[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

No he’s just doing the 250mg 2x per week.

Still I woulda thought it’d be higher since on 200mg 1x/wk his test was only lower by ~500 points, but of course levels can fluctuate day to day and even within the same day so the only way to know is either more blood work or at least knowing when/times both were taken.

Anyone using the latest batch of test e have blood work or plan on getting any?
I certainly understand the peaks with the single larger shot vs. two smaller shots, but would still seem a little low. I attached the second page of my bloods from April, which was almost 8 weeks in on 500 Test Cyp/900 Primo/450 Mast. The test was my Rx'd Watson at 300mg a week, and then another UGL test cyp for the remaining 200mg(was using up some pharmacom and then into Dyel cyp at the time)

Pinning Sunday morning, Tuesday/Thursday evenings. Test draw was noon Friday and came back 3094. My IGF-1 was lower than I was expecting but after talking with another more learned board member, think it was tied to my low estradiol and excess adex. Was taking much less than last blast, but the mast and lower BF must have lowered my need.

Not bashing anyone, I actually picked up a little Sasq test and mast to try out, so would certainly rather see the gear on point, but the results mentioned above would at least seem a little low. That said, so many folks look to Roger Rabbit for a reason I suspect, from what I have read on here, he know far, far, far more than me and has shared that knowledge with many needing help.

When did you order? We'll send that batch in for testing so there is no guessing.

@Roger rabbit can you elaborate on why?

Vitamin B6 is a surprisingly effective prolactin inhibitor that is extremely cheap and safe: One human study showed a single 300mg dosage of B6 exerts ***8216;a hypothalamic dopaminergic effect***8217; which causes a ***8216;significant decrease of plasma prolactin***8217;(1); Another found that 300mg of B6 taken twice a day by 10 normal women lowered prolactin levels and slightly but significantly raised growth hormone levels. The authors concluded: ***8216;The effect of vitamin B6 is likely to be mediated by dopaminergic receptors at hypothalamic level***8217;(2); Another study found B6 to significantly reduce ***8216;opioids-induced hyperprolactinemia***8217;(3); This study on men found that ***8216;Pyridoxine (B6) suppresses the rise in prolactin and increases the rise in growth hormone induced by exercise***8217;(4); And a study on male rats found that, ***8216;Pyridoxine hydrochloride significantly suppressed the chlorpromazine-induced prolactin rise (p less than 0.01). However, the suppression was significantly less than that produced by bromocriptine (p less than 0.01)***8217;(5). [Note: The last study shows B6 to be less effective than Bromocriptine as a prolactin inhibitor but, stacked with vitamin e and SAM-e, along with some of the secondary prolactin inhibitors I list at the bottom of the page, effects comparable to bromocriprine can be achieved.] The vast majority of people receive the very low RDA for vitamin b6 (2mg) from their diets so this isn***8217;t an issue of correcting a deficiency. It appears, instead, that extra vitamin B6, i.e. around 600mg spread throughout the day, acts in a drug like manner to lower prolactin levels. It***8217;s important to realize, however, that the RDA for B6 is set extremely low and many people benefit from getting considerably more than 2mg per day of this vitamin. Vitamin B6 in high doses has been shown in studies to: - Reduce high blood pressure. - Improve mood and combat depression - Lower blood sugar levels in diabetics - Act as an effective calcium channel blocker A very high dose of B6 may act as a prolactin inhibitor in certain people by correcting a functional deficiency of this vitamin that can occur. Inflammation in the body can create a greater demand for B6 so bodybuilders and athletes may require more of this vitamin. Pyrolurics, according to Dr. Carl Pfeiffer and Dr. Abram Hoffer, have an increased need for zinc and B6. People suffering from this illness create abnormally high levels of chemicals called kryptopyrroles, which bind to zinc and B6 in the body, creating deficiencies in both. The standard treatment for pyroluria is high dose zinc and B6 supplementation, typically 50-150 mg and 250-1500 mg respectively (way above the RDA for both).

Side effects: High doses of B6 taken for many months can cause nerve problems such as tingling in the fingers and numbness in the toes (peripheral neuropathy); B6 can also worsen sleep quality in some people and cause vivid dreams. Fortunately, these problems completely resolve once B6 supplementation is stopped and, since it is water soluble, this won***8217;t take too long.

Ways around these side effects: One way to avoid the ***8216;finger tingling***8217; that high dose B6 can cause is to take the activated form of B6 called Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P) - the activated form of B6 does not cause these nerve issues. In fact, the reason that high dose B6 causes nerve problems is that the body can***8217;t always process very high B6 doses properly and this creates a deficiency of the active form of B6, P5P.

Recommended dosage: To lower prolactin levels I would recommend you take 50 to 200mg of P5P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which as I've mentioned can sometimes cause minor side effects, take 300 to 1000 mg per day in divided doses. Read the label before you buy B6 because the Pyridoxine Hydrochloride type of B6 (in most supplements) has been shown to be a prolactin inhibitor but Pyridoxal hydrochloride has been shown to be ineffective at lowering prolactin (6) ***8211; make sure you buy the right type!
Honestly this is a great conversation for the community to have.
Ok Good. Start a new thread. These Juniors have beat this to death with Senior members trying to inform them and egos, arrogance, and my dick is bigger has taken over. Jump over start a thread and run it a 1000 pages. Inform and arm people with facts or bro science or whatever.

This is a forum and there are plenty of avenues to make points, inform, and be informed rather than this thread.:eek:
TD on replacement pack after I recieved erroniously crimped mast-e. They absolutely hooked it up. Trying to figure out how to get bloods in NJ - been running around 900mgs of test e for 5 weeks, 500 deca for 1 week, and 500 mast e for 1 week.

How should i approach the bloods to gather as much actionable knowledge as possible
TD on replacement pack after I recieved erroniously crimped mast-e. They absolutely hooked it up. Trying to figure out how to get bloods in NJ - been running around 900mgs of test e for 5 weeks, 500 deca for 1 week, and 500 mast e for 1 week.

How should i approach the bloods to gather as much actionable knowledge as possible

Nice cycle! You gaining a lot of size/ strength?
Nice cycle! You gaining a lot of size/ strength?
Strength is going through the roof. I havnt been eating for crazy mass yet, but once this deca reaches peak levels ill be eating 3.5k cals a day.

Loving this cycle but the mast seems to make it feel like I swam in olive oil all night, besides that its beautiful.
Yeh the Mast got me oily like a teenage boy. Add in the test and equi and its like I use oil to wash my face and shoulders instead of acne scrub. I'm using 3 different acne washes, astringent, stridex pads, and some acne spot cream shit. My God.
Been following boards for a year plus. Never bothered to create an account till.

Timing was good on order. But when I got the order of var and novlo, two bags were unmarked. They said it was supposed to be var.

I used Labmax test kit on the var from the labeled bag. Looks like winny to me.

Looks like bad var from @Sasquatch Labs.



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Been following boards for a year plus. Never bothered to create an account till.

Timing was good on order. But when I got the order of var and novlo, two bags were unmarked. They said it was supposed to be var.

I used Labmax test kit on the var from the labeled bag. Looks like winny to me.

Looks like bad var from @Sasquatch Labs.

Well well well. This should be fun. Popcorn should me out the microwave in just a second. And go.

Looks like the only bag you've opened in the pictures is an unmarked bag. Scratching head.
Well well well. This should be fun. Popcorn should me out the microwave in just a second. And go.

Looks like the only bag you've opened in the pictures is an unmarked bag. Scratching head.

Yeah I opened the un marked bag to see if there was a label inside. Then took the pic and emailed them. I only included that pic to prove I bought their stuff.

Then my test kit arrived yesterday and tested this morning. Figured I would post the results as the more senior members have been giving them a hard time. Figured it was justified.

I only bought off them as I wanted to try var with my cycle of test e this summer, and my local guy does get var.
Yeah I opened the un marked bag to see if there was a label inside. Then took the pic and emailed them. I only included that pic to prove I bought their stuff.

Then my test kit arrived yesterday and tested this morning. Figured I would post the results as the more senior members have been giving them a hard time. Figured it was justified.

I only bought off them as I wanted to try var with my cycle of test e this summer, and my local guy does get var.
That was kind of my point as well. The pic was kind of suspect at first look. I'm sure there will be a field day over this. I buy my var elsewhere.
TD. 3 days. Overall happy. Vacuumed pack, thank you!
But you gentlemen tell me...is this a properly filled 10ml vial? 75% of my order was like this. I'm not angling for anything. I'm just into full disclosure.


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Been following boards for a year plus. Never bothered to create an account till.

Timing was good on order. But when I got the order of var and novlo, two bags were unmarked. They said it was supposed to be var.

I used Labmax test kit on the var from the labeled bag. Looks like winny to me.

Looks like bad var from @Sasquatch Labs.

Should be olive for var. I've used lab max for winny... and it looked like what you have there.