[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

This isn't exactly SAS related but I decided I was going to stop blasting because I thought it'd be a deal breaker with my girl. So I just sat her down and had the talk. I stopped blasting two days after we started talking. She told me she knew I was juicing. She does my TRT injections already. I have the blessing that she don't care and won't tell me what to do with my body as long as I'm level headed and smart about what I'm doing. Boom life is good.
Same AF Told my girl I was going to do a cycle and she has been nothing but supportive honesty its always better unless they are against it in which case lie your fucking eyeballs out they’ll love the results long time
@Sasquatch Labs
Hey Dino get back to me ASAP. You said you were going to take care of my order. My order had been f***** up four times now with no testosterone in it. You gave me $100 credit and just made me pay shipping and I really appreciate it. You said it had been shipped last week. It's been 8 days now and still hasn't landed. The most it's been is three or four days for a pack to land. Someone please get back to me
Any of you get lethargic on Tren Test cycle? My last cycle I didn’t feel this way at all but this current cycle I don’t want to do shit. I don’t even want to workout. I have to drag my ass into the gym, once I am working out it is great but then I want to sleep for the rest of the day. I sleep pretty well at night so not feeling like that is the problem. Anyone else here feel like this?
Any of you get lethargic on Tren Test cycle? My last cycle I didn’t feel this way at all but this current cycle I don’t want to do shit. I don’t even want to workout. I have to drag my ass into the gym, once I am working out it is great but then I want to sleep for the rest of the day. I sleep pretty well at night so not feeling like that is the problem. Anyone else here feel like this?

Lethargy a known side effect for Tren.

Even if you’re sleeping, Tren fucks with the sleep cycle so you don’t ever get into the restful deep sleep. Instead you spend most of the night in the less restful REM sleep (dream sleep) which is why everyone talks about the fucked up Tren dreams. I had the same feelings. Have to really motivate to get going on the workout, the workouts were awesome once I started, and then you only feel like laying around and sleeping.
Lethargy a known side effect for Tren.

Even if you’re sleeping, Tren fucks with the sleep cycle so you don’t ever get into the restful deep sleep. Instead you spend most of the night in the less restful REM sleep (dream sleep) which is why everyone talks about the fucked up Tren dreams. I had the same feelings. Have to really motivate to get going on the workout, the workouts were awesome once I started, and then you only feel like laying around and sleeping.
I have been doing a lot of research on this subject and have read that Tren can also lower your t3 so taking a t3 sup at 25-50mcg ed is a good way to combat the lethargy. Have you heard anything like this?
I have been doing a lot of research on this subject and have read that Tren can also lower your t3 so taking a t3 sup at 25-50mcg ed is a good way to combat the lethargy. Have you heard anything like this?

This is true... however, I do not find that t3 supplementation helps with lethargy. It's part of the grind. When you feel tired, you fuckin push through that shit.

50mcg is a bit high for just a "replacement" dose. That's more of a cut cycle dosage. 25mcg is what is prescribed for replacement therapy. I would start there if doing t3 for "replacement."
I have been doing a lot of research on this subject and have read that Tren can also lower your t3 so taking a t3 sup at 25-50mcg ed is a good way to combat the lethargy. Have you heard anything like this?

It definitely doesn’t surprise me because Tren does a lot of fucked up shit to the body. You run it, feel like crap, swear that you’ll never touch it again, and then when your planning your next cycle you’re like “aaaaand I’ll throw just a little Tren in there too....”

I just hammer thru it. I’m not going to start fucking with the thyroid now too. You can handle anything for just 8 weeks!
@Sasquatch Labs
Hey Dino get back to me ASAP. You said you were going to take care of my order. My order had been f***** up four times now with no testosterone in it. You gave me $100 credit and just made me pay shipping and I really appreciate it. You said it had been shipped last week. It's been 8 days now and still hasn't landed. The most it's been is three or four days for a pack to land. Someone please get back to me

Man you do know that he said he would be out for a while right ? And I’m pretty sure someone a couple pages back said that his shipper dicked around and didn’t get all the packages out like he was suppose too....
I run high Test with my Tren about a 5:4 ratio and don't have sleep or lethargy problems. I also run high Mast E along side it, and this run im running NPP at 200mg a week just for a slight therapeutic purpose.
Any of you get lethargic on Tren Test cycle? My last cycle I didn’t feel this way at all but this current cycle I don’t want to do shit. I don’t even want to workout. I have to drag my ass into the gym, once I am working out it is great but then I want to sleep for the rest of the day. I sleep pretty well at night so not feeling like that is the problem. Anyone else here feel like this?
Par for the course - grab some pre w/ dmha to help in the gym
It definitely doesn’t surprise me because Tren does a lot of fucked up shit to the body. You run it, feel like crap, swear that you’ll never touch it again, and then when your planning your next cycle you’re like “aaaaand I’ll throw just a little Tren in there too....”

I just hammer thru it. I’m not going to start fucking with the thyroid now too. You can handle anything for just 8 weeks!
Tren mimics dopamine in the body which causes you to produce less of it - magnesium will help with some of the tren sides but like you said, most of it will just require a mental push
Any of you get lethargic on Tren Test cycle? My last cycle I didn’t feel this way at all but this current cycle I don’t want to do shit. I don’t even want to workout. I have to drag my ass into the gym, once I am working out it is great but then I want to sleep for the rest of the day. I sleep pretty well at night so not feeling like that is the problem. Anyone else here feel like this?
This last tren cycle I did have a lethargic feeling that lasted the first few weeks I was on. I didn’t want to workout or anything but it went away and I had great results
Didn't have this experience last time I ran SAS gear but I'm 3 weeks into my second blast with his gear and seeing more profound changes with the same exact gear then the last blast. Currently running Test Cyp 500mg, Tren A about 400mg, Mast E 500mg, and NPP 200mg. I kicked the Mast E with Mast P.

I'm seeing the most rapid hardening and fullest look I've had. Vascularity is off the charts for me. I'm running in a slight deficit and leaning out quicker than I could have imagined. Definitely don't have any placebo effect stuff going on here people are noticing already. Not sure why this blast is hitting hard and quick. My diet hasn't been as on point though still very clean and my training hasn't been dialed up like it was the last blast. My bodies response this run is a 180 from my last blast.

I did drop my last blast several weeks early and in turn started this one early. My pre blast bloods had my Total Test at 1054 ng/ml, Free Test at 48 pg/dl, and Estradiol at 6.2 pg/dl. Everything else in my labs was spot on. My blood pressure is 130/70.
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A good friend of mine started SAS NPP at 150mg Eod two weeks ago. Joint pain is gone. No doubt the NPP is legit.

Call it bro science if you want but as an over 50 long time elite level powerlifter he knows a lot about joint pain and exactly what it takes to relieve it in his body.
A good friend of mine started SAS NPP at 150mg Eod two weeks ago. Joint pain is gone. No doubt the NPP is legit.

Call it bro science if you want but as an over 50 long time elite level powerlifter he knows a lot about joint pain and exactly what it takes to relieve it in his body.
I'm running at about 60mg e.o.d. strictly for my joints.
There is absolutely NEVER a dull moment to spend on reading the content in these threads.... LMFAO
Cheers to the top ten atrophied nut shot Sass-a-sac club!
Oprah needs to open up shop, FREE GEAR FOR EVERYONE!!!!!

Anyone know how to add a gif to the thread?
Sometimes they are just better than what words can express.
Didn't have this experience last time I ran SAS gear but I'm 3 weeks into my second blast with his gear and seeing more profound changes with the same exact gear then the last blast. Currently running Test Cyp 500mg, Tren A about 400mg, Mast E 500mg, and NPP 200mg. I kicked the Mast E with Mast P.

I'm seeing the most rapid hardening and fullest look I've had. Vascularity is off the charts for me. I'm running in a slight deficit and leaning out quicker than I could have imagined. Definitely don't have any placebo effect stuff going on here people are noticing already. Not sure why this blast is hitting hard and quick. My diet hasn't been as on point though still very clean and my training hasn't been dialed up like it was the last blast. My bodies response this run is a 180 from my last blast.

I did drop my last blast several weeks early and in turn started this one early. My pre blast bloods had my Total Test at 1054 ng/ml, Free Test at 48 pg/dl, and Estradiol at 6.2 pg/dl. Everything else in my labs was spot on. My blood pressure is 130/70.

Do you know what your test levels were at while on the 500mg of test. I'm just looking for a real measure of potency before i buy.