[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Dummies.. if that were the case I woulda switched my handle . I’m just a gym bro after the same goal as MOST of you.
So I am about 1.5 weeks in on this guys mast e. And I must say I am VERY DISAPPOINTED. I have been running 800mg of test c with 200mg of my TRT dose from my doc 1000mg mast e and 600mg of deca all from another source. Been on that for 8 weeks. I switched out the Mast e for SAS mast e and immediately felt a drop off of energy libido less hunger and less muscle hardness. In fact...I was steady at .5mg of adex every other day...since I started SAS mast e I am now having to take .5 a day...makes me think his mast e is test...its def not mast e. I DO NOT RECOMMEND BUYING FROM THIS LAB.

I still have 3 bottles of the mast e and wanna have it tested. Anyone know where I can send samples?
So I am about 1.5 weeks in on this guys mast e. And I must say I am VERY DISAPPOINTED. I have been running 800mg of test c with 200mg of my TRT dose from my doc 1000mg mast e and 600mg of deca all from another source. Been on that for 8 weeks. I switched out the Mast e for SAS mast e and immediately felt a drop off of energy libido less hunger and less muscle hardness. In fact...I was steady at .5mg of adex every other day...since I started SAS mast e I am now having to take .5 a day...makes me think his mast e is test...its def not mast e. I DO NOT RECOMMEND BUYING FROM THIS LAB.

I still have 3 bottles of the mast e and wanna have it tested. Anyone know where I can send samples?

Dude how are you going to say all that if you have no actual proof other than how you feel. That means nothing [emoji23]
So I am about 1.5 weeks in on this guys mast e. And I must say I am VERY DISAPPOINTED. I have been running 800mg of test c with 200mg of my TRT dose from my doc 1000mg mast e and 600mg of deca all from another source. Been on that for 8 weeks. I switched out the Mast e for SAS mast e and immediately felt a drop off of energy libido less hunger and less muscle hardness. In fact...I was steady at .5mg of adex every other day...since I started SAS mast e I am now having to take .5 a day...makes me think his mast e is test...its def not mast e. I DO NOT RECOMMEND BUYING FROM THIS LAB.

I still have 3 bottles of the mast e and wanna have it tested. Anyone know where I can send samples?

Isn’t a week and a half a little early for 1000 mg/week of the other labs MastE to clear out to the point that you’d notice?
So I am about 1.5 weeks in on this guys mast e. And I must say I am VERY DISAPPOINTED. I have been running 800mg of test c with 200mg of my TRT dose from my doc 1000mg mast e and 600mg of deca all from another source. Been on that for 8 weeks. I switched out the Mast e for SAS mast e and immediately felt a drop off of energy libido less hunger and less muscle hardness. In fact...I was steady at .5mg of adex every other day...since I started SAS mast e I am now having to take .5 a day...makes me think his mast e is test...its def not mast e. I DO NOT RECOMMEND BUYING FROM THIS LAB.

I still have 3 bottles of the mast e and wanna have it tested. Anyone know where I can send samples?
Hey man,

This is surprising to us, because we get only good reviews for our Mast. Go ahead an email us, and we'll reimburse you for whichever tests you'd like to make, with a verifiable tester of your choice.

Thanks man,
Dude how are you going to say all that if you have no actual proof other than how you feel. That means nothing [emoji23]

Bro I am blown up estro wise its crazy. Only compound I changed was the mast. Everything is the same diet training sleep only thing different is I changed the mast. And if you read my post I asked if anyone knew a place I could have my samples tested....I am trying to get proof. I have been running gear for a very long time. I know how my body reacts to certain compounds. The mast I was using before was incredible no complaints. But as soon as I switched to this everything changed.
Isn’t a week and a half a little early for 1000 mg/week of the other labs MastE to clear out to the point that you’d notice?

Lol not when I have been running 1000mg a week of good mast for 8 weeks and switch to this and end up bloated with lack of libido and muscle hardness gone.
Hey man,

This is surprising to us, because we get only good reviews for our Mast. Go ahead an email us, and we'll reimburse you for whichever tests you'd like to make, with a verifiable tester of your choice.

Thanks man,

Yea I appreciate that. I am currently trying to find a place to have it tested.