Sigma Audley HPLC Testing

What's this about?

What rules got broken that led to this alert?
What's this about?

What rules got broken that led to this alert?
Because we just started in April and didn't understand the rules of the forum and we had all our employees sign up, they thought it was against their rules.
The Clen and T3 are out of whack....
I’m struggling with their results on the clen because around the same time that they had gotten theirs (Hepius brand) tested, I had purchased the same brand, albeit from another source but, we all know that they come from the exact same factory… Anyways the clen was severely under dosed, to the point that myself and several other people could barely tell when we took three of them at once and would normally be feeling very jittery as you would expect with properly dosed 40mcg clen. And it’s also been well documented on here from other users who have had the exact same experience with those green colored Hepius clen…. Weird…