[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Btw SAS emailed me yesterday about a fresh order. I think the hairy fuck is inbound.
I’m little fucking annoyed by SAS. His make it right pack for my TNE mishap was ordered a week before his disappearance and he stated all packs would be shipped that weren’t. Got a message last night saying it’ll be out ASAP. What’s that shit. Almost 3 week’s and can get that right. Getting to where you gotta plan shit a month in advance. Probably wouldn’t be so irritated if it wasn’t a supposed to be let’s make this right.
I’m little fucking annoyed by SAS. His make it right pack for my TNE mishap was ordered a week before his disappearance and he stated all packs would be shipped that weren’t. Got a message last night saying it’ll be out ASAP. What’s that shit. Almost 3 week’s and can get that right. Getting to where you gotta plan shit a month in advance. Probably wouldn’t be so irritated if it wasn’t a supposed to be let’s make this right.
On another forum he stated he had left for a min due to family issue and would return the 4th.
On another forum he stated he had left for a min due to family issue and would return the 4th.
No shit man. We’re all aware of that and all packs paid for by the 28th we’re supposed to be shipped before for his departure. Mine was taken care of a week before that.
Do you know what your test levels were at while on the 500mg of test. I'm just looking for a real measure of potency before i buy.

I had Blood’s done not too long ago. My base is 150 T. I was doing 600 mg a week and my bloods came back just shy of 3,600 T on SAS Test E. Their NPP is spot on too.
Quads are my go to! I remember my first beer:D

I love pinning quads except when running prop which is what I’m running now. My quads hate prop. My lats are taking it well though, in fact I have yet to even draw blood pinning lats. And that’s with 1.8cc per barrel. Who knew? Lats, delts and glutes all day.
I love pinning quads except when running prop which is what I’m running now. My quads hate prop. My lats are taking it well though, in fact I have yet to even draw blood pinning lats. And that’s with 1.8cc per barrel. Who knew? Lats, delts and glutes all day.
Haven't pinned lats yet. Is there certain area where to hit when pinning?

I put 3cc's in the quads on a regular basis:cool:
Haven't pinned lats yet. Is there certain area where to hit when pinning?

I put 3cc's in the quads on a regular basis:cool:

I hit the middle lower part of the lat. So basically I cross my arm and touch the opposite ribs. This will flair out your lat a bit while relaxed, then just pick a nice meaty section before you put your arm overhead before you sterilize and pin. First time I pinned 1cc in each lat just to try it out. It came with some virgin muscle pip but nothing too bad. A few days later it was good to go for a 2cc pin and minimal pip. I’m very pleased to have found a couple new spots, but I do miss pinning quads. Used to have no problems. I think they’re mad at me for pushing em too hard haha
I've been on Sasquatch tren for about a month now. It's good stuff. Better than the Pharmacom tren I used last year. It would be nice if I could order more! Need some more test and I was gonna try their Sust. Give him a couple more days then forced to order from somewhere else.
I never touch quads anymore. The last two times I hit a nerve. Leg jumped and pushed the needle in deeper. Always makes me limp for a week. Delts for me all the way and sometimes glutes.

As soon as I stuck my quad it was instant soreness. And yeah I’m limping on mine too. Im worried that this same soreness is gonna be transferred to my delts when I do those.... if my arms feel anything like my quad does I’ll prolly just fall over dead
As soon as I stuck my quad it was instant soreness. And yeah I’m limping on mine too. Im worried that this same soreness is gonna be transferred to my delts when I do those.... if my arms feel anything like my quad does I’ll prolly just fall over dead
My supplier used to use coconut oil, but even in my quads I would get terrible PIP, but never in my delts. Now he uses MCT and I get PIP anywhere I pin, but the worst is in my quads.
My supplier used to use coconut oil, but even in my quads I would get terrible PIP, but never in my delts. Now he uses MCT and I get PIP anywhere I pin, but the worst is in my quads.
Is it strange that the pain in my quad is not exactly where I pinned ? It’s more the top side of my quad then the side where I pinned? I just feel like I did my first leg day ever.