[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

You can get out of here with that shit. He has contributed more than you arrogant ass.
You can get out of here with that shit. He has contributed more than you arrogant ass.

You see, I've just read through so many of these meso pissing contests that I kinda got the bug to get involved in one myself. Where nobody addresses the point but instead make cheap Ad hom's on each other.

I make a point about something.

Other guy says: no, lol. you should read more. nice effort though.

I'm fine being wrong but prove me wrong. What dude said contributed nothing.
You see, I've just read through so many of these meso pissing contests that I kinda got the bug to get involved in one myself. Where nobody addresses the point but instead make cheap Ad hom's on each other.

I make a point about something.

Other guy says: no, lol. you should read more. nice effort though.

I'm fine being wrong but prove me wrong. What dude said contributed nothing.

You gotta expect that on a open forum. Those post just ignore and continue on with the discussion at hand.

I’ve ignored a ton of posts and just continued on with conversation. Hard to do, but keeps things on track.
Absolutely it will. I take 300mg of test cyp per week. Watson Prescribed. This yields me at around 700. But if I were to go off the 10x rule I’d be suing Watson pharmaceuticals.

Bloods aren’t the end all to quality of gear. I’m not even a squatch fan so I’m not defending this lab, but 2x shot a week will give you different results than 1x shot per week due to the time of testing. No way around this. The peak is what most test for and is evident with how many hours after the injection most take the test.

If I take 500mg shot and take test 72 hours after I will see a much different lab than if I take one shot on Monday, then my second shot on Thursday and then take test 72 hours after the last shot. It will be lower than the single shot.

That 700 is at the lowest point right? That seems like a pretty hefty dose to get into the low-middle ranges for normal.

I looked and the peak difference once steady state levels are achieved between 500mg once a week and 250mg twice a week, they are around 25%.
You see, I've just read through so many of these meso pissing contests that I kinda got the bug to get involved in one myself. Where nobody addresses the point but instead make cheap Ad hom's on each other.

I make a point about something.

Other guy says: no, lol. you should read more. nice effort though.

I'm fine being wrong but prove me wrong. What dude said contributed nothing.

You came in with a chip on your shoulder. You asked a question to which I chuckled and replied “no.”

Instead of inquiring as to why I stated “no” or even make the slightest attempt to gain any insight, you replied with a general statement of: I read a study. You’re wrong. But thanks for your input.

After your know it all attitude came forward I certainly did tell you “Good luck! Keep reading!”

Come here without a know it all attitude and as you can see people are MORE than willing to give quite detailed explanations. My replies to you were while I was BUSY at my desk at work. I stopped caring about your knowledge when you replied, “but thanks for your input.” and I went back to work.

I do regular blood work as well, which YOU don’t. So I know from experience as well that the 8-12 rule is nonsense.
You came in with a chip on your shoulder. You asked a question to which I chuckled and replied “no.”

Instead of inquiring as to why I stated “no” or even make the slightest attempt to gain any insight, you replied with a general statement of: I read a study. You’re wrong. But thanks for your input.

After your know it all attitude came forward I certainly did tell you “Good luck! Keep reading!”

Come here without a know it all attitude and as you can see people are MORE than willing to give quite detailed explanations. My replies to you were while I was at my desk at work. I stopped caring about your knowledge when you replied, “but thanks for your input.”

Any other gems of wisdom that you might lavish upon me if I massage your balls a little?

It's really hard to not respond to this post, lol. sorry roger
That 700 is at the lowest point right? That seems like a pretty hefty dose to get into the low-middle ranges for normal.

I looked and the peak difference once steady state levels are achieved between 500mg once a week and 250mg twice a week, they are around 25%.


The best I’ve had is around 880 almost 900. Wish that was at its lowest lol.
I certainly understand the peaks with the single larger shot vs. two smaller shots, but would still seem a little low. I attached the second page of my bloods from April, which was almost 8 weeks in on 500 Test Cyp/900 Primo/450 Mast. The test was my Rx'd Watson at 300mg a week, and then another UGL test cyp for the remaining 200mg(was using up some pharmacom and then into Dyel cyp at the time)

Pinning Sunday morning, Tuesday/Thursday evenings. Test draw was noon Friday and came back 3094. My IGF-1 was lower than I was expecting but after talking with another more learned board member, think it was tied to my low estradiol and excess adex. Was taking much less than last blast, but the mast and lower BF must have lowered my need.

Not bashing anyone, I actually picked up a little Sasq test and mast to try out, so would certainly rather see the gear on point, but the results mentioned above would at least seem a little low. That said, so many folks look to Roger Rabbit for a reason I suspect, from what I have read on here, he know far, far, far more than me and has shared that knowledge with many needing help.


  • April 2018 Test.pdf
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Right one time per week will give you a higher peak.

He is taking 2x per week at 250mg. That’s a big difference in peak levels.

Once per week will give higher peak levels and lower nadir levels.

So 600 mg split into two doses for example will never go below 3000 TT

Whereas once per week will be around 2300 TT at nadir.

(All numbers approximate may vary a little with individuals)

Study linked is at nadir.

There is no point a TT should read below 2000 for 500mg test. Thats where i personally draw the line.
So are we to just accept 1000's of ng/dl differences between individuals and labs as having little to no bearing on the quality of the gear?

That’s not what I said. But this persons blood that was the topic at hand is inconclusive.

We don’t have the actual paper to look at. We don’t have the time frame in which it took place and lots of other variables.

My blood is of the few that would skew everything and I typically don’t hold that into account when looking at other peoples blood.
No shit it account for what all is in the system at TIME OF TESTING.

It doesn’t account for HOW IT IS BEING USED.

Higher free test will utilize the testosterone FASTER! therefore lowering the TOTAL TEST OF TIME OF TESTING.

This is why you should see what your free test is when getting the report.

Bound test doesn’t do shit. So having a number of 8000 but free test 20 means shit. It’s not being utilized.

Do more reading before quoting and acting like and expert on something you clearly do not understand.

I dont give a shit HOW ITS BEING used. Im not that guy or his trainer.

Free test has nothing to do with wether or not Sasquatch test cyp is g2g or not. Which is of concern to me.
Once per week will give higher peak levels and lower nadir levels.

So 600 mg split into two doses for example will never go below 3000 TT

Whereas once per week will be around 2300 TT at nadir.

(All numbers approximate may vary a little with individuals)

Study linked is at nadir.

There is no point a TT should read below 2000 for 500mg test. Thats where i personally draw the line.

You are talking 12 points. It’s not that bad. I never said great and never said poor. It’s not that bad and again you don’t even know when he drew the blood so how can you come to a conclusion?
You are talking 12 points. It’s not that bad. I never said great and never said poor. It’s not that bad and again you don’t even know when he drew the blood so how can you come to a conclusion?

One point. "Its a little low".

Dont recall straying from it. 1800 is a little lower than 2000.

I also said i am waiting for more bloods. Some other said theyd be posting.

I've got to stop replying. You are clearly an idiot, and this is a tremedous waste of time. But these go straight to my email and im neurotic.
Well everything I read says you are wrong. All the other posted bloods of legit gear point to what I said being correct. Thanks for your input though.
It will still vary from person to person and how they respond to test. For example I had to take 900mgs weekly for my test to be in the 4000s.500 had me in the 2000s. So really there is no magical number. Tt is not the best indicator it is free test which shows what your body is doing with the excess test. Those 8-12 numbers tend to be mostly bro science. My Tt numbers were from tested legit gear.
500 a week split pins 48hr draw usually gets me 2300-2600. So if I hit 1800 I'd consider it low. I've never bought the 10x rule I just compare against my own bloods.
500 a week split pins 48hr draw usually gets me 2300-2600. So if I hit 1800 I'd consider it low. I've never bought the 10x rule I just compare against my own bloods.
That's the best way to do it. Our bodies just respond differently That's what I do as well.


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