[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Just got my stuff ... took like 9 days.. longer then i expected but considering it was a labor day not so bad at all
Do you know what your test levels were at while on the 500mg of test. I'm just looking for a real measure of potency before i buy.

The numbers that are posted on the paste bin's bloods section (most recent down low) seem to be legit and unedited by sas. Only problem is data discrepancies batch by batch.
Off topic question: we all know ketoconazole (nizoral) can help with androgenic alopecia but has anyone ever tried using it to prevent body hair growth and if so was it helpful?
I've used nizoral but didn't seem to be effective towards unwanted body hair growth. Although, I Didn't use it for that purpose either. I was thinking bout getting the old lady to wax me
I've used nizoral but didn't seem to be effective towards unwanted body hair growth. Although, I Didn't use it for that purpose either. I was thinking bout getting the old lady to wax me

Yea I’m kinda doubtful of its effectiveness but I have a leftover tube of nizoral cream + the shampoo, doesn’t hurt to try, well maybe I’ll create resistant yeast if I’m not careful lol

I wanna start waxing, shaving is getting to be a pain and the stubble comes in by the time I finish showering.
Yea I’m kinda doubtful of its effectiveness but I have a leftover tube of nizoral cream + the shampoo, doesn’t hurt to try, well maybe I’ll create resistant yeast if I’m not careful lol

I wanna start waxing, shaving is getting to be a pain and the stubble comes in by the time I finish showering.
Be careful with the nare
I wanna start waxing, shaving is getting to be a pain and the stubble comes in by the time I finish showering.

That would get expensive real quick. Unless you are gonna be waxing at home. Im a hairy motherfucker myself. Shaving and trimming with clippers is a pain in the ass. I’m bald too, so I shave my head as well. I like my nuts and shaft smooth also! Good on Hairy’s razors for helping out wid dis kneegrow.
That would get expensive real quick. Unless you are gonna be waxing at home. Im a hairy motherfucker myself. Shaving and trimming with clippers is a pain in the ass. I’m bald too, so I shave my head as well. I like my nuts and shaft smooth also! Good on Hairy’s razors for helping out wid dis kneegrow.

Yea I looked at some places and all of the areas add up to like a cpl hundred $s, did hear about one of those Asian “massage” girls offers waxing in her house + a tug for a $120 lol, so it’s either that or do it at home. Damn this body hair is relentless, and testosterone has turned once hairless areas hairy :(:mad:
this thread is starting to get as gay as the SP thread, over there you have to suck a donkey off and some other unspeakable things just to order the gear