[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

i was thinking along those same lines the other day.

If a source scammed, then returned and tried to make it right and apologized, they would never hear the end of it, and be told to fuck off in every other post, if not every post.

IMO, this situation should be no different.
That isn’t completely true. @purplepandalabs scammed me and their 1000 page thread keeps growing, especially with new names looking for a source.
Since you are running mast I would go with 500mg of the test.

If you see you are getting into a platue towards end of cycle around the 9-10th week that is when I might add in the extra 250mg test.

And good decision on running the dbol at end of cycle. You will love it
That's a good idea. I was planning on running the dbol week ten so if I hit a plateau I can really get over it adding the dbol and extra test. At 500 I probably won't even have to run my ai until I add the dbol. I'm getting bloods Tuesday and I'll probably start it the same day. Don't think I'll run a log this time but will post all of my blood work as usual.
That isn’t completely true. @purplepandalabs scammed me and their 1000 page thread keeps growing, especially with new names looking for a source.

i wouldn't go as far as saying you were scammed. They lived up to their end of the transaction, but you (like many) couldn't tolerate M840.

Granted, they could fix it for you, wouldn't be a huge loss to them, but at the same time, it isn't up to the source to know whether you can tolerate a particular carrier oil or not.
i wouldn't go as far as saying you were scammed. They lived up to their end of the transaction, but you (like many) couldn't tolerate M840.

Granted, they could fix it for you, wouldn't be a huge loss to them, but at the same time, it isn't up to the source to know whether you can tolerate a particular carrier oil or not.
I always thought they should have fixed it with store credit, customer pays for shipping. Would have been a cheap fix
It's very unlikely that you drew exactly 1.00mL every time (notice the decimal place).
You could have drew 1.15mL 9 times leaving you with 0.6mL for the last pin - which assumes we fill it to 11mL. If it was a flat 10mL, then drawing 1.04mL 9 times would leave you with 0.6mL.


This exactly.

I laugh when guys think that this is an exact science.

All I ask from a lab is that the compound I'm paying for is what I'm getting. That it doesn't contain any contamination and that it is within 10% one way or the other of what the label claims.

The reality is very rarely is anyone drawing up EXACTLY 1ml of anything.

Hypothetically let's say I'm doing 700mg of tren ace per week at 1ml per day along with 525 mg per week of test p at .75 ml per day, mast p at 525 week at .75 ml per day and 350 npp per week at .5 ml per day.

So my syringe contains 3ml per day. And I can get really darn close to right on that number. Now can I swear that I have exactly 1ml of tren a, .75 ml test p, .75 mast p and .5 npp in each syringe. I can guarantee I DON'T but I get fairly close on each.

The reality is my training, diet, sleep and other factors make a hell of a lot more difference in my performance and look than whether I got 648 mg of tren during the week or 726 mg or 489 mg of test p versus 537 and the same with the other two compounds.

While it makes sense to get as close to what you want to inject as possible no one should believe for a second anyone that this is an exact science.
i wouldn't go as far as saying you were scammed. They lived up to their end of the transaction, but you (like many) couldn't tolerate M840.

Granted, they could fix it for you, wouldn't be a huge loss to them, but at the same time, it isn't up to the source to know whether you can tolerate a particular carrier oil or not.
True, but I think they claimed no mig when they started out. Anyways, not trying to hijack this thread, just a little bitter about how this went down. Back to Sasquatch related things.
2 years, 1st post, 3 day shipping from a source that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn when it comes to a steady t/a?

Sound legit

Idk why my account got refreshed maybe due to inactivity I went on a 13 month mandator vacation like Akon. I just tought I'd put my 2 cent
@Sasquatch Labs maybe a dumb question but I’m confused why it says (pharma) next to the testing for test cyp in your paste bin??

That is under the bloodwork section. A customer was running 200mg per week of pharm grade Test C prescribed by his doctor which would put him at TRT levels. He also was running our Test Prop at ~ 50mg/day which combined put his test at 3814ng/dL.

We just finished making Test C. It will be sent in ASAP for testing. Its melting point verifies and color checks out.


You now have me doing SAS's work. I'm triggered.
@Sasquatch Labs maybe a dumb question but I’m confused why it says (pharma) next to the testing for test cyp in your paste bin??

It appears someone was running a small dose of Prop alongside their TRT.

If they had/have consistent blood work from their TRT, then it all makes sense, would be nice to be able to compare the two, otherwise it's a kind of a useless number.

Edit: 200 mgs prescribed put him at "TRT levels" so, yeah, that number is useless without the TRT numbers to compare.
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