I want to know more! lol . Really? I need a better scores to be messaged ? I’ll work on that.

I’ve tried so many of their aminos . There has only been two (so far) that I cannot take full ml doses . That is super shredder and relax pm blend . The super shredder is because of their albuterol. Based on comments, reviews , and Amino Asylum’s “Bible” I started off with only .25 and it made me jittery. I can handle their shredder just fine because it doesn’t contain albuterol. I’ve combined a full ml dose of stampede and shredder just fine. I’ve tried their carnosine aka Max Endurance but I like stampede better.

Ugh I’m gonna get me some of your suggestions lol.
I want to know more! lol . Really? I need a better scores to be messaged ? I’ll work on that.

I’ve tried so many of their aminos . There has only been two (so far) that I cannot take full ml doses . That is super shredder and relax pm blend . The super shredder is because of their albuterol. Based on comments, reviews , and Amino Asylum’s “Bible” I started off with only .25 and it made me jittery. I can handle their shredder just fine because it doesn’t contain albuterol. I’ve combined a full ml dose of stampede and shredder just fine. I’ve tried their carnosine aka Max Endurance but I like stampede better.

Ugh I’m gonna get me some of your suggestions lol.
With the water based aminos do you do IM or subQ injections? I guess I’ll have to try out this shredder now I can stop being a baby and try some premixed water base stuff I guess.

I’ve just seen some gross L-Carnitine infections
With the water based aminos do you do IM or subQ injections? I guess I’ll have to try out this shredder now I can stop being a baby and try some premixed water base stuff I guess.

I’ve just seen some gross L-Carnitine infections
I do IM. I don’t inject aminos on the legs , and some aren’t ideal on the delts. However I did use pump blend on the quads. I think the best area are the glutes .
I do IM. I don’t inject aminos on the legs , and some aren’t ideal on the delts. However I did use pump blend on the quads. I think the best area are the glutes .
That’s good to know, I’m going to grab a few different ones and try them out. Idk how anyone pins quads I did a cc or sustanon in my quad once and literally couldn’t walk for a week
Never been a runner and never have ran farther than a mile. This thread inspired me after an off plan meal today, which wasn’t bad at all but figured it was a good motivator.

Walked from my front door to the main rd as a warm up which ate into a few minutes of the total time and average pace.

I’ve got to google how to run and get running shoes if I’m gonna do this again.

Pretty sure this was all heart rate zone 7.3. Going snowboarding at the end of the week, let’s hope i can still walk by then.


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Really love this, though why such a low Avg. HRT? Being really strict to Zone 2?
Good question but I really don’t have an answer. I struggle getting my hr up. I generally like 10:30-11min mile pace. Maybe if pushed it more and increased my pace? I will have to play around with it. Yes HRT about 200mg test with 100-150mg mast.
Never been a runner and never have ran farther than a mile. This thread inspired me after an off plan meal today, which wasn’t bad at all but figured it was a good motivator.

Walked from my front door to the main rd as a warm up which ate into a few minutes of the total time and average pace.

I’ve got to google how to run and get running shoes if I’m gonna do this again.

Pretty sure this was all heart rate zone 7.3. Going snowboarding at the end of the week, let’s hope i can still walk by then.
Good work man. I never was a runner either until lockdown hit. Keep it up, as you start getting your wind and see progress it gets real addicting.