[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Anyone ever run accutane and stopped it while waiting for a pack to land. I finally got about 90% of my acne cleared and ordered my next 3 months supply with what should have been sufficient time to not run out but now I'm waiting. Basically wanna know if this is going to be like 2 steps forward and 1 step back. I plan to run it for several months after clearing all acne for what is hopefully permanent effects.

If a gap is detrimental Could you possibly go to a dermatologist and get a script?
yeah dude promised everything would be shipped yet 4 days later no confirmation. But when it came to sending the cash he was responding pretty darn fast
yeah dude promised everything would be shipped yet 4 days later no confirmation. But when it came to sending the cash he was responding pretty darn fast
Yep, he is very quick to respond to take our money but is a ghost after he receives it. I will be surprised if I receive anything at this point. Shouldn’t have spent sooo much money with him this time around.
I really hope he comes through
He already said he would be gone from the 28th till the 4th. Dudes got family stuff going on. Last I heard from him was Sunday at 930 pm. I've got an outstanding order waiting as well so I know how you guys are feeling. But worrying isn't going to do any good other than put some unneeded strain on yourself. His communication has always been sketchy at best.
@kendallkmw..man that sucks, i had that happen to me too..I asked how much it would be w/o insurance they said about 350$ for a months supply..Frick that i just waited until everything got settled and now pay 12$....
@kendallkmw Hey bro, how's the leg healing up? Hope all is well, glad to hear your girl is down to let you blast! My wife is cool with it as well, as long as I'm careful about it. :cool:
Leg is great. Thanks for asking. Spent the better part of a month down. Lost some strength and a few pounds. I'm on the rebound now. Having a hard time finding a balance with the gym again. It will get there, and with my girl letting me blast I don't have to act like it's not important to me.

I never thought I'd have her support. Not only does she support me but she has taken the time without me knowing to educate herself on it. As long as I'm taking care of myself, staying up on labs, and keep a level head she will support it. It's one thing to meet the woman of your dreams, but to have one that I can be honest and open with is amazing.

We're not all blessed with that. I would have never hid it from her and even stopped after the hospitalization. We we're just picking up speed in the relationship at that point and hadn't spoken our commitment to each other. Things changed and I felt I needed to be honest about the fact that I was blasting when we stuck our toes in the water.
@kendallkmw..man that sucks, i had that happen to me too..I asked how much it would be w/o insurance they said about 350$ for a months supply..Frick that i just waited until everything got settled and now pay 12$....
They cancelled my policy without even informing me there was a paperwork error. So now I'm just waiting for it to be active again.
Anyone ever run accutane and stopped it while waiting for a pack to land. I finally got about 90% of my acne cleared and ordered my next 3 months supply with what should have been sufficient time to not run out but now I'm waiting. Basically wanna know if this is going to be like 2 steps forward and 1 step back. I plan to run it for several months after clearing all acne for what is hopefully permanent effects.

You are fine. It is a VERY LONG acting drug despite it's half-life. It gets absorbed into the body and changes things physiologically which takes time to reverse.

I've stopped long-term use and seen acne clear up for months afterwards.
Mines cool as well, makes life easier haha. Shes gonna do my pins next cycle actually.
My wife is cool with it as well. I was having a hard time pressing the plunger at the angle I had it in my glute so I asked my wife to help... she turned as white as a ghost when she pulled the needle out. We found out that day that she has some sort of needle phobia. I use a 22g needle now so it is easier to inject when I want to hit a hard to reach area.
Its stressful when this hairy cunt has the communication skills of a cardboard box but all I can say without being too bias is that at the end of the day everyone has gotten the gear they have ordered.
Sounds good man. Yeah I have no room to be upset if I don’t receive my stuff. I know the risk and I knew what I was getting myself into. Appreciate the feedback.