[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Lol my man. Yea I remember him answering me. Maybe I’m retarded but why would he post pharma grade results in his paste bin? Shouldn’t they be results of Sasquatch gear. I’m confused

He was using the SAS test on top of his TRT dosage, so the numbers would be higher with the extra test proving his test is dosed properly, but it doesn’t really work unless you have bloods on just TRT dosage
He was using the SAS test on top of his TRT dosage, so the numbers would be higher with the extra test proving his test is dosed properly, but it doesn’t really work unless you have bloods on just TRT dosage

I generally see testosterone produce bloodwork levels in ng/dL at 5-10x the person's weekly dosage. So at 200mg/wk, let's say he has levels between 1000-2000 ng/dL from the TRT prescription. So then our test prop would be contributing between 1800-2800 ng/dL. At 350 mg/wk of prop, that would give a multiplier between 5-8x.

But you're right. These are just guesses and it's mainly there to show that there's test prop in our test prop.

It appears someone was running a small dose of Prop alongside their TRT.

If they had/have consistent blood work from their TRT, then it all makes sense, would be nice to be able to compare the two, otherwise it's a kind of a useless number.

Edit: 200 mgs prescribed put him at "TRT levels" so, yeah, that number is useless without the TRT numbers to compare.
That’s what I mean. So basically there’s nothing on the test c.
Yea I saw that. I wanted to see #’s that weren’t trt. And I’ve heard mixed things on the 10x rule. Thanks
Hold tight bud I'm going to post a 500mg wk cyp result as soon as labmd or quest gives me the damn thing. Holiday weekend got results slowed up. They told me 24-48hrs and at most 5 business days. So between today and Friday I'll post them.
So, I got my bloods back for the Test Cyp from around April. Funny enough, this should be the same batch as the test Cyp that the guy with the low bloods had. These bloods are from test Cyp 250mg twice a week totaling 500mg/week. Drawn after 48-50 hours.

Testosterone, Free+Total LC/MS Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 3452.3 HIGH 264.0-916.0 ng/dL 02

Free Testosterone(Direct) >50.0 HIGH 9.3-26.5 pg/mL 02 **Results verified by repeat testing**

I can post the whole thing if that's whats required. There is personal info in the report though so someone would have to help me out with clearing that before I do.

Very pleased with these numbers.
Hold tight bud I'm going to post a 500mg wk cyp result as soon as labmd or quest gives me the damn thing. Holiday weekend got results slowed up. They told me 24-48hrs and at most 5 business days. So between today and Friday I'll post them.
My man! Thanks for the contribution.
So, I got my bloods back for the Test Cyp from around April. Funny enough, this should be the same batch as the test Cyp that the guy with the low bloods had. These bloods are from test Cyp 250mg twice a week totaling 500mg/week. Drawn after 48-50 hours.

Testosterone, Free+Total LC/MS Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 3452.3 HIGH 264.0-916.0 ng/dL 02

Free Testosterone(Direct) >50.0 HIGH 9.3-26.5 pg/mL 02 **Results verified by repeat testing**

I can post the whole thing if that's whats required. There is personal info in the report though so someone would have to help me out with clearing that before I do.

Very pleased with these numbers.
Great #’s bro
So, I got my bloods back for the Test Cyp from around April. Funny enough, this should be the same batch as the test Cyp that the guy with the low bloods had. These bloods are from test Cyp 250mg twice a week totaling 500mg/week. Drawn after 48-50 hours.

Testosterone, Free+Total LC/MS Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 3452.3 HIGH 264.0-916.0 ng/dL 02

Free Testosterone(Direct) >50.0 HIGH 9.3-26.5 pg/mL 02 **Results verified by repeat testing**

I can post the whole thing if that's whats required. There is personal info in the report though so someone would have to help me out with clearing that before I do.

Very pleased with these numbers.

Awesome. Thanks! We added the info to our pastebin.
Email us for store credit if you haven't done so already.

So, I got my bloods back for the Test Cyp from around April. Funny enough, this should be the same batch as the test Cyp that the guy with the low bloods had. These bloods are from test Cyp 250mg twice a week totaling 500mg/week. Drawn after 48-50 hours.

Testosterone, Free+Total LC/MS Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 3452.3 HIGH 264.0-916.0 ng/dL 02

Free Testosterone(Direct) >50.0 HIGH 9.3-26.5 pg/mL 02 **Results verified by repeat testing**

I can post the whole thing if that's whats required. There is personal info in the report though so someone would have to help me out with clearing that before I do.

Very pleased with these numbers.

Then WTF is wrong with my cycle? Am I injecting them in the wrong buttock or something? Fuck.
Yes, been running gear for 3+ years. Started here, found through a google search haha. Its a great place to lurk for info reasons only. Add in the paranoia of being illegal, why put yourself out there at all? Smart people listen without always speaking ;)
And sometimes people lurk because some people just like to rip on noobs. Granted, noobs say and do dumb things...
Been following boards for a year plus. Never bothered to create an account till.

Timing was good on order. But when I got the order of var and novlo, two bags were unmarked. They said it was supposed to be var.

I used Labmax test kit on the var from the labeled bag. Looks like winny to me.

Looks like bad var from @Sasquatch Labs.


I'm not big on labmax. All though not a terrible idea either. If you use too much product it will alter the final color. Using not enough will also I beleive. So labmax for me has showed fails on Watson TRT script test. It's ultimately your decision on how to proceed. If you load up on var for a few weeks your lipids will be out of wack. I've never ran any other oral so I won't know what they do. End of the day you have to protect yourself. If u don't wanna chance it. Toss the var. see if he will give a few vials test in place. Or take the loss. Or say fuck it. Down it and see what happens.
TD. 3 days. Overall happy. Vacuumed pack, thank you!
But you gentlemen tell me...is this a properly filled 10ml vial? 75% of my order was like this. I'm not angling for anything. I'm just into full disclosure.

Looks like thinner and thicker vials to me in pic.