[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Your numbers look good based on your doses. Your liver count is just barely out of range, AST and ALT can get very high in athletes just from hard training and lots of protein. Test and estro numbers are great. I mean I prefer to run my E2 on the high side of normal, so if you’re not experiencing any symptoms then rock on.

Thank you very much man. Your information makes me feel relieved. Thank you.
Low weight high reps and dial in the diet. I'm spending at least 2 hours a day in the gym and feel like I need to be there longer when I leave.
My friend, after the sixth week I started to feel never ending energy. Yes, I'm pushing same weaghas before AAS but that's intentional, I have my own home gym and spending three hours daily and still feel like i wanna keep on pushing. Life is good man.
1) Your liver count is just barely out of range,

2) AST and ALT can get very high in athletes just from hard training and lots of protein.

3) I mean I prefer to run my E2 on the high side of normal, so if you’re not experiencing any symptoms then rock on.

1) agreed

2) that depends upon how very high is defined

Some atheletes may experience mild LFT changes since these enzymes are found in both the LIVER and SKM

Such increases are thought to be the result of “cellular leak” which
typically occurs in
unconditioned athletes

However a change greater than 3 times a abs reference range warrants prompt discontinuation if PED, esp ORALS.

3) agreed but bc HTN is often asymptomatic, deliberate monitoring is of paramount importance

Wow. I'm super sensitive to adex twice a week crashed my estro to <10.

What was your baseline E-2 level?

Were you running any other PEDS ?

Did this change occur during PCT

Why were you running an AI?

What asssy (LC/MS or ELISA) was

Although aromatase activity varies from one individual to the next, studies have shown it’s VERY difficult to reproduce the clinical effects of AIs many on PED forums refer to as a “crashed” E-2

And in cases such as yours the distinction/difference almost always lies in the details

So if you think that's low you think another 250 a week would be overkill.

Week 7
Test Cyp 500mg e3d
Equi 300mg e3d
Mast P 100mg eod
Var 50mg Daily

Brought in Equi and Mast at week 5. Started Var this week. Running in caloric deficit.

Why are you pinning C and EQ so frequently? I’m sure you know they both are long esters. Once-twice a week is plenty. Are you doing this because you are already pinning the Mast and just want to include more drugs in your pin?
Update on Var:

Ive been on SAS var for almost 4 weeks now 75/ed but i havent really felt much of anything and for some reason my joints were feeling weird. I decided to do a lab max and here are the results:

20180604_234613_Burst01.jpg 20180605_001058.jpg

Used a scale and 1.1 mg of powder.
I think it is Anavar, so awesome for that!

However im thinking its underdosed by a good amount. I ordered when all that crazy shipping and resupplier was going on (order took over 2 weeks) so maybe they were rushed to fill orders. I would send it into a lab but have no idea where to send it anymore since I know lab max is sketchy.

Will up the does to 100/ed for the next weeks but ill run out soon. Keep you guys updated
Update on Var:

Ive been on SAS var for almost 4 weeks now 75/ed but i havent really felt much of anything and for some reason my joints were feeling weird. I decided to do a lab max and here are the results:

View attachment 91662 View attachment 91663

Used a scale and 1.1 mg of powder.
I think it is Anavar, so awesome for that!

However im thinking its underdosed by a good amount. I ordered when all that crazy shipping and resupplier was going on (order took over 2 weeks) so maybe they were rushed to fill orders. I would send it into a lab but have no idea where to send it anymore since I know lab max is sketchy.

Will up the does to 100/ed for the next weeks but ill run out soon. Keep you guys updated
Hey man, we use an industrial mixer to mix everyone of our orals. No brewing or capping went on during those hectic days, it had everything to do with our business setup. I can assure you your anavar is well mixed!

Why are you pinning C and EQ so frequently? I’m sure you know they both are long esters. Once-twice a week is plenty. Are you doing this because you are already pinning the Mast and just want to include more drugs in your pin?
C and eq are twice a week Wed. and Sat.
Update on Var:

Ive been on SAS var for almost 4 weeks now 75/ed but i havent really felt much of anything and for some reason my joints were feeling weird. I decided to do a lab max and here are the results:

View attachment 91662 View attachment 91663

Used a scale and 1.1 mg of powder.
I think it is Anavar, so awesome for that!

However im thinking its underdosed by a good amount. I ordered when all that crazy shipping and resupplier was going on (order took over 2 weeks) so maybe they were rushed to fill orders. I would send it into a lab but have no idea where to send it anymore since I know lab max is sketchy.

Will up the does to 100/ed for the next weeks but ill run out soon. Keep you guys updated
No pumps? I'm running a different labs Anavar and at one week I've got mild acid reflux, pumps, and a slight decrease in appetite.
No pumps? I'm running a different labs Anavar and at one week I've got mild acid reflux, pumps, and a slight decrease in appetite.

Nope. I thought it was weird too. Strength hasnt gone up crazy either. Normal progression as it would on test which i am on already... I took 100 mgs today havent worked out yet but ill update. Lab max showed it was probably var so I think its underdosed or im just not reacting to it.

We'll see with 100mg
Nope. I thought it was weird too. Strength hasnt gone up crazy either. Normal progression as it would on test which i am on already... I took 100 mgs today havent worked out yet but ill update. Lab max showed it was probably var so I think its underdosed or im just not reacting to it.

We'll see with 100mg
Who else has or is running SAS Var and what is your experience?
1) agreed

2) that depends upon how very high is defined

Some atheletes may experience mild LFT changes since these enzymes are found in both the LIVER and SKM

Such increases are thought to be the result of “cellular leak” which
typically occurs in
unconditioned athletes

However a change greater than 3 times a abs reference range warrants prompt discontinuation if PED, esp ORALS.

3) agreed but bc HTN is often asymptomatic, deliberate monitoring is of paramount importance


Thank you Dr Jim, you're one of the respected members here and I value your advice. however, I'm not well versed in this subject and having really hard time figuring out what you meant to say in simple English, meaning should I cut something or add something or stop something or what, I'm I doing something wrong? again, highly appropriate your input.
Proviron is OOS.

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