[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Decca / Mast E / Asin / Prami inbound. Recieved shipping info and will be here on monday. Communication was trash before Dino popped back up but my bloods on test e were spot on. It makes it hard to want to support these guys with spending thousands of dollars when I honestly believed a few days ago I got robbed but if the product is fire and they do some propper PR/HR we will continue to spend. Dont let complacency lead to failure - MAKE THIS RIGHT SAS (I would rather have A1 communication over the boards/emails than a $5 discount).
Thanks for that comment! We are actively trying to make our business better anyway that we can. We hear all of you. Your complaints are being read and taken very seriously.
Going on day 16 since payment accepted and STILL no package. They have told me its on the way twice in the past 2 weeks. At this point i dont even think they shipped it. When i asked for a track number they didnt respond. Still slightly hopeful that im not gonna get scammed.

If it does come i will send the var to a lab and pay so we can atleast see if this is all worth it.

Edit: Was just given tracking info. Definitely didnt ship out when they told me it did but whatever. At least its otw. Will update with lab analysis of the Anavar
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Not going to defend the communication but I do believe its partly impatient customers that drive the frustration on their end to not answer the same questions over and over. Remember this is not legal business.. I absolutely believe there are issues being able to keep wallets open.
I have never had an unsuccessful order with these guys and the products are good. Are there really that many great domestic sources??
Anyway, I received payment confirmation after almost two weeks still no pack.. but I do believe its on the way. I will post if not.
Again.. this is not legal business.. be patient!
Speak with your money... I know I will

What does legal business and not legal business have to do with anything?

After all... it was Sasquatch who said fast turn around within 5 days.. it’s what he sold to people as is pitch. Fast turnaround, customer service and quality products. So I’m curious.. is it asking too much to demand him to hold true to his selling pitch and his standards he put in place for his “ illegal” business?

Legal or not this doesn’t matter. Expectations are expected and those expectations were set by the owner himself. So let’s not deflect to the old thing of “ this isn’t amazon” or this is an illegal business.
What does legal business and not legal business have to do with anything?

After all... it was Sasquatch who said fast turn around within 5 days.. it’s what he sold to people as is pitch. Fast turnaround, customer service and quality products. So I’m curious.. is it asking too much to demand him to hold true to his selling pitch and his standards he put in place for his “ illegal” business?

Legal or not this doesn’t matter. Expectations are expected and those expectations were set by the owner himself. So let’s not deflect to the old thing of “ this isn’t amazon” or this is an illegal business.

As someone who is obviously respected on these boards and has seen issues like this with UGL's what advice for SAS do you have? Hopefully they will be receptive.
Thank you @Masters Power for pointing out what I know about me already. Yes you are correct I have placed orders and the only part of it I was happy about was the product once I got it. Everything I wanted was OOS but labeled as in stock and by the time he responded and I got my ordered changed those items were OOS. Communication has been nothing short of horrible. I've been around long enough (maybe not MESO) to know this shit don't fly. We as a board shouldn't allow it to. Unless somebody is wanting to save a few bucks, risk decrease in quality, and are ok with not really knowing what's going on with this source they should consider other options.

This lab could have great potential but they remind me of a dope dealer getting high on their own supply. I'd love to see them clear the air and get the shit right. They have a great list of products, they've had some good blood draws from people reporting, and there has been great product results but does that all outweigh the behavior and not knowing what is going on behind the scenes. Its fortunate that I won't need to order any gear for awhile but when I do decide to again I'd love to see them have countless pages of fantastic, unicorn farts, and rainbows of customer service experiences. I just don't believe it will happen. This is a source that has repeatedly got worse and failed to listen to the demands and thoughts of members of MESO. Is that what is really wanted here? Bad behavior, going A.W.O.L, clear inability to listen and respond to board members, basically going rogue looking for reshippers in this thread. When does the product start having floaters, is under-dosed, or you get crashed gear like I have from them? I've skimmed a few pages of the SCOC thread and it doesn't seem like this fits the idea of good source behavior and conduct.

The short of it is you and everyone else has a choice. But if everyone talked with their money maybe this source would get it together. Maybe not. But I will always say what I see from my side of the street and I won't tolerate not being communicated with. And I sure as fuck won't put something in a dart that I'm not so sure thatif the quality is falling off because they're trying to do to much. MESO alone could keep these guys in the money forever and they choose to try and source elsewhere because of greed. I've never seen a greedy drug dealer last and I played in the streets for 20 years.

I wasn't defending this lab. The lack of communication isn't acceptable.

I don't have a beef with you. Just saying you repeating what had already been said by many others after only having been here for a short time and ordering a few times from this source didn't add a lot.
Squatch is probably overloaded with emails. $15 for a bottle of test with free shipping. Fuck everyone and their moms is probably on it. I’ve sent like 3 people I know his email and they ordered. Those 3 people probably sent it to their friends and so on. If you can’t handle the communication part due to business, scale the business or raise prices.
As someone who is obviously respected on these boards and has seen issues like this with UGL's what advice for SAS do you have? Hopefully they will be receptive.

Ive offered several suggestions that I’ve seen successful labs do and some advice on even common business practices that should be implemented.

Unfortunately he has ignored them all as well as the advice given by several other members. Like most.. our human nature is to believe that we are always correct until it’s too late.

He’s simply in over his head and like another member mentioned “ as many people/employees he has had come and go, I would be worried about security” I think that should hit home a little. If one of those employees are a Scorpio ( joking) they will get revenge and that revenge could be an anonymous tip to authorities. Just too many loose ends with this lab.
I took a gamble almost a week ago and received a response yesterday. I paid, and Dino promptly responded that it was received. I'll keep you updated if/when it lands. No shipping confirmation yet.
What does legal business and not legal business have to do with anything?

After all... it was Sasquatch who said fast turn around within 5 days.. it’s what he sold to people as is pitch. Fast turnaround, customer service and quality products. So I’m curious.. is it asking too much to demand him to hold true to his selling pitch and his standards he put in place for his “ illegal” business?

Legal or not this doesn’t matter. Expectations are expected and those expectations were set by the owner himself. So let’s not deflect to the old thing of “ this isn’t amazon” or this is an illegal business.
As I said before, I hope they clean some of these issues up.
Specifically when I mention illegal business, I meant I do believe they have wallet issues, these get routinely shut down. Also, I find it funny people who want these "Johnny on the spot" answers on what is going on. This is an illegal business and likely they would be erroneous in explaining exactly what is going on and when.
And yes I have been very happy with SAS products. My narrow example is this. I'm predisposed to acne and has always been my most pronounced side. Last summer I spent over $1000 on pharma/basic accutane.. did absolutely nothing. After only 30 days, SAS accutane has me dry as sand and my acne is disappearing.
Not totally defending everything. I didn't like waiting two weeks for a payment confirmation but until I truly don't get a pack or the feds are at my door I will continue to use this source.
Just my opinion
As I said before, I hope they clean some of these issues up.
Specifically when I mention illegal business, I meant I do believe they have wallet issues, these get routinely shut down. Also, I find it funny people who want these "Johnny on the spot" answers on what is going on. This is an illegal business and likely they would be erroneous in explaining exactly what is going on and when.
And yes I have been very happy with SAS products. My narrow example is this. I'm predisposed to acne and has always been my most pronounced side. Last summer I spent over $1000 on pharma/basic accutane.. did absolutely nothing. After only 30 days, SAS accutane has me dry as sand and my acne is disappearing.
Not totally defending everything. I didn't like waiting two weeks for a payment confirmation but until I truly don't get a pack or the feds are at my door I will continue to use this source.
Just my opinion

1. If their wallet is getting shut down, why wouldn’t a source have multiple wallets? Come on man. This is a bogus reason for late confirmation.

2. Johnny on the spot answers. Can you give me an example of a question/ concern that would cause them security issues if answered?

3. You spent money on pharma grade accutane but it did nothing? Which pharma grade accutane comepany would this be? Because seems weird that pharma and hypothetically a ugl would be the same exact drug with the exception of pharma grade being regulated. So now I’m curious as to which pharma brand you used.
1. If their wallet is getting shut down, why wouldn’t a source have multiple wallets? Come on man. This is a bogus reason for late confirmation.

2. Johnny on the spot answers. Can you give me an example of a question/ concern that would cause them security issues if answered?

3. You spent money on pharma grade accutane but it did nothing? Which pharma grade accutane comepany would this be? Because seems weird that pharma and hypothetically a ugl would be the same exact drug with the exception of pharma grade being regulated. So now I’m curious as to which pharma brand you used.
1. Like i said they have work to do and may be in over their heads. They can fix this hopefully
2. No, and neither should they (order and forget it should be the standard in this business, that's to protect everyone involved) in my opinion as little as possible communication should be involved in these transactions. Actually we probably shouldn't be posting on here lmao
3. Sorry, I meant pharmacon ordered from basicstero
As I said before, I hope they clean some of these issues up.
Specifically when I mention illegal business, I meant I do believe they have wallet issues, these get routinely shut down. Also, I find it funny people who want these "Johnny on the spot" answers on what is going on. This is an illegal business and likely they would be erroneous in explaining exactly what is going on and when.
And yes I have been very happy with SAS products. My narrow example is this. I'm predisposed to acne and has always been my most pronounced side. Last summer I spent over $1000 on pharma/basic accutane.. did absolutely nothing. After only 30 days, SAS accutane has me dry as sand and my acne is disappearing.
Not totally defending everything. I didn't like waiting two weeks for a payment confirmation but until I truly don't get a pack or the feds are at my door I will continue to use this source.
Just my opinion
Seems you’re thinking about things in the wrong way. Members here are trying to prevent sources from those issues you have mentioned (not receiving packs and feds at your door).
Doing our best to keep sources in check and staying safe in the process is the entire point here.
Why would you want to wait for a bad outcome before you stopped?! When warning signs along the way could have prevented the bad outcome in the first place.
(Note: I’m speaking in general about sources overall and not about this particular source.)

