[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I love npp myself. I’m interested if there’s any synergy with the two ran together. Next blast will be test and eq, debating if it’s worth adding a little npp.
@hog72 im patient enough for it, just hoping I’m one that loves it instead of hates it.
I don’t see an issue with stacking npp with EQ. It would would great in the front end. I’m so torn on EQ I ran it once @ over a gram a week for 22 weeks, meh it was ok. I had good endurance and muscle separation. I would only run it again stacked with primo. I love high Npp 800mg stacked with low test, oh and about 900 mg of Mast E. Now that’s fucking synergy! o_O
I don’t see an issue with stacking npp with EQ. It would would great in the front end. I’m so torn on EQ I ran it once @ over a gram a week for 22 weeks, meh it was ok. I had good endurance and muscle separation. I would only run it again stacked with primo. I love high Npp 800mg stacked with low test, oh and about 900 mg of Mast E. Now that’s fucking synergy! o_O
That sounds like a beast of a stack. I’ll have to remember that one. Its experiences like “meh it was ok” that makes me feel like I’m going to waste pinning all this oil for months and get hardly anything out of it lol waiting a few months before I start but I’ll forsure report back on my experience.
So is it the single opened, but almost full vial of Mast that has led to conclusion that SAS ruined your "whole contest prep?" How much of SAS' Mast did you actually use before reaching this conclusion?

First of all the shit that says mast e is actually test p. I shot about 4 mls out of it cause the first time I used it I mixed it with the last labs mast e I was using. Blew up like a balloon a few days later my estrogen went back down to normal then I shot 2.5 mls this past Monday( and if its prop at 100mg a ml thats 250mgs of prop in one day on topnof the gram of cyp I already had in me I blew up like crazy man. I ended yesterday with taking a full 1mg of arimidex just in 1 day. Now my estro is going down a bit but stil bloated as fuck.
He said that he was on it for a week and a half, taking 1000 mgs a week

Stop lying shill. I been on another labs test cyp and my trt dose alogether 1000mgs a week and 600mgs of deca a week and 1000mgs of mast e a week for 8 weeks now. All from another lab and had great results. Now as soon as I pin this fake ass mast e thats actually test prop i blow up like a fucking balloon. I inject monday and thursday 2 injections each day.
Guys, something wierd is going on.
I started my blast the first of this month. It's been two weeks of 1gram NPP, ~150 Test P and nothing happening yet.

Bulk cycle started on the 01st of Oct 2018
0.5 Adex. E3rd Day.
1.5cc Npp ED NPP = 1050
0.25cc Test-e/c E3rd Day TEST = 156

No ED, no strength gains, no weigh gains, no joints relief. Nothing at all. It's as if I'm still on my 150 Test P cruise. I just feel lethargic, sleepy, and tired all the time.
Can someone please explain to me what is going on?
Could it be the TRT dose of Test causing NPP not to work?
Should I wait longer and keep going and see if it will start working?
Am I missing something?
I hate to be this guy who stir shit but I'm concerned.

Ok wow now uou been on a gram of NPP for a month and feel lothing lol I feel it after 10 days thats at 6-700mgs a week. Dont let these guys fool you lol seriously someone said give it more time lol what a joke. At a gram a week for a month and nothing??? Sounds like you got fucked my friend.
Lol npp after 1 month and nothing???? Come the fuck on. Anyone that knows anything knows the half life is about 6 days so....lol you do the math DO NOT BUY FROM THIS LAB!!!!
That sounds like a beast of a stack. I’ll have to remember that one. Its experiences like “meh it was ok” that makes me feel like I’m going to waste pinning all this oil for months and get hardly anything out of it lol waiting a few months before I start but I’ll forsure report back on my experience.
No I think I just expected more size and strength out of a gram of EQ. Now looking back it shined in other areas so it was better then ok. Recovery was awesome as well. There were zero noticeable sides, no anxiety, no increased hunger and hCt never got out of control. I think it would stack really well with primo!
***Note for the new guys***
I'm having a very good experience with SasLab so far so please don't take my posts as an accusation against Saslab credibility.
My post reflect personal experience and Steroids work differently for different people.
Don't shy away from ordering from SasLab.

That's what I'm thinking and that's why I had to make this post.

Will give it more time as you suggested then post an update.

True, that is a lot, I have genetic joints issue running in my family that's why I went with very high NPP. On some days I can't even lift my empty arm next to my body from the pain.

On my first cycle I had to hold back because the joint issue and I didn't want this to happen again thus the exaggerated dose of NPP.

I kept the Test low to minimize negative side effect while preventing my Test from crashing, that's the logic behind it.

the initial plan were to start high then lower the NPP when I start to get joint relief until I find out the sweet spot.

"You said you’re using 150 test p but then say test e/c in your layout." True, that's just a copy paste of the layout.

Sorry, just noticed. I meant Test E not P. My bad.

practically, I have been on Test E for the last four months or so. so no switching. good attention to details though.

@EQ Kimball
Alright, I will double down on Test. will up to 250 a week.
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@Sasquatch Labs
'going on with the fagging out theme of this board'
So far, I have been a very satisfied customer. you are my first and only Sas. I never doubted you and you proven trust worthy.
I take a needle filled with your liquid daily into my ass and it makes me feel good, fulfilled, satisfied.
That's why I hope I'm mistake somehow or a low-responded or something else.
The initial post were to inform and not to accuse you my hairy fuck.

Regardless of the outcome, I would/will never ask for anything free or replacement or whatever. I'm not one of those who tires to fool you my hairy fuck.

So you went with the high test low Npp. Glad to see it's working for you.
I chose high Npp and low test to minimize side effect and get the maximum joints relief.
The struggle to keep myself in bed more than five hours is real and feeling tired the whole time sucks.

"I could notice the npp coming on around week 4"
Alright, will wait two more weeks to make them four weeks total.
***Note for the new guys***
I'm having a very good experience with SasLab so far so please don't take my posts as an accusation against Saslab credibility.
My post reflect personal experience and Steroids work differently for different people.
Don't shy away from ordering from SasLab.

That's what I'm thinking and that's why I had to make this post.

Will give it more time as you suggested then post an update.

True, that is a lot, I have genetic joints issue running in my family that's why I went with very high NPP. On some days I can't even lift my empty arm next to my body from the pain.

On my first cycle I had to hold back because the joint issue and I didn't want this to happen again thus the exaggerated dose of NPP.

I kept the Test low to minimize negative side effect while preventing my Test from crashing, that's the logic behind it.

the initial plan were to start high then lower the NPP when I start to get joint relief until I find out the sweet spot.

"You said you’re using 150 test p but then say test e/c in your layout." True, that's just a copy paste of the layout.

practically, I have been on Test P for the last four months or so. so no switching. good attention to details though.

@EQ Kimball
Alright, I will double down on Test. will up to 250 a week.

Fuck that!! A month is plenty of time for a fucking gram of Fast Acting Deca NPP to show its legitimacy. Guys do low dose Test, high dose Deca Cycles and so forth all the fucking time. This is Bro science, and what each individual thinks the reason your shit hasn’t kicked in yet. I ain’t buying fuck all from here until I see proof it’s legit now. And the man come out and said, he wants ppl to have his shit tested so he can address his quality control. I like that, so someone needs to send some shit in.
Ok wow now uou been on a gram of NPP for a month and feel lothing lol I feel it after 10 days thats at 6-700mgs a week. Dont let these guys fool you lol seriously someone said give it more time lol what a joke. At a gram a week for a month and nothing??? Sounds like you got fucked my friend.

Not a month, It's been two weeks. Will post update when I hit a month. So far SasLabs been trustworthy in my experience.
So @IdenIzzar your running a 1000mg of npp because you have genetic joint issues running in your family. :rolleyes: Srs??
This is terrible reason to run that much Deca. 200-300 mg will give the same joint relief as running 2 grams week.
More doesn’t equal more relief.

Do you consume a lot of dairy or wheat products? These foods can cause inflammation for a lot people.
Thanks to all of you guys for the respond.
I will definitely post an update in the end of this month once I hit four weeks.



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So @IdenIzzar your running a 1000mg of npp because you have genetic joint issues running in your family. :rolleyes: Srs??
This is terrible reason to run that much Deca. 200-300 mg will give the same joint relief as running 2 grams week.
More doesn’t equal more relief.

Do you consume a lot of dairy or wheat products? These foods can cause inflammation for a lot people.

Yes and no, Yes I have chosen Npp for joint relief as a stack to add with my Test.
and no you do not have to be on 1g to feel the relief.
As I have explained earlier in prior post,"the initial plan were to start high then lower the NPP when I start to get joint relief until I find out the sweet spot. "

It would be a lie to say I'm not after the anabolic effect of the 19nor. So it's not only about the joint relief.

that's been said. My family, my mother and sister, and I go to the same doctor and take cortisone injection into the joints each now and then. we also go to therapy and they take medications and neck support brace and a lot of stuff. so yeah. it is serious.

Imagine benching two plates while you have a hard time lifting your empty hand to your side. that's not fun.

I have stop consuming dairy many years ago. My carbs are mainly Brown rice and Oats. some weekends we eat at some Asian restaurant or such but that's it.
Stop lying shill. I been on another labs test cyp and my trt dose alogether 1000mgs a week and 600mgs of deca a week and 1000mgs of mast e a week for 8 weeks now. All from another lab and had great results. Now as soon as I pin this fake ass mast e thats actually test prop i blow up like a fucking balloon. I inject monday and thursday 2 injections each day.

If you could read the damn questions you would know I’m not lying fucking idiot
Stop lying shill. I been on another labs test cyp and my trt dose alogether 1000mgs a week and 600mgs of deca a week and 1000mgs of mast e a week for 8 weeks now. All from another lab and had great results. Now as soon as I pin this fake ass mast e thats actually test prop i blow up like a fucking balloon. I inject monday and thursday 2 injections each day.

What/who AI and protocol were you running? Pharma? Ugl? RC? Did you do any changes there.
Ok wow now uou been on a gram of NPP for a month and feel lothing lol I feel it after 10 days thats at 6-700mgs a week. Dont let these guys fool you lol seriously someone said give it more time lol what a joke. At a gram a week for a month and nothing??? Sounds like you got fucked my friend.

You're reading too fast. He said 2 weeks, not a month.

Nobody wants another guy shitting up the thread by shouting in all caps that this lab should be burned to the ground based on the feels.
What/who AI and protocol were you running? Pharma? Ugl? RC? Did you do any changes there.

I get my AI from the doc. For my TRT. He over prescribed my adex by about a half pill a day so I have tons extra. I also get nolva from my doc too. I was at .5 every other day running 1000mg of test cyp a week 600mg deca a week and 1000mg of mast e a week had been running that for 8 weeks no problems at .5 adex every other day. As soon as I ran out of the mast e from the other lab I used about 1.5 mls of the new shit...my estrogen blew up like crazy with the first shot of the mast e from SAS and over the next 3 days Ended up taking a whole pill every other day. Then next injection was all SAS. Fuck my life man. I was already running a g of test and if that shit is test p i added another 250mgs give or take to my blood in 1 shot! Over the next 3 days my estrogen skyrocketted. I was at 1 full pill of adex a day. Finally i said fuck it im not using it anymore and now my estrogen is sowly going back to normal. One of the worst experiences of my life. Luckily my doc is cool and I get over prescribed my AIs. I would have to get some serious gyno surgery if I didnt have those AIs

You're reading too fast. He said 2 weeks, not a month.

Nobody wants another guy shitting up the thread by shouting in all caps that this lab should be burned to the ground based on the feels.

Ok 2 weeks at a gram of npp lol do you know what the half life is?? Quick better google it. Should be feeling it by now amateur. THIS LAB IS SHIT!!!! DO NOT ORDER!!!
One last thing I forget to mention.
The sex have been really good since I started my first cycle. Three times a day with my wife is now the norm. wake up hard and no more ED which were the main reason for me to start AAS.

The weird thing is. currently, and as some of you have stated, I might have crashed my Test with the low TRT dosage of ~150 weekly. yet, the sex is the same. three times a day and fully functional. So not really sure if the sluggishness and lethargy is the byproduct of low Test or the High NPP.

The Test will be up to 300 for the next two weeks.
The NPP will be down to 700 for the next two weeks.

My next post will be on the end of this month. Thanks again guys.


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