[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Then WTF is wrong with my cycle? Am I injecting them in the wrong buttock or something? Fuck.

What’s wrong with your numbers? I just looked at them again. Is this your first time? Not calling you a noob... but, what makes you think they are low?

You have ZERO baseline bloods am I correct? And you are making a blind incorrect assumption I’ll gladly explain for you again if needed.
And sometimes people lurk because some people just like to rip on noobs. Granted, noobs say and do dumb things...

They do, don't they?

i don't see what's so hard about signing up, posting a short intro and then relating experiences you've had, mixing it up with guys, having a good time.

Instead, alot of these noobs sign up and within their first three posts, their telling us how wonderful it is to have source cock in their ass. Then they get defensive when called out.

Ugh, what a world!
Yea I saw that. I wanted to see #’s that weren’t trt. And I’ve heard mixed things on the 10x rule. Thanks

In comparison to the 10x rule. Does a 2000 square foot house in Florida need the same size ac unit in Alaska same excact house? Everyone and everything is different. Some test may be higher with lab corp than quest. Who really knows all variables. All you can do is send out for testing. Or do 6 weeks script test then 6 weeks ugl then decide on your own. Rule of thumb shit is garbage.

Just reread this. Wanna clarify I'm not coming at you at all. Sorry if it seemed that way.
They do, don't they?

i don't see what's so hard about signing up, posting a short intro and then relating experiences you've had, mixing it up with guys, having a good time.

Instead, alot of these noobs sign up and within their first three posts, their telling us how wonderful it is to have source cock in their ass. Then they get defensive when called out.

Ugh, what a world!
Or don’t read and want spoon fed or come here looking for a source :rolleyes:
They do, don't they?

i don't see what's so hard about signing up, posting a short intro and then relating experiences you've had, mixing it up with guys, having a good time.

Instead, alot of these noobs sign up and within their first three posts, their telling us how wonderful it is to have source cock in their ass. Then they get defensive when called out.

Ugh, what a world!

It's weird.... I came here for an education and found out that there's some cool people on here. I honestly didn't get a lot of static from guys...probably because I made it clear I was new, posted an intro, and read threads and stickies. I don't understand sucking off a source...they're a dime a dozen. I've literally got gear from a bunch of sources..you don't have to settle for shitty service.
Or don’t read and want spoon fed or come here looking for a source :rolleyes:

Very true. Which reminds me of yesteryear. Squach, do you mind if i go off topic for a moment? Of course you don't.

Every time i read someone say that sources are hard to find, i can't help but laugh to myself and think back to the days when i was on Anabolex and busts were going down.

Open source posting was a banable offense, shit, just mentioning source names could get you the boot.

Wanna talk about it being hard to find a source? Those were rough times, but we still had our ways. The point being, finding a source nowadays is like finding a slut at the bar. You can't go to the john to take a piss without bumping into several of them.

Oh, god bless these noobs. Without them, i would probably have half the posts i do now. :D;)

Now back to our regularly scheduled program...
In comparison to the 10x rule. Does a 2000 square foot house in Florida need the same size ac unit in Alaska same excact house? Everyone and everything is different. Some test may be higher with lab corp than quest. Who really knows all variables. All you can do is send out for testing. Or do 6 weeks script test then 6 weeks ugl then decide on your own. Rule of thumb shit is garbage.

Just reread this. Wanna clarify I'm not coming at you at all. Sorry if it seemed that way.
No not at all bro. I actually agree and think what you said makes exact sense. Everyone is different.
Very true. Which reminds me of yesteryear. Squach, do you mind if i go off topic for a moment? Of course you don't.

Every time i read someone say that sources are hard to find, i can't help but laugh to myself and think back to the days when i was on Anabolex and busts were going down.

Open source posting was a banable offense, shit, just mentioning source names could get you the boot.

Wanna talk about it being hard to find a source? Those were rough times, but we still had our ways. The point being, finding a source nowadays is like finding a slut at the bar. You can't go to the john to take a piss without bumping into several of them.

Oh, god bless these noobs. Without them, i would probably have half the posts i do now. :D;)

Now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Your first paragraph on this one is pure gold
I made a post a few days ago about the fill lines. Sasquatch was 100% correct, the vials are different sizes. My apology for the over sight.
Is testicular atrophy a definite?
I’ve ran NPP and tren multiple times and everytime my balls shrank to like half the size.
I’ve just finished 8weeks of sas NPP @700mg with 700mg prop and now I’m on 350mg tren with 350mg prop and nothing.
I’m busting loads like a porn star.
Is testicular atrophy a definite?
I’ve ran NPP and tren multiple times and everytime my balls shrank to like half the size.
I’ve just finished 8weeks of sas NPP @700mg with 700mg prop and now I’m on 350mg tren with 350mg prop and nothing.
I’m busting loads like a porn star.

Nice, we've moved from mass spec to labmax to ball size. ;)
