[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Anyone had Sasq’s DHB crash?

Second pin into my 2nd vial of Sasq’s DHB and noticed it had crashed, big cluster of crystals like a puffy cloud in the bottom of the vial. Thinking maybe due to the cooler temp in my home this time of year. It all went back into solution after heated up for a while—so will see if it stays or crashes again. Just curious if anyone else had similar experience.
Has anyone had issue with swelling on testosterone? Noticed yesterday my hand felt swollen and couldn't take my ring off then tried on my watch and it was tight. Then last night my girl notice that my left foot was swollen as well any thoughts
Has anyone had issue with swelling on testosterone? Noticed yesterday my hand felt swollen and couldn't take my ring off then tried on my watch and it was tight. Then last night my girl notice that my left foot was swollen as well any thoughts
Cyp or E? Speaking from a Test E standpoint only (no source specific), I retain water like a mofo. No issues with Cyp. Not sure if you’re referring to water retention, but it sounds like it. Obvious question - are you drinking at least a gallon of water daily?
Anyone had Sasq’s DHB crash?

Second pin into my 2nd vial of Sasq’s DHB and noticed it had crashed, big cluster of crystals like a puffy cloud in the bottom of the vial. Thinking maybe due to the cooler temp in my home this time of year. It all went back into solution after heated up for a while—so will see if it stays or crashes again. Just curious if anyone else had similar experience.
Hey man,

DHB is very likely to crash due to the nature of the compound, but warming it up will release the hormone back into the oil and will make pinning feel smoother. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Cyp or E? Speaking from a Test E standpoint only (no source specific), I retain water like a mofo. No issues with Cyp. Not sure if you’re referring to water retention, but it sounds like it. Obvious question - are you drinking at least a gallon of water daily?
Test e. I would say less than a gallon for sure. Would increasing my water intake lower my water retention. It just worries me cause it's only happening onn1 side of my body
Test e. I would say less than a gallon for sure. Would increasing my water intake lower my water retention. It just worries me cause it's only happening onn1 side of my body

More water does equal less water retention.

Also, is you sodium intake consistent? Fluctuation sodium intake can lead to more water held.

Are you sure it’s just one side of body? How would this be determined? Is your left half of face more swollen than the right? ( just making a funny here) but on a serious note how is it being determined?
Has anyone had issue with swelling on testosterone? Noticed yesterday my hand felt swollen and couldn't take my ring off then tried on my watch and it was tight. Then last night my girl notice that my left foot was swollen as well any thoughts

sounds like high e2 to me. Ar you taking an AI?
More water does equal less water retention.

Also, is you sodium intake consistent? Fluctuation sodium intake can lead to more water held.

Are you sure it’s just one side of body? How would this be determined? Is your left half of face more swollen than the right? ( just making a funny here) but on a serious note how is it being determined?
By sticking one foot next to the other and trying my watch on the other wrist?
sounds like high e2 to me. Ar you taking an AI?

Negative on the ai I will start taking tonight and see what happens through the week. I'm 7 weeks in on the cycle
Negative on the ai I will start taking tonight and see what happens through the week. I'm 7 weeks in on the cycle[/QUOTE]

7 weeks in and no AI? I would bet my life that thats the issue. Try some arimidex at .25mg and report back. It should help a bit if not enough take another .25mg.
Test e. I would say less than a gallon for sure. Would increasing my water intake lower my water retention. It just worries me cause it's only happening onn1 side of my body
I’m not surprised you said Test E. Few believe me, but it treats me different from Cyp. I second the suggestion of E2 and taking an AI and definitely get that water in you.
I’m not surprised you said Test E. Few believe me, but it treats me different from Cyp. I second the suggestion of E2 and taking an AI and definitely get that water in you.
Pretty sure most know how I feel already but I am not a fan of test e at all
By sticking one foot next to the other and trying my watch on the other wrist?
Negative on the ai I will start taking tonight and see what happens through the week. I'm 7 weeks in on the cycle

No AI will definitely cause water retention. Your E2 could def be high. How is your libido? Anyhow, as suggested, get some adex or aromasin. if you can go get your bloods checked and see where you're E2 is.