[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Bro I am blown up estro wise its crazy. Only compound I changed was the mast. Everything is the same diet training sleep only thing different is I changed the mast. And if you read my post I asked if anyone knew a place I could have my samples tested....I am trying to get proof. I have been running gear for a very long time. I know how my body reacts to certain compounds. The mast I was using before was incredible no complaints. But as soon as I switched to this everything changed.

Bro I was just responding to the claims that you were making. I was not questioning how well you know your body. When you say in all cap not to order from this source, it seems that you just want attention. Besides I have tried different sources and for example tren a from one lab doesn’t feel the same as tren a from another lab
Bro I was just responding to the claims that you were making. I was not questioning how well you know your body. When you say in all cap not to order from this source, it seems that you just want attention. Besides I have tried different sources and for example tren a from one lab doesn’t feel the same as tren a from another lab

Uhh... It should if its the same hormone. Like would you say the caffeine in my coffee feels different from one coffee shop to the other? Maybe you just got some decaf bro.
Uhh... It should if its the same hormone. Like would you say the caffeine in my coffee feels different from one coffee shop to the other? Maybe you just got some decaf bro.

Sure if we are talking about caffeine but that’s not what we are talking about here.
Uhh... It should if its the same hormone. Like would you say the caffeine in my coffee feels different from one coffee shop to the other? Maybe you just got some decaf bro.
Look at how Tren affects everyone differently. Hormones are not created the same for everyone. I’m just wondering how 1.5 weeks in he can feel all this(or lack there of) Fuck, it takes me about 4 weeks then I would make such a bold claim. To each their own though.
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Sure if we are talking about caffeine but that’s not what we are talking about here.
Look at how Tren affects everyone differently. Hormones are not created the same for everyone. I’m just wonder how 1.5 weeks he can feel all this. Fuck it takes me about 4 then I would make such a bold claim. To each there own though.

The dude snorts his AI's. Don't try and engage in intelligent conversation.
Especially when I also cruise on mast e sometimes and have used in just about every cycle for the last few years. I am pretty sure I know the difference between mast and test. If you are saying you cant tell a difference than you clearly are still in the experimental phases of using gear. Anyway how can I get this tested. I have a bunch of his cyp and deca too that I havent used. I would pay to have those tested as well....if anyone can recommend a place thats still taking samples.
Especially when I also cruise on mast e sometimes and have used in just about every cycle for the last few years. I am pretty sure I know the difference between mast and test. If you are saying you cant tell a difference than you clearly are still in the experimental phases of using gear. Anyway how can I get this tested. I have a bunch of his cyp and deca too that I havent used. I would pay to have those tested as well....if anyone can recommend a place thats still taking samples.

That’s not what I’m saying. I’m just stating how could you boldly discredit a lab with no proof. You’re just trying to get attention
I am talking about his mast you fucking morons his mast is clearly test amd i am willing to pay to have it tested. So can you recommend a lab to send my samples to??? If not than shut the fuck up. Cause as soon as I have it tested we will see.
Source cock sucker hahah all these labs are the same on here. Hahaha fucking hilarious. Anyway I will have it tested and post results once I can actually find a testing facility to send it to. Til then fellas.