[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

You guys never answered my question.

I’ll post it again for you. Let’s stop back tracking and avoiding it this time.

You stated you only keep information for 2 weeks before it’s deleted. But then sent a member extra gear... and followed this with “ we owed him from a long time ago from a mess up”

So why did you have his address for so long? And second the member didn’t even know he was getting a “replacement” you back tracked to the “ we owed him” excuse to cover your huge mistake.

Wonder how many other members address is truly not deleted.... after all, I don’t trust you since you obviously lied to all the members here and went ahead and hired a reshipper from the post you placed in the open backed by Becca saying “I’ll get with the new reshipper”

If you go back and read @mdavid82 post he stated it was right at 2 weeks since his last order. I’m assuming that’s the order that was fucked up. Could be wrong tho. Be nice if he would clarify
We don't keep information past two weeks. We found his address in an email he had sent us. We should've let him know that we were sending freebies. We are very sorry about that.
We will now send confirmation email for freebies as well.

We don't keep information past two weeks. We found his address in an email he had sent us. We should've let him know that we were sending freebies. We are very sorry about that.
We will now send confirmation email for freebies as well.


Curious on why you choose 2 weeks. Time of order to td of package shouldn’t take more than like 5 days..so 1 week would be plenty..or until a conformation of td email is received which should be common practice anyway. The extra 9 days seems unnecessary
If you go back and read @mdavid82 post he stated it was right at 2 weeks since his last order. I’m assuming that’s the order that was fucked up. Could be wrong tho. Be nice if he would clarify
Yes it was a little over 2 weeks. Luckily I’ve ordered before and recognized the package. It’s all illegal and if I’m going to get busted I don’t think it would be a random package coming that gets me. If they wanted little old me they’d have me by now
I'm guessing that was really someone else's actual order. It's possible on one end the info gets wiped but the new shipper does not adhere to this and is holding on to information. That means it's quite probable that every one's info since the hire of the new shipper is at risk Possibly more if the people taking orders and collecting money do not actually get rid of the information A lot of people have ordered here and that's a lot of evidence.
Yeah I thought the same thing. 2 bottles of test and like 20 packs of orals? Should I list all the random shit that was in it so you have an idea? Anavar isnt cheap either
Yes it was a little over 2 weeks. Luckily I’ve ordered before and recognized the package. It’s all illegal and if I’m going to get busted I don’t think it would be a random package coming that gets me. If they wanted little old me they’d have me by now
Agreed but I can see how you’d be a little weary getting a package unannounced. Same thing happened to me from another lab but it was like 6 weeks later lol not good practice
Yea I’m just wondering cause I’m running sas npp for alittle over 2 weeks and I’m getting no relief and I thought I def would. I think I’m gonna switch over to another labs npp and see what happens.
It helps with mine but you'll need to give it a few more weeks