[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I’ve got no skin in this game so you can save the “source cock sucking” speech for someone else. You’re posting that this is fake and that no one should buy yet you haven’t even had it tested. Shouldn’t you at least wait for tests to come back? At the very least, why not LabMax it? And yeah, I know LM is not going to prove purity, but it should tell you at the very least if it’s Mast or Test.

Worthy of a bump. At least labmax it. You wipe your ass with $320 so a labmax kit shouldn't break you.
Well here’s the thing @Uplifting I could walk into a restaurant after never saying a word to anyone and yell “cockroach” but nobody is going to believe me unless I am able to point out an actual roach. People might pause for a minute but if the food is really good and they like the restaurant they’re going to go right back to enjoying their meals while the manager kicks me out the door. In this scenario I look like a fucking loon. I could then hold up a sign in the parking lot for a couple days saying “don’t eat here” but again the food is good and the loyal customers keep dropping by.

Now if I’m a smart person, I’ll find one of those cockroaches first and point the actual little fucker out to my waiter, maybe point it out to a manager, if I want to be a dick maybe I snap a few pics and send it to the Health Department. In this scenario I look very credible and I can assume that the restaurant will fix their problem and I probably have my check 86’d for the trouble. Everyone actually really appreciates my efforts.

See what we’re all driving at here? We’re not protecting the hairy fuck but you pop up out of nowhere and throw a crazy tantrum about your vial of Mast E with nothing to support it but them feelzzzz. We bash people all the time for the opposite too when they talk about all their gainzzzz and shit being g2g.

I can’t speak for everyone but I’m just saying do it the right way and we’ll all respect your credibility moving forward.
Well here’s the thing @Uplifting I could walk into a restaurant after never saying a word to anyone and yell “cockroach” but nobody is going to believe me unless I am able to point out an actual roach. People might pause for a minute but if the food is really good and they like the restaurant they’re going to go right back to enjoying their meals while the manager kicks me out the door. In this scenario I look like a fucking loon. I could then hold up a sign in the parking lot for a couple days saying “don’t eat here” but again the food is good and the loyal customers keep dropping by.

Now if I’m a smart person, I’ll find one of those cockroaches first and point the actual little fucker out to my waiter, maybe point it out to a manager, if I want to be a dick maybe I snap a few pics and send it to the Health Department. In this scenario I look very credible and I can assume that the restaurant will fix their problem and I probably have my check 86’d for the trouble. Everyone actually really appreciates my efforts.

See what we’re all driving at here? We’re not protecting the hairy fuck but you pop up out of nowhere and throw a crazy tantrum about your vial of Mast E with nothing to support it but them feelzzzz. We bash people all the time for the opposite too when they talk about all their gainzzzz and shit being g2g.

I can’t speak for everyone but I’m just saying do it the right way and we’ll all respect your credibility moving forward.
That was a perfect example. Logical, simple, and relatable to the situation. Absolutely 0% chance it will serve any purpose to someone like @Uplifting tho.
For what its worth, I am running SAS Mast E at 800mgs and the sloots cant keep their hands off me :)

Definitely one of my new favorite compounds.

Here is a question for you.

Did you read my previous post???? I WAS living in Europe for a long time. I just moved back to the US in March. There is even a thread I created before I came back about finding a TRT doc in the US. so yes when you live in Europe you pay in Euros lol. Now I am back in the US and yes having problem with this shitty source.

You were ordering from an EU source's sale, paying in Euros, and now you have a problem with a US domestic source?
Do Not order from this lab!!! This lab is garbage and either mislables their shit or purposely sent me test saying it was mast. Ruined my whole contest prep!!! DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS LAB!!!!

Here is a question for you.

I was living in Europe for a long time just moved back to the US in March. There is even a thread I started about finding a TRT doc in the US before I came back. And yes having problems with this shitty domestic source.

You were ordering from an EU source's sale, paying in Euros, and now you have a problem with a US domestic source?
So is it the single opened, but almost full vial of Mast that has led to conclusion that SAS ruined your "whole contest prep?" How much of SAS' Mast did you actually use before reaching this conclusion?
So is it the single opened, but almost full vial of Mast that has led to conclusion that SAS ruined your "whole contest prep?" How much of SAS' Mast did you actually use before reaching this conclusion?

He said that he was on it for a week and a half, taking 1000 mgs a week
I’ve ran sas gear for the last 6 months and nothing but good results I’ve sticked to tren A and test e and C and all I can say is if u don’t like it go spend another 20 dollars on a vial somewhere else this is legit shit he might not respond right away but the product speaks for itself
At 1000mg a week, 5ml, and week and a half makes it closer to 7.5ml. Seemed odd since the vial looks mostly full. Doesn't add up is all.

I cant attest for all SAS' gear, but pleased with what I have used thus far, test, mast, DHB, NPP. Only complaint was shipping issue a few months back where order was delayed a few times when told different, but Dino made it right, promised additional gear to offset the inconvenience which I received.
I take claims of bunk gear seriously, as we all should. Whether improperly dosed or concerns of contaminates--its our performance, safety, lives. But at the same time, I see a bunch of BS flying in almost every thread. Someone has a beef and all the sudden the sky is falling. Facts man, we want facts. All we ask is if you are going to make a claim, have the actual facts to back it up. If you don't have the facts, ask the question if other have experienced similar things or have concerns, send it off for testing, the when you have the facts, drop it like a bomb. Otherwise, your just wasting everyone's time and taking up space with more childish drama that turns what should be an 85 page thread into 456 pages.
I'm currently running his Mast, Low T and Tren with no need for an AI yet (no SXS of gyno issues) and seeing how close we were to start days, would be willing to bet it's the same batch.

Just going to say, if my Test and Mast were both Test, I'd be in a world of hurt right now

Im not looking for anything. Im allowed to give my experience...as many times as I want. I have no dog in tHis fight other than to stop other people from getting fucked over. I dont work for a lab. I compete, and this fuck head fucked up my whole contest prep with his fake ass mast e that is really test p. I been running gear for years. If you cant tell a difference between mast and test then you shouldnt be running gear. I could have ended up with gyno cause of this shit.

I have contacted 2 testing facilities but they havent gotten back to me yet. Believe me as soon as I can have it tested I will. Cause this shit is dangerous. This site is supposed to be about harm reduction. This lab is fucking wreckless. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS LAB.
Guys, something wierd is going on.
I started my blast the first of this month. It's been two weeks of 1gram NPP, ~150 Test P and nothing happening yet.

Bulk cycle started on the 01st of Oct 2018
0.5 Adex. E3rd Day.
1.5cc Npp ED NPP = 1050
0.25cc Test-e/c E3rd Day TEST = 156

No ED, no strength gains, no weigh gains, no joints relief. Nothing at all. It's as if I'm still on my 150 Test P cruise. I just feel lethargic, sleepy, and tired all the time.
Can someone please explain to me what is going on?
Could it be the TRT dose of Test causing NPP not to work?
Should I wait longer and keep going and see if it will start working?
Am I missing something?
I hate to be this guy who stir shit but I'm concerned.
Guys, something wierd is going on.
I started my blast the first of this month. It's been two weeks of 1gram NPP, ~150 Test P and nothing happening yet.

Bulk cycle started on the 01st of Oct 2018
0.5 Adex. E3rd Day.
1.5cc Npp ED NPP = 1050
0.25cc Test-e/c E3rd Day TEST = 156

No ED, no strength gains, no weigh gains, no joints relief. Nothing at all. It's as if I'm still on my 150 Test P cruise. I just feel lethargic, sleepy, and tired all the time.
Can someone please explain to me what is going on?
Could it be the TRT dose of Test causing NPP not to work?
Should I wait longer and keep going and see if it will start working?
Am I missing something?
I hate to be this guy who stir shit but I'm concerned.

I would think The fast acting Deca should have damn sure been shining by now, and damn sure at a G a week.
Guys, something wierd is going on.
I started my blast the first of this month. It's been two weeks of 1gram NPP, ~150 Test P and nothing happening yet.

Bulk cycle started on the 01st of Oct 2018
0.5 Adex. E3rd Day.
1.5cc Npp ED NPP = 1050
0.25cc Test-e/c E3rd Day TEST = 156

No ED, no strength gains, no weigh gains, no joints relief. Nothing at all. It's as if I'm still on my 150 Test P cruise. I just feel lethargic, sleepy, and tired all the time.
Can someone please explain to me what is going on?
Could it be the TRT dose of Test causing NPP not to work?
Should I wait longer and keep going and see if it will start working?
Am I missing something?
I hate to be this guy who stir shit but I'm concerned.

Give it another week. If you don't see something by then, it's time to send some off and see if we need to get the torches and pitchforks out and go Assquach huntin'.