[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Here we go. This is 50 hours after last injection. It was exactly 5 weeks 500mg a week SAS Test Cyp. For some reason they didn't give me my free test which was supposed to be included in the test through LabsMd and Quest Diagnostics just a heads up if anyone plans to go that route for private testing. I've been taking SAS Anastrozole .5mg twice a week and will be cutting back to once a week since my Estradiol was <10. View attachment 91443

Thanks for sharing
I’m posting this in here because the Test E is from Sasquatch and I will update when I get bloods. The prop and anavar are from a different source. I wanted to get the prop here but after I got the test e all the nonsense began and I didn’t trust making another order. I used anavar last cycle for 6 weeks as a kick start because I was impatient. Any opinions on using var how I’ve laid it out below? Any other advice is also welcome. I’ve done 3 previous test e cycles at 500mg/week, only adding in the var with my last one. Was advised to throw in the prop to start Pct sooner.

-Week 1-12Test E - 500mg/week
-Week 12-14 Test P - 500mg/week
-Week 1-4 Var 50mg/day
-Week 9-14 Var 75mg/day
-Week 4-14 Hcg 250iu x 2/week
-Adex on hand for estro control if needed
-PCT to start day 4 after last test p pin
-Tudca or similar liver support for duration of anavar use.
Here we go. This is 50 hours after last injection. It was exactly 5 weeks 500mg a week SAS Test Cyp. For some reason they didn't give me my free test which was supposed to be included in the test through LabsMd and Quest Diagnostics just a heads up if anyone plans to go that route for private testing. I've been taking SAS Anastrozole .5mg twice a week and will be cutting back to once a week since my Estradiol was <10. View attachment 91443
Thanks for sharing
Here we go. This is 50 hours after last injection. It was exactly 5 weeks 500mg a week SAS Test Cyp. For some reason they didn't give me my free test which was supposed to be included in the test through LabsMd and Quest Diagnostics just a heads up if anyone plans to go that route for private testing. I've been taking SAS Anastrozole .5mg twice a week and will be cutting back to once a week since my Estradiol was <10. View attachment 91443

Thank you. Email us for store credit.

Your bloodwork has been added.

Sorry nvm. Just found the url in the paste bin. Theres paper work on most but i cant the paper work on tren mast or nppp. Maybe im not navigating it correctly. Any help?

I believe those were done by a customer through Analyzer. We didn't have the raw data sent to us, and I don't think it's possible to retrieve now.

I ran a kick start with the TBol while waiting for the test to kick in. Absolutely loved it. Strength went through the roof - took 2 caps a day - highly recommend. Previous Tbol usage was from PPL international - not even close to the results.

Anyone have any experience with Sas's accutane? Between the mast/ high test/ and deca - I'm about to turn into a 280lb sebatious cyst at this rate.
Yes, been running their accutane for almost two months. Absolutely legit. I spoke of this earlier in the thread. I previously wasted a lot of money on basic iso.
I’m posting this in here because the Test E is from Sasquatch and I will update when I get bloods. The prop and anavar are from a different source. I wanted to get the prop here but after I got the test e all the nonsense began and I didn’t trust making another order. I used anavar last cycle for 6 weeks as a kick start because I was impatient. Any opinions on using var how I’ve laid it out below? Any other advice is also welcome. I’ve done 3 previous test e cycles at 500mg/week, only adding in the var with my last one. Was advised to throw in the prop to start Pct sooner.

-Week 1-12Test E - 500mg/week
-Week 12-14 Test P - 500mg/week
-Week 1-4 Var 50mg/day
-Week 9-14 Var 75mg/day
-Week 4-14 Hcg 250iu x 2/week
-Adex on hand for estro control if needed
-PCT to start day 4 after last test p pin
-Tudca or similar liver support for duration of anavar use.

Waste of var to “ kickstart”

Research myostatin.

Also running 500mg test e the entire cycle you will see demished gains/ plateau around the 8-9 week mark.

I’d suggest one of the following.

First half of cycle run 400mg test last half run 650mg test

Or run 500 mg test first half then last half run 750mg test

Myostatin is a bitch especially on long cycles, around the 8 week mark it starts to catch up. You need to either 1. Add another compound or 2. Up the dosage.

In your case being 14 weeks long I would up the dosage around the 9 week mark maybe even the 8 week point.

The var at end of cycle looks good.
Yes, been running their accutane for almost two months. Absolutely legit. I spoke of this earlier in the thread. I previously wasted a lot of money on basic iso.
Thank you. What dosage are you taking?

BTW: Its been 4 weeks since I started Sas Deca - lift killing joint pain has totally subsided with proper water intake and sodium restriction. Took a while to kick in but at 500mgs a week it is fastly becomming a favorite add on (with mast to help control e / water)
Waste of var to “ kickstart”

Research myostatin.

Also running 500mg test e the entire cycle you will see demished gains/ plateau around the 8-9 week mark.

I’d suggest one of the following.

First half of cycle run 400mg test last half run 650mg test

Or run 500 mg test first half then last half run 750mg test

Myostatin is a bitch especially on long cycles, around the 8 week mark it starts to catch up. You need to either 1. Add another compound or 2. Up the dosage.

In your case being 14 weeks long I would up the dosage around the 9 week mark maybe even the 8 week point.

The var at end of cycle looks good.

Thanks for the advice, its greatly appreciated. I’ll def be switching up and running it how you suggested. Wish I would’ve done this previously!
Thank you. What dosage are you taking?

BTW: Its been 4 weeks since I started Sas Deca - lift killing joint pain has totally subsided with proper water intake and sodium restriction. Took a while to kick in but at 500mgs a week it is fastly becomming a favorite add on (with mast to help control e / water)
I am truly predisposed. I have had acne my whole life but missed the boat before they made you jump through all the hoops to get it through the doctor. So my dose might be too much for you. I started at 60 mg split 20 morning / 40 night. up to 80 split 40 / 40 and now 100 split 40 / 60 . I'm very dry and lips are cracking so I will probably stay at 100 mg for another 30 days or so and taper back down.
If you only get acne on gear you could possibly use far less.
Here we go. This is 50 hours after last injection. It was exactly 5 weeks 500mg a week SAS Test Cyp. For some reason they didn't give me my free test which was supposed to be included in the test through LabsMd and Quest Diagnostics just a heads up if anyone plans to go that route for private testing. I've been taking SAS Anastrozole .5mg twice a week and will be cutting back to once a week since my Estradiol was <10. View attachment 91443
Seems pretty Damn low to me at that dose.