[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Hey everyone,

I have been a member here for years. Don't post much, just dick around mostly and read. I'm also on another board. This story seems EXACTLY like the one this one prick made on the other board. I remember it clearly because he was such a little bitch like this guy. Same exact story, only he actually deleted first original one where he said;

1. He was on scripted Test, adex and he was taking mast from another extremely reputable vendor on there and he didn't feel anything. Everyone was telling him to test it or GTFO.

2. Same dosages and same sentence phrasing. I'm almost positive its him.

3. 8/16 you can see the entry but not the whole thread, as he deleted everything when he couldn't back up his shit. He was then banned for a few weeks.

4. 9/13 or so he went at it again, same story and those threads still exist.

His name is "Hallspen" on the other thread if you're all so inclined to search take a gander. These stories bear a striking resemblance to each other, even the structure in which they are worded.

View attachment 99059

Here is the sources rebuttal:

View attachment 99060


Here is a link for you lazy fucks.

https://www.steroidsourcetalk.org/mybb/search.php?action=results&sid=9395077c95d75d05f0b5520e9229baa0 (SST - Search Results)
Interesting...good looking out
Simple pay for the blood work. Then you'll know. You pay for the drugs but don't know the true performance your getting from your body till the blood work

Also an up in sex drive can be as simple as a diet change? Could be from you upped calls during cycle? Who knows, blood work is key and fun to know yoUr own stats

True, yet my main concern were with the NPP which as far as I know it doesn't show in the blood test. But I know what you mean and yes, a well adjested person should do blood test mid cycle also.

I do apologise if I caused confusion about my sex drive status. The sex drive didn't change at all since the first cycle/blast many months ago. This is my second blast and there is no change from the first blast or the first cruise. And that's why I'm wondering about my T levels. If T is low my sex drive should be low but it's not.
You know it’s supposed to be the other way around right, you start your drugs low and work your way up as needed. This isn’t brah science it’s how drs would do it, and it’s the logical way. Doing it your way of “start high and work my way down to sweet spot” is foolish and reckless and can lead to irreversible damage.

So you took roids to treat ed? Did you even have low T? So you’re now basically abusing roids in high doses to treat ed and to get joint relief?

Many overload at the beginning of the cycle then drop down. The Doctors approcha is yhe other way around because they are treating low T. I'm blasting that's the difference.

Yes, I'am abusing steroids, I knowledge that. I'm okay with it.
What "irreversible damage" are you referring too? Gynecomastia? Running high Nandrolone dosage will eventually get me boobs. I'm not concerned, I already planned for gland removal surgery.

Heart enlargmenla issue. Let it happen. I don't really care.

It's true, I started Steroids to treat low Test issues. If you doubts this then just look at my first few posts from six months or so.
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Many overload at the beginning of the cycle then drop down. The Doctors approcha is yhe other way around because they are treating low T. I'm blasting that's the difference.

Yes, I'am abusing steroids, I knowledge that. I'm okay with it.
What "irreversible damage" are you referring too? Gynecomastia? Running high Nandrolone dosage will eventually get me boobs. I'm not concerned, I already planned for gland removal surgery.

Heart enlargmenla issue. Let it happen. I don't really care.

It's true, I started Steroids to treat low Test issues. If you doubts this then just look at my first few posts from six months or so.

Did you have low T or you think you had low T? I wouldn’t care about gyno even if I were sensitive. You say you don’t care until it happens, or if you get arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis CAD, or if you f up your kidneys and/or other organs which is quite possible if you blast grams of roids to treat ed and cover up joint pain with a reckless attitude. Don’t think it only happens when you’re older I had a friend who had an enlarged heart and several failing organs in his very early 30s. Since you don’t care you’ll prob have a higher chance. There’s a reason the smart dudes take as little as possible, hence the start small and work your way up even for those “blasting” for gainz.

I’m not trying to pick on you but there are better ways to treat joint pain and ed than taking over a gram of roids.
True, yet my main concern were with the NPP which as far as I know it doesn't show in the blood test. But I know what you mean and yes, a well adjested person should do blood test mid cycle also.

I do apologise if I caused confusion about my sex drive status. The sex drive didn't change at all since the first cycle/blast many months ago. This is my second blast and there is no change from the first blast or the first cruise. And that's why I'm wondering about my T levels. If T is low my sex drive should be low but it's not.

If you have blood work prior to a nandrolone cycle that shows your progesterone levels you can use your blood work on cycle and get progesterone level checked. If it increases then you know there is at least some nandrolone in your vial.
Many overload at the beginning of the cycle then drop down. The Doctors approcha is yhe other way around because they are treating low T. I'm blasting that's the difference.

Yes, I'am abusing steroids, I knowledge that. I'm okay with it.
What "irreversible damage" are you referring too? Gynecomastia? Running high Nandrolone dosage will eventually get me boobs. I'm not concerned, I already planned for gland removal surgery.

Heart enlargmenla issue. Let it happen. I don't really care.

It's true, I started Steroids to treat low Test issues. If you doubts this then just look at my first few posts from six months or so.

Over loading or “front” loading imo doesn’t make sense. It just helps get the ol myostatin chasing faster.

It’s better to work your way up during cycle to stay ahead of myostatin.
Did you have low T or you think you had low T? I wouldn’t care about gyno even if I were sensitive. You say you don’t care until it happens, or if you get arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis CAD, or if you f up your kidneys and/or other organs which is quite possible if you blast grams of roids to treat ed and cover up joint pain with a reckless attitude. Don’t think it only happens when you’re older I had a friend who had an enlarged heart and several failing organs in his very early 30s. Since you don’t care you’ll prob have a higher chance. There’s a reason the smart dudes take as little as possible, hence the start small and work your way up even for those “blasting” for gainz.

I’m not trying to pick on you but there are better ways to treat joint pain and ed than taking over a gram of roids.

My T were @ ~400 before my first cycle. The doctor told me it's in the normal range so no TRT. consequently, I chose to start my first cycle. All the symptoms of low T vanished after two weeks to my first cycle of 500T. I was doing really fine even when I start cruising @175T.
The plan were to wait until October to start blasting high NPP and low T to get the least amount of side effects, high gains, and no joints pain. Keep in mind low T is not an issue anymore.

Currently, I'm at week two of blasting 1050mg Npp & 150T and yet I don't feel any difference from when I were on TRT dose of T alone.
That was my main concern so I've asked and been advice to wait and see.
Also, the NPP is going down to 700 & Test is going up to 300 as some suggested.

Now is that too much NPP for joints relief, most likely it is but I have to keep this going to see what effect will this NPP have on me after a month. If I'm to drop Npp to say 400, and up the Test to 500 then we wouldn't be able to tell the potency of the NPP I have and we don't want that don't we?

I have to either confirm or deny the potency of SasLab by the end of the month. I have started this and I most finsh it. Once I'm certain that it works or it isn't and you guys are updated, then I can lower the NPP if need be.

I do appapologise if I sounded rude early. You're trying to help and I thank you for that.
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If you have blood work prior to a nandrolone cycle that shows your progesterone levels you can use your blood work on cycle and get progesterone level checked. If it increases then you know there is at least some nandrolone in your vial.

Where were you man, been waiting to hear from you. Unfortunately, the last blood test I had does not show Progesterone. Didn't think of that approach, you're highly knowledgeable as usual.

Didn't know Front-loading does not work. I will not Front-load again. Thank again, highly appreciated your advice.
Where were you man, been waiting to hear from you. Unfortunately, the last blood test I had does not show Progesterone. Didn't think of that approach, you're highly knowledgeable as usual.

Didn't know Front-loading does not work. I will not Front-load again. Thank again, highly appreciated your advice.

Front loading Does work. But, with anything there is a trade off. [emoji106]

I personally just feel that you are better off with saving that gear and increasing towards the mid/end of cycle.

Myostatin is why many start to see a plateau around 8-10 week mark. In order to keep out pacing the myostatin you have to increase dosage or add another compound.
My T were @ ~400 before my first cycle. The doctor told me it's in the normal range so no TRT. consequently, I chose to start my first cycle. All the symptoms of low T vanished after two weeks to my first cycle of 500T. I was doing really fine even when I start cruising @175T.
The plan were to wait until October to start blasting high NPP and low T to get the least amount of side effects, high gains, and no joints pain. Keep in mind low T is not an issue anymore.

Currently, I'm at week two of blasting 1050mg Npp & 150T and yet I don't feel any difference from when I were on TRT dose of T alone.
That was my main concern so I've asked and been advice to wait and see.
Also, the NPP is going down to 700 & Test is going up to 300 as some suggested.

Now is that too much NPP for joints relief, most likely it is but I have to keep this going to see what effect will this NPP have on me after a month. If I'm to drop Npp to say 400, and up the Test to 500 then we wouldn't be able to tell the potency of the NPP I have and we don't want that don't we?

I have to either confirm or deny the potency of SasLab by the end of the month. I have started this and I most finsh it. Once I'm certain that it works or it isn't and you guys are updated, then I can lower the NPP if need be.

I do appapologise if I sounded rude early. You're trying to help and I thank you for that.

Ah I see, I had T of 160 and had a couple drs refuse to help, and 1 offered cialis which doesn’t work when T is very low. I did finally find a dr that asked me if I wanted trt when he saw my levels so I know how it is with drs. 400 is in range but if you really do feel like shit then trt would help.

No apologies necessary :) Just make sure to keep the heart ❤️ healthy, would suggest getting an occasional heart check up not just to you but to everyone since blood work won’t pick up on changes to the heart.
Ah I see, I had T of 160 and had a couple drs refuse to help, and 1 offered cialis which doesn’t work when T is very low. I did finally find a dr that asked me if I wanted trt when he saw my levels so I know how it is with drs. 400 is in range but if you really do feel like shit then trt would help.

No apologies necessary :) Just make sure to keep the heart ❤️ healthy, would suggest getting an occasional heart check up not just to you but to everyone since blood work won’t pick up on changes to the heart.
Also dont forget your prostate exams! I'm not even 30 yet but getting them since I was 9... from my prist, my doctor , whoever! Very healthy. ☝️