[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Dude no one believes you and now that you made an ass out of yourself, it would be hard to believe you if the tests come back proving your point. I don’t know you! You could have test p laying around and send it to get tested!
Dude no one believes you and now that you made an ass out of yourself, it would be hard to believe you if the tests come back proving your point. I don’t know you! You could have test p laying around and send it to get tested!

You sound like you ride the Hairy Cock? He could be telling the Truth. Damn sure would be nice to know. If he is in Contest prep, then that’s really fucksed up
You sound like you ride the Hairy Cock? He could be telling the Truth. Damn sure would be nice to know. If he is in Contest prep, then that’s really fucksed up

Dude I don’t give a fuck about supporting! This fool came here discrediting a source with no proof based on how he feels! That’s my problem! If he shows adequate proof then that’s one thing! But this dude has been posting two days straight with all caps do not order here with no proof, how does that make any sense haha he is making an ass out of himself and honestly I wouldn’t believe anything he says
@Uplifting what lab you shilling for homeboy?

i'll just leave this here for you. ;):D

Edit to change link.

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i changed the link to the PRL reseller thread.

He was the only one in there talking up the source. Probably the only guy that ordered.

Not saying he was in bed with that source, but he came off a little too source happy for everyone else in the thread.

Yea that was when I was living in Europe. That guy was good for awhile then disappeared. I only used primus ray for a long time then it went to shit and got busted. Im back in the US now. Dont work for a lab but am in contest prep amd have no reason to lie. I spent a total of like 320$ I piss that amount of money so I dont even want my money nack. I dont even want reimbursed for the testing. Ill pay for it myself if these testing facilities ever get nack to me.. If this source was good I would be all over it as you can see from the PRL thread. When I like a source and a source is good I wil def let it be known. I am just trying to stop others from being fucked over. Thats all.
Yea that was when I was living in Europe. That guy was good for awhile then disappeared. I only used primus ray for a long time then it went to shit and got busted. Im back in the US now. Dont work for a lab but am in contest prep amd have no reason to lie. I spent a total of like 320$ I piss that amount of money so I dont even want my money nack. I dont even want reimbursed for the testing. Ill pay for it myself if these testing facilities ever get nack to me.. If this source was good I would be all over it as you can see from the PRL thread. When I like a source and a source is good I wil def let it be known. I am just trying to stop others from being fucked over. Thats all.

My money is on you being 5'4 or having a micro penis.
All my bottles are still capped period. Except the one I used a few mls of. Of course Ill be sending the capped unopened bottles... Now these fools are trying to discredit a test that hasnt even been done yet lol they are all shilling for this lab. Cause they KNOW its test p they sent me so they are already trying to discredit it. Its the same 3 or 4 people what a joke. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS LAB.
All my bottles are still capped period. Except the one I used a few mls of. Of course Ill be sending the capped unopened bottles... Now these fools are trying to discredit a test that hasnt even been done yet lol they are all shilling for this lab. Cause they KNOW its test p they sent me so they are already trying to discredit it. Its the same 3 or 4 people what a joke. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS LAB.
Why would we shill for a lab we dont recieve any compensation from? Why do you keep posting not to order from this lab... Dude you are insane.