[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Hey guys we know it's been crazy and unprofessional on our end. We have tweaked some issues and hope none of this happens again. Everyone that has emailed has been responded to and everyone that has paid and received a confirmation email has had their order shipped. If you haven't received a confirmation email but you have paid we will send a confirmation email by today!

Hey guys we know it's been crazy and unprofessional on our end. We have tweaked some issues and hope none of this happens again. Everyone that has emailed has been responded to and everyone that has paid and received a confirmation email has had their order shipped. If you haven't received a confirmation email but you have paid we will send a confirmation email by today!

Good luck in your ventures of sucking ass and shitty service. Maybe you can reel in some newbs and people that won't demand better service. Fuck Sasquatch.
Hey guys we know it's been crazy and unprofessional on our end. We have tweaked some issues and hope none of this happens again. Everyone that has emailed has been responded to and everyone that has paid and received a confirmation email has had their order shipped. If you haven't received a confirmation email but you have paid we will send a confirmation email by today!


Bullshit. You, jay and Becca keep repeating the same dumb bullshit!

We have had issues blah blah blah and we have them resolved now so this won’t happen again.

A broken record can only get played so much before it’s thrown out. I’m tired of hearing this same stupid fucking song. Get lost squatch! Go back to the woods !
Bullshit. You, jay and Becca keep repeating the same dumb bullshit!

We have had issues blah blah blah and we have them resolved now so this won’t happen again.

A broken record can only get played so much before it’s thrown out. I’m tired of hearing this same stupid fucking song. Get lost squatch! Go back to the woods !

Now, now, wise rabbit. Did we not give PPL umpteen chances to improve their mistakes, which included, but were not limited to, hairy floater gear?

i do agree, the lack of communication and repeated excuses for why this is, is getting old fast.

But the members are beginning to wise up and realize that Squach ain't the only game in town. That translates to lost sales, which MAY be what this lab needs to kick their asses into gear.

i personally want to see this one play out. Now that they got the boot from Reddit, there should be a renewed focus on Meso, and if it doesn't improve, then it's time to take Squach out back and "Old Yeller" him.
Now, now, wise rabbit. Did we not give PPL umpteen chances to improve their mistakes, which included, but were not limited to, hairy floater gear?

i do agree, the lack of communication and repeated excuses for why this is, is getting old fast.

But the members are beginning to wise up and realize that Squach ain't the only game in town. That translates to lost sales, which MAY be what this lab needs to kick their asses into gear.

i personally want to see this one play out. Now that they got the boot from Reddit, there should be a renewed focus on Meso, and if it doesn't improve, then it's time to take Squach out back and "Old Yeller" him.

I’ve told panda the same thing several times. They just recovered and were persistent. Lol.

This lab however is becoming more and more shady. Based off the email response someone posted with Becca saying “ I’ll get with our reshipper” really should scare people. This means jay went ahead and hired someone who contacted him I presume about the open position. Thus meaning anyone ordering could potentially be in jeopardy. Then you top this with lack of communication, always out of product, firing employees... something internally is happening.

Something feels very off with the entire scenario.
Ok did finally get contacted by p.m. and email ect... several times in the last few days . My order from rowdy was a week later and dropped yesterday so.... Yeah that's crap but I did hear back so that's goodish lmao
Not going to defend the communication but I do believe its partly impatient customers that drive the frustration on their end to not answer the same questions over and over. Remember this is not legal business.. I absolutely believe there are issues being able to keep wallets open.
I have never had an unsuccessful order with these guys and the products are good. Are there really that many great domestic sources??
Anyway, I received payment confirmation after almost two weeks still no pack.. but I do believe its on the way. I will post if not.
Again.. this is not legal business.. be patient!
Speak with your money... I know I will
Not going to defend the communication but I do believe its partly impatient customers that drive the frustration on their end to not answer the same questions over and over. Remember this is not legal business.. I absolutely believe there are issues being able to keep wallets open.
I have never had an unsuccessful order with these guys and the products are good. Are there really that many great domestic sources??
Anyway, I received payment confirmation after almost two weeks still no pack.. but I do believe its on the way. I will post if not.
Again.. this is not legal business.. be patient!
Speak with your money... I know I will
Go ahead and swim in the shark tank. Im in complete disagreement with you. I agree with @Roger rabbit that something isn't right with the SAS. My instincts say like so many have said already high volume lower quality, the reshipper issue, and communication is enough for me and many others to move. Maybe your looking for convenience and not wanting to do a little work to realize that there is plenty of resources available. As a matter of fact I don't mind paying more for peace of mind, good communication, and a satisfactory product.
Go ahead and swim in the shark tank. Im in complete disagreement with you. I agree with @Roger rabbit that something isn't right with the SAS. My instincts say like so many have said already high volume lower quality, the reshipper issue, and communication is enough for me and many others to move. Maybe your looking for convenience and not wanting to do a little work to realize that there is plenty of resources available. As a matter of fact I don't mind paying more for peace of mind, good communication, and a satisfactory product.
Fair enough.
This is purely anecdotal and I'm not pretending to have tests to back this up but I will say SAS has me convinced of what I have suspected for a long time, pharmacon/basic gear is underdosed. Just saying I have loved SAS products. Not to mention half the price.
I only hope they sort out these issues and begin to act more professionally
Go ahead and swim in the shark tank. Im in complete disagreement with you. I agree with @Roger rabbit that something isn't right with the SAS. My instincts say like so many have said already high volume lower quality, the reshipper issue, and communication is enough for me and many others to move. Maybe your looking for convenience and not wanting to do a little work to realize that there is plenty of resources available. As a matter of fact I don't mind paying more for peace of mind, good communication, and a satisfactory product.

You post a whole lot and say very little for having been here all of a month. You ordered from this source twice and now you are preaching to others about not ordering when the same red flags have been here for quite a while and been talked about many times.

You have posted about ordering from another new and unproven lab here. Everyone can make their own decisions so if you want to try new labs fine but no one wants to hear preaching from a guy who has been here for a month and is ordering from every new lab that has a halfway decent sales pitch.
You post a whole lot and say very little for having been here all of a month. You ordered from this source twice and now you are preaching to others about not ordering when the same red flags have been here for quite a while and been talked about many times.

You have posted about ordering from another new and unproven lab here. Everyone can make their own decisions so if you want to try new labs fine but no one wants to hear preaching from a guy who has been here for a month and is ordering from every new lab that has a halfway decent sales pitch.
Search feature works. Shows at least one person knows how to use it.
You post a whole lot and say very little for having been here all of a month. You ordered from this source twice and now you are preaching to others about not ordering when the same red flags have been here for quite a while and been talked about many times.

You have posted about ordering from another new and unproven lab here. Everyone can make their own decisions so if you want to try new labs fine but no one wants to hear preaching from a guy who has been here for a month and is ordering from every new lab that has a halfway decent sales pitch.
Have a log starting Monday brother ... already started the thread stop by could use guys like you there
I’ve told panda the same thing several times. They just recovered and were persistent. Lol.

This lab however is becoming more and more shady. Based off the email response someone posted with Becca saying “ I’ll get with our reshipper” really should scare people. This means jay went ahead and hired someone who contacted him I presume about the open position. Thus meaning anyone ordering could potentially be in jeopardy. Then you top this with lack of communication, always out of product, firing employees... something internally is happening.

Something feels very off with the entire scenario.

You're absolutely right. i was being short sighted, only looking at the (lack of) communication factor in all of this.
You’ve been screwing up for a long time @Sasquatch Labs. You’ve only been getting worse, never better. You had the same issues since February that have now compounded into May. You know what your problem is? You care more about the money than us.

You expanded onto other boards against our advice since you clearly couldn’t even handle the load here. Your apology means nothing because it’s not the first time. Here are some posts for a reference to when you started, and continued, to fuck up.

Feb 13th
@Sasquatch Labs

Why not shut your doors until you get things worked out? You’re slipping all over the place.

You’ve have...
-Inconsistantly filled vials
-Inconsistant T/A
-Inconsistant labels
-Email issues
-Employee issues
-Shorting customers accidentally
-Stock issues

You don’t seem like a bad guy who is always trying to make things right, but it’s been a sloppy operation. Take it for what it is but I think you may need to take a step back and regroup. I’d rather see you do that than watch a slow drowning. That’s no good for you or any one of your customers.

@Sasquatch Labs didn’t bother listening to our advice when he started having issues. Now the issues are compounding, meanwhile you keep taking orders. I hate to say it, but we called this. I would encourage anyone who bothers reading this to stop ordering until Sasquatch squares everyone away.

I hate to say it but BUYER BEWARE right now. It’s been like this (shitty t/a and inconsistencies) for quite some time but it’s steadily getting worse. @Comota123 or anyone else I’d be seriously cautious to order from this guy right now. I liked him in the beginning but I wouldn’t touch anything from him with a 10 foot pole right now.

April 25th
Yes, it’s insane. The source is asking for reshippers on an open forum. Take note all to who order. Your address and personal info will go to a reshipper on the open internet dealer forum! Fuck that!!!

Mid May...
Hey guys we know it's been crazy and unprofessional on our end. We have tweaked some issues and hope none of this happens again. Everyone that has emailed has been responded to and everyone that has paid and received a confirmation email has had their order shipped. If you haven't received a confirmation email but you have paid we will send a confirmation email by today!


Thank you @Masters Power for pointing out what I know about me already. Yes you are correct I have placed orders and the only part of it I was happy about was the product once I got it. Everything I wanted was OOS but labeled as in stock and by the time he responded and I got my ordered changed those items were OOS. Communication has been nothing short of horrible. I've been around long enough (maybe not MESO) to know this shit don't fly. We as a board shouldn't allow it to. Unless somebody is wanting to save a few bucks, risk decrease in quality, and are ok with not really knowing what's going on with this source they should consider other options.

This lab could have great potential but they remind me of a dope dealer getting high on their own supply. I'd love to see them clear the air and get the shit right. They have a great list of products, they've had some good blood draws from people reporting, and there has been great product results but does that all outweigh the behavior and not knowing what is going on behind the scenes. Its fortunate that I won't need to order any gear for awhile but when I do decide to again I'd love to see them have countless pages of fantastic, unicorn farts, and rainbows of customer service experiences. I just don't believe it will happen. This is a source that has repeatedly got worse and failed to listen to the demands and thoughts of members of MESO. Is that what is really wanted here? Bad behavior, going A.W.O.L, clear inability to listen and respond to board members, basically going rogue looking for reshippers in this thread. When does the product start having floaters, is under-dosed, or you get crashed gear like I have from them? I've skimmed a few pages of the SCOC thread and it doesn't seem like this fits the idea of good source behavior and conduct.

The short of it is you and everyone else has a choice. But if everyone talked with their money maybe this source would get it together. Maybe not. But I will always say what I see from my side of the street and I won't tolerate not being communicated with. And I sure as fuck won't put something in a dart that I'm not so sure thatif the quality is falling off because they're trying to do to much. MESO alone could keep these guys in the money forever and they choose to try and source elsewhere because of greed. I've never seen a greedy drug dealer last and I played in the streets for 20 years.
This is one of those sources that will never change, cheap decent gear, with poor service that will eventually come to a screeching halt. The trick is not be around when the music stops. Of course, a bunch of people will get burned, and the newbies will whine and cry