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I was actually told by a doctor that low testosterone is a cause of type 2 diabetes. That sounds like something I might do myself. However I'm not sure if I will do split pins or pin once every five days. I don't think I will go any higher then 500 mg of test a week. Years ago my sweet spot was 750 to 900 test and 600 of deca. Forgive me for sounding stupid but what do you mean by BG? I was also under the impression that orals will be out of the question. Perhaps low dose Var. This is all very interesting I really appreciate you taking the time to school me

If you have low test, I would seriously consider starting trt. It could make a huge difference for you with your insulin sensitivity.

Apparently, it doesn't work that way for everyone, but lots of guys definitely see benefits when starting trt when they've also been dealing with type 2 diabetes.

I'd also seriously recommend getting your health markers in check before you consider blasting a high dose cycle (really anything above 200mg/week).

Get on a trt dose. If you have recent blood work, wait until about 6-8 weeks after starting trt to get bloods done again and see what things are looking like. If you don't have recent blood work, get it done before you start.
If you have low test, I would seriously consider starting trt. It could make a huge difference for you with your insulin sensitivity.

Apparently, it doesn't work that way for everyone, but lots of guys definitely see benefits when starting trt when they've also been dealing with type 2 diabetes.

I'd also seriously recommend getting your health markers in check before you consider blasting a high dose cycle (really anything above 200mg/week).

Get on a trt dose. If you have recent blood work, wait until about 6-8 weeks after starting trt to get bloods done again and see what things are looking like. If you don't have recent blood work, get it done before you start.
Ty kindly for all the advice. I will definitely take all this into consideration. Probably start with the blood work. I'm a little concerned about getting on TRT from doctor simply because if I decide to blast, they will be able to spot it because of having to do labs every 90 days or such. That's something I will ponder over for a few days. Aside from that, what you have shared with me has been very informative

A fellow board member suggested Skank to me due to this whole express PCT debacle with them never sending me my shit i ordered beginning of October. I placed my order with Skank on Tuesday. Pack landed today. Communication was effortless He let me know when to expect my pack and it showed up a day early. Skank will be my GO TO for every pack needed in this realm from now on. Good business all the way around.
Thanks Skank!
In my third week of the Hikma test I ordered from Skank. So far so good! Will probably send an email to order more soon since I only got enough for maybe half my cycle.
Good to hear. There are a couple items I routinely ordered from ExpressPCT that no other domestic could touch their price on; at least that I have found. So may have to go back to Reliablerx.
expresspct recommended aipctshop. I haven't heard much about them before tho but they look very similar to express
2 day TA. Boxes sealed/everything checks out. Thanks Skank.

The Nebido is in multi dose vials if anyone is interested, not single dose ampoules. Trying a new TRT dosing schedule (same mg's) for personal reasons. Not doing the long 6-12 week intervals though, going to experiment with 10-14 days and see how stable it feels. I've done it with Test Deconate every 7-10 days and was very happy with that (both anecdotally & bloodwork), but can't source that ester anymore.

2 day TA. Boxes sealed/everything checks out. Thanks Skank.

The Nebido is in multi dose vials if anyone is interested, not single dose ampoules. Trying a new TRT dosing schedule (same mg's) for personal reasons. Not doing the long 6-12 week intervals though, going to experiment with 10-14 days and see how stable it feels. I've done it with Test Deconate every 7-10 days and was very happy with that (both anecdotally & bloodwork), but can't source that ester anymore.

View attachment 156024
I had good success for a bit over a year doing Nebido 1x/week.
Labs for the Balkan Expired Dbol 50mg. My sample of DHB was crushed when it got to Jano. Going to have to resend in the next batch.
2 day TA. Boxes sealed/everything checks out. Thanks Skank.

The Nebido is in multi dose vials if anyone is interested, not single dose ampoules. Trying a new TRT dosing schedule (same mg's) for personal reasons. Not doing the long 6-12 week intervals though, going to experiment with 10-14 days and see how stable it feels. I've done it with Test Deconate every 7-10 days and was very happy with that (both anecdotally & bloodwork), but can't source that ester anymore.

View attachment 156024

I had good success for a bit over a year doing Nebido 1x/week.

I been seriously thinking about trying this too. I seen guys pinning once every 2-4 weeks with very very good results.

I think the problem with this ester is how the doctors are administering all 4mls at once and then another shot months later when you are at your lowest.

Maybe doctors are catching on that they should increase the frequency of injections to keep us more stable.

As I get older I hate pinning lol
I been seriously thinking about trying this too. I seen guys pinning once every 2-4 weeks with very very good results.

I think the problem with this ester is how the doctors are administering all 4mls at once and then another shot months later when you are at your lowest.

Maybe doctors are catching on that they should increase the frequency of injections to keep us more stable.

As I get older I hate pinning lol
agreed. it's as with anything else, down to the math. if half life is what, 4 weeks on it? i can't recall. cut that in half, you're fine. I, being a pinning addict, took it to 1x/week for maximum dopamine satisfaction while pretending that I am a cultured man who doesn't need to pin himself multiple times per month.

(I also went on GH/peptides during this time, ez).
I been seriously thinking about trying this too. I seen guys pinning once every 2-4 weeks with very very good results.

I think the problem with this ester is how the doctors are administering all 4mls at once and then another shot months later when you are at your lowest.

Maybe doctors are catching on that they should increase the frequency of injections to keep us more stable.

As I get older I hate pinning lol

when ive started trt, my doctor gave me the different options.
All options besides the gel are horrible if you stick to the medical intended use.
First was Testoviron (Test E) which should be given every 2-4 weeks according to blood test. We settled for 3 weeks and Bloods in the middle. Bloods were low midrange but the feeling was crappy. First 5 days superman, then man, then depressed man and finally a wrack.
Nebido is even worse due to the immense surge at the beginning. Intention is once every 8-12 weeks, 6 weeks is the exception.
4ML at once in the glut of this thick oil is literally a pain in the ass. The first few days you sweat, crappy feeling etc. BW was also taken in the mid of the interval, so after 4 weeks, and it was slightly higher than the Testoviron after 11 days. But also, crappy feeling.
So ive settled to gel which i am quite happy with..
Not sure why or where those dumb intervals come from. One should think they are absolutely stupid when it comes to Pharmacokinetics
when ive started trt, my doctor gave me the different options.
All options besides the gel are horrible if you stick to the medical intended use.
First was Testoviron (Test E) which should be given every 2-4 weeks according to blood test. We settled for 3 weeks and Bloods in the middle. Bloods were low midrange but the feeling was crappy. First 5 days superman, then man, then depressed man and finally a wrack.
Nebido is even worse due to the immense surge at the beginning. Intention is once every 8-12 weeks, 6 weeks is the exception.
4ML at once in the glut of this thick oil is literally a pain in the ass. The first few days you sweat, crappy feeling etc. BW was also taken in the mid of the interval, so after 4 weeks, and it was slightly higher than the Testoviron after 11 days. But also, crappy feeling.
So ive settled to gel which i am quite happy with..
Not sure why or where those dumb intervals come from. One should think they are absolutely stupid when it comes to Pharmacokinetics
Did you try the Nebido once a week also or just the full 4ml amp?

Did you try the Nebido once a week also or just the full 4ml amp?
just the 4ml amp since the injections were always done by the doc in their office.
In germany, it is hard to get the prescription for the medicine only. Usually, they also want you to come to them for the injection
what does the ozempic pens come with? Just one pen? How much mg per pen? Using the saxenda now but may switch
do those things just basically murder your appetite for dieting? like honestly what's the advantage over 150mg of armodafinil lol. I am sure there's probably more to it than just suppression...?
It’s like nothing I’ve ever tried. Better than adderall, moda, eca etc crushes appetite but still enough appetite to eat frequently just small meals. Makes cutting extremely effortless


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