[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Pack received 2 days after shipping confirmation, seems like their shipping times are back to usual.

Wish they would just shut down and restock instead of keeping everyone in the dark and accepting payments then not sending packs for 3 weeks like they did.
Pack received 2 days after shipping confirmation, seems like their shipping times are back to usual.

Wish they would just shut down and restock instead of keeping everyone in the dark and accepting payments then not sending packs for 3 weeks like they did.

This is what we'll be doing if we run into any similar scenario.

Not looking good @Sasquatch Labs. Mixing var up with winny is a very big health risk especially when a lot of people buy var for their women. You potentially really messed with people's health with this screw up. This is not a simple shipping error. Please new members and old stop buying products from this lab they are quickly going downhill. We have seen this play out over and over again. The outcome is never good for anyone. New members study this thread and take note how a lab can start out fairly decent and go to shit very quickly. This lab is the very reason why people tell you to read and do your homework before ordering from a lab.
This is what I worry bout also. Seems like expensive var turns out to be cheap winny or Dbol a lot of the time. If a lab can’t even test something as crucial as var. they aren’t testing I’m getting var from meditech and at the least testing it with best known lab now. Shady everywhere
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This is what I worry bout also. Seems like expensive var turns out to be cheap winny or Dbol a lot of the time. If a lab can’t even test something as crucial as var. they aren’t testing I’m getting var from meditech and at the least testing it with best known lab now. Shady everywhere

Except we did have it tested. In a lab.
Don't go by labmax.

I have no doubt those are the real lab results but even huge companies like Pcom have an entire page of their wedsite devoted to showing us how awesome and pure their product is and even they manage to somehow send out bad product on occasion. Not saying this is you. Im just trying to cover my bases before placing an order. Do you have any paperwork from the lab with the test results described that you can show us? Thank you in advance
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Sorry nvm. Just found the url in the paste bin. Theres paper work on most but i cant the paper work on tren mast or nppp. Maybe im not navigating it correctly. Any help?
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Anyone tried the tren A or Tbol? Share that experience
I ran a kick start with the TBol while waiting for the test to kick in. Absolutely loved it. Strength went through the roof - took 2 caps a day - highly recommend. Previous Tbol usage was from PPL international - not even close to the results.

Anyone have any experience with Sas's accutane? Between the mast/ high test/ and deca - I'm about to turn into a 280lb sebatious cyst at this rate.
Here we go. This is 50 hours after last injection. It was exactly 5 weeks 500mg a week SAS Test Cyp. For some reason they didn't give me my free test which was supposed to be included in the test through LabsMd and Quest Diagnostics just a heads up if anyone plans to go that route for private testing. I've been taking SAS Anastrozole .5mg twice a week and will be cutting back to once a week since my Estradiol was <10. SmartSelect_20180601-084710_Drive.jpg