[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I just received my mid cycle bloodwork. This is my first ever cycle and I only used Sasquatch Test E 250mg throughout the 7 weeks (average 2.5 cc wkly) up to bloodwork. I have full log if needed.
I'm pretty sure the numbers are good considering my pre cycle testosterone level came back at 150 ng/dl. I'm definetly a TRT'r for life. Have a look..

Your Test levels, was that at 250/week?!
Or was that 625mg per your 2.5cc/weekly?
What are your sides? Cycle?

I’m on week 2 at 30mg/day. Two main things are the lethargy and my gut. Every time I eat I get extremely bloated and can’t seem to digest my meals. I haven’t changed anything with my diet except add in a little more carbs. Feeling toxic in general...
Anyone used the mast prop and how did you like it? Noticed it's like the only thing with less than stellar testing which is ironically the one thing I need in a pinch