[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I've personally come to find that I'll be relying on my bloods and only my bloods to determine my dosing and the effectiveness of the gear I am running. I will be posting my labs this coming weekend and if that helps someone great. If not then it certainly helps me understand where I am at. Unless you guys are buying FDA approved pharma and taking it as prescribed I'm not sure what your expectations are when you come to the underground. What my hopes are is that I make an informed decision, my transaction goes smooth, and the other party deletes all my info.

Does the gear work yes. Is it dosed properly? Probably close. Is there satisfied customers? Mostly. Have there been complaints of under dosed gear? Not aware that I've seen that complaint with SAS. I'm not in any way defending SAS. I've had my own set of issues with them. This is not the only lab out there. There is other things that concern me more than the accuracy of the dosage. Just haven't seen red flags in that department.

What we can do is keep each other informed. Provide each other with our individual knowledge and hopefully hold these labs to a certain level of accountability. These guys aren't running licensed laboratories and store fronts and we aren't a censored community. Lets keep that in mind and support each other in the MESO community. Members like @Roger rabbit have a pretty good base of knowledge and always contribute it to the community.
It’s cool and all. You guys can argue about this all day if you want, but did you see the Astros vs Indians game on Sunday? My and the ole lady went. McCuller has a no hitter for the first 5 innings which was impressive. We drank some beer. I ate a barbacoa burger. (Really might I ad)
And even though this one lady kept screaming to Springer ‘I love you papi’ I managed to keep my tren side at bay and didn’t throw her over the rails into center field.

Or we can continue to argue about 1x / 2x a week dosage and blood pull results. Whatever you guys wanna do ;)
It’s cool and all. You guys can argue about this all day if you want, but did you see the Astros vs Indians game on Sunday? My and the ole lady went. McCuller has a no hitter for the first 5 innings which was impressive. We drank some beer. I ate a barbacoa burger. (Really might I ad)
And even though this one lady kept screaming to Springer ‘I love you papi’ I managed to keep my tren side at bay and didn’t throw her over the rails into center field.

Or we can continue to argue about 1x / 2x a week dosage and blood pull results. Whatever you guys wanna do ;)
Was she hot?
Of course it’s counted in total test. No one is disputing this.

But you obviously don’t understand the correlation to bound test and free test and how the body utilized the testosterone in relation to the end out come.

So don’t call me retarded when you have ZERO understanding of the ENTIRE picture of how they are utilized.

I would spend time explaining this to you but like I said, im done spoon feeding you, because obviously you don’t listen and again zero knowledge of how this works. So like I said, keep reading RETARD.you are hung up on ONE number not how the outcome of that one number became the number.

There are no scientific articles available that even remotely claim high free test means your exogenous test is being metabolized faster. I've looked. Twice now. Not webMD not google scholar, nothing.

Feel free to prove me wrong and post one.

Did you make this up yourself..lol
There are no scientific articles available that even remotely claim high free test means your exogenous test is being metabolized faster and would result in a low TT value.

I've looked. Twice now. Not webMD not google scholar, nothing.

Feel free to prove me wrong and post one.

Did you make this up yourself..lol
There are no scientific articles available that even remotely claim high free test means your exogenous test is being metabolized faster. I've looked. Twice now. Not webMD not google scholar, nothing.

Feel free to prove me wrong and post one.

Did you make this up yourself..lol

How many blood tests have you done yourself? By your posts I’m guessing almost NONE!
It’s cool and all. You guys can argue about this all day if you want, but did you see the Astros vs Indians game on Sunday? My and the ole lady went. McCuller has a no hitter for the first 5 innings which was impressive. We drank some beer. I ate a barbacoa burger. (Really might I ad)
And even though this one lady kept screaming to Springer ‘I love you papi’ I managed to keep my tren side at bay and didn’t throw her over the rails into center field.

Or we can continue to argue about 1x / 2x a week dosage and blood pull results. Whatever you guys wanna do ;)
I have on thing to say to this

There are no scientific articles available that even remotely claim high free test means your exogenous test is being metabolized faster. I've looked. Twice now. Not webMD not google scholar, nothing.

Feel free to prove me wrong and post one.

Did you make this up yourself..lol

Wow! Simply wow.....

Your reading comprehension cannot be beyond 2nd grade.

Like I said before and will say again, I am done spoon feeding you. In time you will learn with enough reading on how things actually work.

And webmd lmfao... that’s your resource for information. So you obviously are a specimen who copies and paste to sound knowledable.

Get lost idiot.
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Wow! Simply wow.....

Your reading comprehension cannot be beyond 2nd grade.

Like I said before and will say again, I am done spoon feeding you. In time you will learn with enough reading on how things actually work.

And webmd lmfao... that’s your resource for information. So you obviously are a specimen who copies and paste to sound knowledable.

Get lost idiot.

Right so you have nothing.

What database doesnt google scholar and webmd cover?

You want me to list them?

National institure of health. Nothing.

Wiley. Nothing.

Journal of endocrinology. Nothing.

Im supposed to believe you have access to some information in a secret database that you arent sharing because "you dont want to spoon feed me."


Right so you have nothing.

What database doesnt google scholar and webmd cover?

You want me to list them?

National institure of health. Nothing.

Wiley. Nothing.

Journal of endocrinology. Nothing.

Im supposed to believe you have access to some information in a secret database that you arent sharing because "you dont want to spoon feed me."



I have plenty. But I’m not engaging or willing to even continue to share anything with your arrogant know it all attitude.

It really is basic on how the body utilizes free testosterone and is COMMON knowledge that BOUND testosterone is not able to be utilized.

Your searching incorrectly fool, so continue to chastise because your only making a fool of yourself.
I have plenty. But I’m not engaging or willing to even continue to share anything with your arrogant know it all attitude.

It really is basic on how the body utilizes free testosterone and is COMMON knowledge that BOUND testosterone is not able to be utilized.

Your searching incorrectly fool, so continue to chastise because your only making a fool of yourself.

Thats not being argued.

FT reading is unimpprtant in this context.

TT is and is unaffected by FT.

YOUR claim that a high FT means testosterone is being metabolized faster is utter bullshit you pulled out of your ass.

If im searching wrong, search right and post an article that proves me wrong.

Youre going to say you wont because you dont wanna spoon feed me etc.

But the reality is you cant, because it doesnt exist.

Broscience retard.
Is there any circumstances where total test will be mediocre, but free test is high? I can understand that free test is important, but under what circumstances would total test be low (over time) but free test be high? Wouldn't they both have to be high in order to consider a test dose successful?
Why don't you assholes start your own fucking thread for this. This is a source thread and now your clogging it.
Thats not being argued.

FT reading is unimpprtant in this context.

TT is and is unaffected by FT.

YOUR claim that a high FT means testosterone is being metabolized faster is utter bullshit you pulled out of your ass.

If im searching wrong, search right and post an article that proves me wrong.

Youre going to say you wont because you dont wanna spoon feed me etc.

But the reality is you cant, because it doesnt exist.

Broscience retard.
Is there any circumstances where total test will be mediocre, but free test is high? I can understand that free test is important, but under what circumstances would total test be low (over time) but free test be high? Wouldn't they both have to be high in order to consider a test dose successful?
Is there any circumstances where total test will be mediocre, but free test is high? I can understand that free test is important, but under what circumstances would total test be low (over time) but free test be high? Wouldn't they both have to be high in order to consider a test dose successful?
Quoted the wrong post above..

Thats not being argued.

FT reading is unimpprtant in this context.

TT is and is unaffected by FT.

YOUR claim that a high FT means testosterone is being metabolized faster is utter bullshit you pulled out of your ass.

If im searching wrong, search right and post an article that proves me wrong.

Youre going to say you wont because you dont wanna spoon feed me etc.

But the reality is you cant, because it doesnt exist.

Broscience retard.

It’s not bullshit but ok. Bound test cannot be used, it’s the free test. Unbinding test results in free test which is then utilized.

Done arguing with you and clogging thread up. So carry on idiot. One day you will close your mouth and learn.

Good day, sir.