[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Exactly right. I might or might not run another cycle this year, but I will go back to TRT dose next month. But I can run a cycle anyway I want when I want. If your going to do it do it right. No half ass shit here. Probably got three solid cycles on hand.

Goodonya. Whish I could afford to do it like that!
If you can’t do it right from the start why even get involved doing aas.. if you think that is a lot .. go see how many kits of hgh some guys have in hand
If you can’t do it right from the start why even get involved doing aas.. if you think that is a lot .. go see how many kits of hgh some guys have in hand
I can run one hell of a bulk, a couple of Tren and Test cycles, and a good cut. I also have enough that I can bump up a cycle or throw another compound in if I desire to. Currently I have 6 compounds on hand.
I got 10 bottles of TNE heated all of them up on candle warmer and checked them and they are all good. Got about 30 other bottles of assorted compounds from SAS and they are all good as well.
I got 10 bottles of TNE heated all of them up on candle warmer and checked them and they are all good. Got about 30 other bottles of assorted compounds from SAS and they are all good as well.
Hey dude take off that zip code in your screen name and I know exactly what gym you go to.. the shitty leg press machine is a giveaway..
Only one contaminated bottle. To be honest never thought I'd be in possession of any contaminated gear. Just goes to show how complacent and comfortable we can get. Honestly feel a little better having checked everything. Just as an added measure from here forward everytime I crack a cap and sterilize the top I'll also be visually inspecting the gear.
Only one contaminated bottle. To be honest never thought I'd be in possession of any contaminated gear. Just goes to show how complacent and comfortable we can get. Honestly feel a little better having checked everything. Just as an added measure from here forward everytime I crack a cap and sterilize the top I'll also be visually inspecting the gear.
It happens .. if he’s a good source he’ll make it right somehow..there’s a small percentage that take pride in what they do ..