[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

This is why I got the stuff I got today. In an email through proton mail I voiced my frustration with what I ordered keeps changing or running out of one thing so I said some freebies would be nice. Low and behold I got a lot of freebies. Again I’m not one to ask for handouts but I was hoping for a pack of cialis or anavar but not this lol. Thanks sasquatch

Pfft, gear whore. :D (Kidding, of course.)
Believe me it’s the first time this has ever happened. Legit thought he sent me someone’s order
Believe me it’s the first time this has ever happened. Legit thought he sent me someone’s order
this kind of package being sent without my knowledge would be a huge issue for me and hopefully is a huge issue for all. I understand wanting to make a situation right if you feel you fucked up but you could send an email letting the client know what's happening. I had high hopes for this source.
Believe me it’s the first time this has ever happened. Legit thought he sent me someone’s order
At least ur happy about it .... it cool you got free shit ... but man that could have went real bad ... if he did that to me next he would be sending me Becca for the fuck up
Any of you guys that have tennis elbow does npp help you with that?
I actually have tennis elbow (acute tendonitis) until I started this cycle. Just running Cyp though. That and I cut out some of my activities that agitate it long enough for symptoms to subside completely. Constantly agitating it just makes me more prone to flare up. I bowl a 36 week league and by the time the season is over I can hardly sleep after league night.
Yea I’m just wondering cause I’m running sas npp for alittle over 2 weeks and I’m getting no relief and I thought I def would. I think I’m gonna switch over to another labs npp and see what happens.
Yea I’m just wondering cause I’m running sas npp for alittle over 2 weeks and I’m getting no relief and I thought I def would. I think I’m gonna switch over to another labs npp and see what happens.
You tried anything like chondroitin or glucosamine, turmeric and flax are good natural antiinflammatories. Also I take 3 grams of raw omega 3 oil daily.
Any of you guys that have tennis elbow does npp help you with that?
I think getting some soft tissue work will do alot more. Aka sports massage, Graston etc. It isn't really anything npp will help with. Getting the muscles to release will do more
I think getting some soft tissue work will do alot more. Aka sports massage, Graston etc. It isn't really anything npp will help with. Getting the muscles to release will do more
All NPP really does is put water in the joint not a fix really. Healing is the fix.
Thanks fellas I will give these things a try. I knew it wouldn’t fix it I just was lookin for alittle relief. I feel like I’m primed to shit like this. I’ve already had surgery on both my wrists for tendonitis. And it doesn’t help that I work with my hands every day
Thanks fellas I will give these things a try. I knew it wouldn’t fix it I just was lookin for alittle relief. I feel like I’m primed to shit like this. I’ve already had surgery on both my wrists for tendonitis. And it doesn’t help that I work with my hands every day

How much sugar you take in per day?

Processed Sugar is the most inflammatory thing we can put inside our bodies.
Here is our newest pastebin:


You guys never answered my question.

I’ll post it again for you. Let’s stop back tracking and avoiding it this time.

You stated you only keep information for 2 weeks before it’s deleted. But then sent a member extra gear... and followed this with “ we owed him from a long time ago from a mess up”

So why did you have his address for so long? And second the member didn’t even know he was getting a “replacement” you back tracked to the “ we owed him” excuse to cover your huge mistake.

Wonder how many other members address is truly not deleted.... after all, I don’t trust you since you obviously lied to all the members here and went ahead and hired a reshipper from the post you placed in the open backed by Becca saying “I’ll get with the new reshipper”
You guys never answered my question.

I’ll post it again for you. Let’s stop back tracking and avoiding it this time.

You stated you only keep information for 2 weeks before it’s deleted. But then sent a member extra gear... and followed this with “ we owed him from a long time ago from a mess up”

So why did you have his address for so long? And second the member didn’t even know he was getting a “replacement” you back tracked to the “ we owed him” excuse to cover your huge mistake.

Wonder how many other members address is truly not deleted.... after all, I don’t trust you since you obviously lied to all the members here and went ahead and hired a reshipper from the post you placed in the open backed by Becca saying “I’ll get with the new reshipper”
I'm guessing that was really someone else's actual order. It's possible on one end the info gets wiped but the new shipper does not adhere to this and is holding on to information. That means it's quite probable that every one's info since the hire of the new shipper is at risk Possibly more if the people taking orders and collecting money do not actually get rid of the information A lot of people have ordered here and that's a lot of evidence.