SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

What’s ADC’s t/a to the states these days?
ReliableRx used to be another good one not sure if they still around.
Evening, Obscured. Its been a while since I've used either site but I have used both and in doing so fed one. Not sure if I made sense there? What I'm saying is that ADC and Reliable are Sister sites. Same owner(s).
Chances are if ADC is requiring a script for certain meds than Reliable would be as well. Not terribly important. Just a little info.
Evening, Obscured. Its been a while since I've used either site but I have used both and in doing so fed one. Not sure if I made sense there? What I'm saying is that ADC and Reliable are Sister sites. Same owner(s).
Chances are if ADC is requiring a script for certain meds than Reliable would be as well. Not terribly important. Just a little info.
Yes that is correct they are sister sites. I’ve only used reliable but it was long before pandemic. Looked into them at the beginning of pandemic and they said themselves their delivery times were awful. I was wondering if those times have gotten better?
Yes that is correct they are sister sites. I’ve only used reliable but it was long before pandemic. Looked into them at the beginning of pandemic and they said themselves their delivery times were awful. I was wondering if those times have gotten better?
Been ordering from Reliable for years. Had two orders drop in about 3 weeks total TA for both recently. Took about a week to ship, and two weeks travel (west coast). Haven't noticed any change in the prescription requirement status as another member mentioned. They always ask for one on checkout, and I just don't submit it. Customs even opened both of the last two orders, and let both pass through. I don't think they care for amounts considered "personal medication". I order Met/inhalers/AI's/zofran etc, so nothing crazy that would cause an issue.
Been ordering from Reliable for years. Had two orders drop in about 3 weeks total TA for both recently. Took about a week to ship, and two weeks travel (west coast). Haven't noticed any change in the prescription requirement status as another member mentioned. They always ask for one on checkout, and I just don't submit it. Customs even opened both of the last two orders, and let both pass through. I don't think they care for amounts considered "personal medication". I order Met/inhalers/AI's/zofran etc, so nothing crazy that would cause an issue.
Same. They do write on the customs form “medication” but mine were never opened. Only used them for cialis and antibiotics though. Small amounts, nothing crazy.
Been ordering from Reliable for years. Had two orders drop in about 3 weeks total TA for both recently. Took about a week to ship, and two weeks travel (west coast). Haven't noticed any change in the prescription requirement status as another member mentioned. They always ask for one on checkout, and I just don't submit it. Customs even opened both of the last two orders, and let both pass through. I don't think they care for amounts considered "personal medication". I order Met/inhalers/AI's/zofran etc, so nothing crazy that would cause an issue.
Good to hear. There are a couple items I routinely ordered from ExpressPCT that no other domestic could touch their price on; at least that I have found. So may have to go back to Reliablerx.
Payment sent Thursday night, packed landed today. The pack I ordered from ExpressPCT last month took almost two weeks! People complain about trip’s t/a, ExpressPCT’s was even worse!
Yes. I mentioned it but he wouldnt do it.....pretty sure he is a vegan cuck...hes kind of a dick but he does my blood work and prescribes me ai
My TRT clinic gives it out like candy. My only concerns are that it's supposed to hamper recovery (lower GH) and can lower B-12. Guess you can always chase that side with some B-12. Anyone have better info?
My TRT clinic gives it out like candy. My only concerns are that it's supposed to hamper recovery (lower GH) and can lower B-12. Guess you can always chase that side with some B-12. Anyone have better info?
Before I got on metformin I was having insulin resistance issues. Now Im cruising and taking 500mg a day of metformin and making gains where before even on cycle things were stagnant. I know some people dont like this guy but alex kikel and broderick chavez both have good info on metformin. Also dan the bodybuilder in thailand has a section in his book about it. When your on exogenous hormones metformin works really well
Before I got on metformin I was having insulin resistance issues. Now Im cruising and taking 500mg a day of metformin and making gains where before even on cycle things were stagnant. I know some people dont like this guy but alex kikel and broderick chavez both have good info on metformin. Also dan the bodybuilder in thailand has a section in his book about it. When your on exogenous hormones metformin works really well
I've been training for the better part of twenty years now. The last six or so I've been training enhanced. With the last year I for the most part taken off. Within the last 2 years I've become type 2 diabetic. I've started training seriously again and I was wondering about the benefits of metformin because I take a thousand mg twice a day. on top of that I take insulin on a sliding scale anywhere from 5 to 12 international units one two three times a day. My testosterone levels are at an all-time low at 46 right now. I was wondering what kind of knowledge you had on training with metformin. now that I take it and I train regularly I'd like to know more about it in regards to bodybuilding with it.
There are a lot more variables when you have diabetes. Metformin does the same thing to your body as cardio as far as insulin sensitivity goes. You are already on 2g of metformin you will benefit greatly at least getting on some test. When you are natty taking metformin it is simply a diabetic drug that really hurts performance in the end. With exogenous hormones it offsets the negative side effects so you mostly just get the benifits: increases glycogen stores in the muscles, increases insulin sensitivity, and helps you burn fat more efficiently. I didnt memorize the scientific whys but those references I gave have that info.
There are a lot more variables when you have diabetes. Metformin does the same thing to your body as cardio as far as insulin sensitivity goes. You are already on 2g of metformin you will benefit greatly at least getting on some test. When you are natty taking metformin it is simply a diabetic drug that really hurts performance in the end. With exogenous hormones it offsets the negative side effects so you mostly just get the benifits: increases glycogen stores in the muscles, increases insulin sensitivity, and helps you burn fat more efficiently. I didnt memorize the scientific whys but those references I gave have that info.
Oh wow! Ty bro. I can't wait to get some test in me. It's been a year since I was on. My test levels are pittiful rn. I'm actually going back to my hometown gym today to officially start my serious training again. It's gonna be a few weeks before I can afford some test. Im very eager to get back on, even if it's a trt dose. Again, ty for sharing your thoughts on metformin. It's much appreciated bro.

I've been training for the better part of twenty years now. The last six or so I've been training enhanced. With the last year I for the most part taken off. Within the last 2 years I've become type 2 diabetic. I've started training seriously again and I was wondering about the benefits of metformin because I take a thousand mg twice a day. on top of that I take insulin on a sliding scale anywhere from 5 to 12 international units one two three times a day. My testosterone levels are at an all-time low at 46 right now. I was wondering what kind of knowledge you had on training with metformin. now that I take it and I train regularly I'd like to know more about it in regards to bodybuilding with it.
I've been on metformin for quite a few years. I was also taking 1000mg twice per day but when I finally started up on TRT, my insulin sensitivity skyrocketed. My A1C got down to 4.8 and my doctor had me drop down to 500mg, twice a day. Sometimes I only use 500mg once a day. But my last A1C was 5.2 on a 1000mg a day or less. Test absolutely works synergistically with metformin.
I've been on metformin for quite a few years. I was also taking 1000mg twice per day but when I finally started up on TRT, my insulin sensitivity skyrocketed. My A1C got down to 4.8 and my doctor had me drop down to 500mg, twice a day. Sometimes I only use 500mg once a day. But my last A1C was 5.2 on a 1000mg a day or less. Test absolutely works synergistically with metformin.
Whoa! 4.8! Mine started at 9.9. That's dangerously high. TBH, I was overprecribed by a shitty Dr. The amount of slin perscribed was to much too. I was constantly going hypo. I'd have to have a PB&j and a bananna on hand constantly. Did test raise your glucose. I've never been "on" while being a diabetic to my knowledge. I started a thread in the proper forum but I only got a few responses. I don't mean to clog up this thread if my diabetic needs. That is not my intention. I'm just very grateful to get any kind of education in regards to being a bodybuilder who trains enhanced while being a type 2 diabetic. As soon as I can get my hands on some test I'm definitely going to do a cruise maybe a blast
Whoa! 4.8! Mine started at 9.9. That's dangerously high. TBH, I was overprecribed by a shitty Dr. The amount of slin perscribed was to much too. I was constantly going hypo. I'd have to have a PB&j and a bananna on hand constantly. Did test raise your glucose. I've never been "on" while being a diabetic to my knowledge. I started a thread in the proper forum but I only got a few responses. I don't mean to clog up this thread if my diabetic needs. That is not my intention. I'm just very grateful to get any kind of education in regards to being a bodybuilder who trains enhanced while being a type 2 diabetic. As soon as I can get my hands on some test I'm definitely going to do a cruise maybe a blast
My numbers are all on cruise dose. 150-160mg test c, split twice per week. Test in combination with metformin lowered my BG and stabilized it really well. It also helped with my blood pressure. Sometimes my bp would get crazy high. Now, since starting up trt, it's also much more controlled and lower.
My numbers are all on cruise dose. 150-160mg test c, split twice per week. Test in combination with metformin lowered my BG and stabilized it really well. It also helped with my blood pressure. Sometimes my bp would get crazy high. Now, since starting up trt, it's also much more controlled and lower.
I was actually told by a doctor that low testosterone is a cause of type 2 diabetes. That sounds like something I might do myself. However I'm not sure if I will do split pins or pin once every five days. I don't think I will go any higher then 500 mg of test a week. Years ago my sweet spot was 750 to 900 test and 600 of deca. Forgive me for sounding stupid but what do you mean by BG? I was also under the impression that orals will be out of the question. Perhaps low dose Var. This is all very interesting I really appreciate you taking the time to school me



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