[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Alright guys... best site/place to order needles in bulk? Number one answer gets tit pics

I got my non insulin syringe and needles from allegro medical, they got a shit ton of bad reviews for delivery which I noticed after I ordered but I got my shit the same day it was shipped and didn’t even go for expedited shipping, just normal. $34 for 100 pack of needles/syringes and a 100 pack of needles including shipping.
Sorry just did my math wrong..... I’ll be pinning 2.5 ml at a time. Sorry for the confusion

What are you running and dosing? Lay it out and we’ll be able to tell you if it looks right. 2.5 ml in one injection is still a lot at once for someone with your level of experience.
You know I could lay it out for you but I guarantee all you have on your mind is negativity and talking shit. I won’t say dosage but I’ll running:

Test E
Tren A ( go ahead and tell me
How bad it is for me to be running this... )

And a pct after
You know I could lay it out for you but I guarantee all you have on your mind is negativity and talking shit. I won’t say dosage but I’ll running:

Test E
Tren A ( go ahead and tell me
How bad it is for me to be running this... )

And a pct after

How often are you pinning the Tren. Again, my only concern is how you got to 2.5 cc.
You know I could lay it out for you but I guarantee all you have on your mind is negativity and talking shit. I won’t say dosage but I’ll running:

Test E
Tren A ( go ahead and tell me
How bad it is for me to be running this... )

And a pct after
These negative assholes can save your life if you listen. Never think you know it all about AAS. It’s serious shit
You know I could lay it out for you but I guarantee all you have on your mind is negativity and talking shit. I won’t say dosage but I’ll running:

Test E
Tren A ( go ahead and tell me
How bad it is for me to be running this... )

And a pct after
These negative assholes can save your life if you listen. Never think you know it all about AAS. It’s serious shit
No way shape or form have I said I know it all. I’m just tired of people saying to stay away from tren.... instead of preaching about it cause I’m gonna do it anyway. Have helpful advice
No way shape or form have I said I know it all. I’m just tired of people saying to stay away from tren.... instead of preaching about it cause I’m gonna do it anyway. Have helpful advice

Why would anyone waste time giving you advice when you have the mindset like that. "Only give me advice I want to hear because that's the only advice I'll follow".

Although I disagree with @Roger rabbit about running tren in your first cycle just because I believe you should get the ropes of supernatural levels of test, pinning itself, and enjoying the incredible gains of a test only (maybe var also) cycle before you add in the strongest AAS side effect wise and ratio wise substance like tren A - you should listen to him and other experienced members on this board. Grow a thicker skin too and stop being such a baby-back-bitch.
No way shape or form have I said I know it all. I’m just tired of people saying to stay away from tren.... instead of preaching about it cause I’m gonna do it anyway. Have helpful advice
You’re 24 and built like a girl I used to know. Come on man, do what you want but Test and a proper diet would do wonders for you. Without even touching Tren. But you won’t listen. Go ahead and run it at 1000 a week until your limbs turn green.
I placed another order for test. Communication was on point like always. Im just hoping everything goes out before the shutdown