[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Guys, something wierd is going on.
I started my blast the first of this month. It's been two weeks of 1gram NPP, ~150 Test P and nothing happening yet.

Bulk cycle started on the 01st of Oct 2018
0.5 Adex. E3rd Day.
1.5cc Npp ED NPP = 1050
0.25cc Test-e/c E3rd Day TEST = 156

No ED, no strength gains, no weigh gains, no joints relief. Nothing at all. It's as if I'm still on my 150 Test P cruise. I just feel lethargic, sleepy, and tired all the time.
Can someone please explain to me what is going on?
Could it be the TRT dose of Test causing NPP not to work?
Should I wait longer and keep going and see if it will start working?
Am I missing something?
I hate to be this guy who stir shit but I'm concerned.

That’s a lot of NPP,
Guys, something wierd is going on.
I started my blast the first of this month. It's been two weeks of 1gram NPP, ~150 Test P and nothing happening yet.

Bulk cycle started on the 01st of Oct 2018
0.5 Adex. E3rd Day.
1.5cc Npp ED NPP = 1050
0.25cc Test-e/c E3rd Day TEST = 156

No ED, no strength gains, no weigh gains, no joints relief. Nothing at all. It's as if I'm still on my 150 Test P cruise. I just feel lethargic, sleepy, and tired all the time.
Can someone please explain to me what is going on?
Could it be the TRT dose of Test causing NPP not to work?
Should I wait longer and keep going and see if it will start working?
Am I missing something?
I hate to be this guy who stir shit but I'm concerned.
You said you’re using 150 test p but then say test e/c in your layout. If you did switch from test p to test e/c your test levels will be lower for a period of time.

Only thing you can do to prove anything is send it in for testing.
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Guys, something wierd is going on.
I started my blast the first of this month. It's been two weeks of 1gram NPP, ~150 Test P and nothing happening yet.

Bulk cycle started on the 01st of Oct 2018
0.5 Adex. E3rd Day.
1.5cc Npp ED NPP = 1050
0.25cc Test-e/c E3rd Day TEST = 156

No ED, no strength gains, no weigh gains, no joints relief. Nothing at all. It's as if I'm still on my 150 Test P cruise. I just feel lethargic, sleepy, and tired all the time.
Can someone please explain to me what is going on?
Could it be the TRT dose of Test causing NPP not to work?
Should I wait longer and keep going and see if it will start working?
Am I missing something?
I hate to be this guy who stir shit but I'm concerned.
Holy lactating nipples. That's a lot of NPP. I agree with the 1 more week tho. Very low test with that level of NPP , it may just be bro science but I would recommend doubling down on test because your listing extreme shut down symptoms.

@Roger rabbit what's your $.02 on this low of test with ridiculously high npp. I ran 750mgs deca and felt like I was over doing it a bit.
You said you’re using 150 test o but then say test e/c in your layout. If you did switch from test p to test e/c your test levels will be lower for a period of time.

Only thing you can do to prove anything is send it in for testing.
Good catch. I'm thinking similarly that this sounds like a bad case of turning your balls off before the npp can fully work its magic.
Hey guys, Hairy Fuck here. I want to make it clear that our mission to you guys has always been quality gear and quality customer service. I take my brews extremely seriously, and I guarantee marketed dosages every time by using the highest quality of equipment. If there is an issue in my brewing method the only way I can find out is by having one you guys send in a random vial. In fact I encourage anyone who feels my gear is dosed lower than is advertised to do so. It is the only way for me to improve my products for you guys (not that they need improving). My lab-work credit policy has always been stated in the pastebin. We will reimburse you or give you store credit equal to the value of the Lab Test.

Thanks Everyone
until you start using batch numbers for everything having things tested will be worthless a few weeks later when your not sure if its from the same raws.
I started NPP and DHB Back the 3rd week of September as well, but lower dosage of NPP and higher test. Ran NPP at 400mg a week and 450mg week of DHB first two weeks before I went to 4x pins a week, and moved the DHB upward to 600mg. I’m running test C at 500mg week. The test is my pharma RX. When I did a longer primo cycle this spring I used a higher dosage UGL test for a good portion of the run so had a few extra Watson bottles I need to use up. Since Oct 1 also added some Anavar and 3iu Hgh.

I’ve had good strength increase so far and more vascular. Will say I’ve been tired at times though. Less energy than normal—was just looking at possible causes today as I think it’s more about an ancillary I am taking than anything. Since I always have a hard time getting to sleep I’d also started taking a 10mg melatonin and some high concentrate CBD oil. I’m falling right asleep and sleeping like a babe—but fuck it’s hard to get up in the morning. Reading today, I bet it’s the melatonin, so was going to try a few days without it.

As far as the gear, I’ve noticed a lot in a few short weeks. The strength increase is what’s most noticeable—and my Rx TRT is 300mg a week, so know it’s not from an additional 200mg of Test. I was a bit of a dumbass and doing the NPP and DHB both together and for the first time, so cannot day which is doing what, but I’m seeing positive changes so sticking with it. I will also say that I am getting huge pumps, much more so than times I’ve previously run anavar—same batch as what I presently using—so it’s working with one of the other compounds to a significant degree. And while I always get pretty strong calf/shin pumps and lower back, this time around it’s been quads and shoulders that feel like they want to explode—but basically everything feels feels full and tight as I head out of the gym.
I just finished up a 12 week cycle
500 mg test c/week
450 mg npp/week
250 mg deca/ for the last 8 weeks
60mg/var every day for the first 8 weeks

I could notice the npp coming on around week 4, strength gains were kinda slow but gradual, by week 9 thru 12 I started moving some heavy stuff around
Didn’t really gain much weight.
But I’m already 250lbs
Guys, something wierd is going on.
I started my blast the first of this month. It's been two weeks of 1gram NPP, ~150 Test P and nothing happening yet.

Bulk cycle started on the 01st of Oct 2018
0.5 Adex. E3rd Day.
1.5cc Npp ED NPP = 1050
0.25cc Test-e/c E3rd Day TEST = 156

No ED, no strength gains, no weigh gains, no joints relief. Nothing at all. It's as if I'm still on my 150 Test P cruise. I just feel lethargic, sleepy, and tired all the time.
Can someone please explain to me what is going on?
Could it be the TRT dose of Test causing NPP not to work?
Should I wait longer and keep going and see if it will start working?
Am I missing something?
I hate to be this guy who stir shit but I'm concerned.

Give it a couple more weeks, npp is a faster acting deca, it’s a quicker ester, but it’s not an overnight compound like acetate. I wasn’t impressed at first but once it kicked in I knew it
I just finished up a 12 week cycle
500 mg test c/week
450 mg npp/week
250 mg deca/ for the last 8 weeks
60mg/var every day for the first 8 weeks

I could notice the npp coming on around week 4, strength gains were kinda slow but gradual, by week 9 thru 12 I started moving some heavy stuff around
Didn’t really gain much weight.
But I’m already 250lbs

That's probably where i went wrong. i was closing out my 6th week or so with Test and NPP (different source) at 300 mg/wk for both.

Conservative, but i won't lie, i expected more. First time running it and all.

By that point, i just bailed. Wasn't meeting expectations. Though i had one peculiar side effect.

i would get random boners a couple times a day, could be quick as a minute, but once it started to fade, out marched the pre-cum. It was more annoying than anything else.

i was kinda happy when it cleared my system.
That's probably where i went wrong. i was closing out my 6th week or so with Test and NPP (different source) at 300 mg/wk for both.

Conservative, but i won't lie, i expected more. First time running it and all.

By that point, i just bailed. Wasn't meeting expectations. Though i had one peculiar side effect.

i would get random boners a couple times a day, could be quick as a minute, but once it started to fade, out marched the pre-cum. It was more annoying than anything else.

i was kinda happy when it cleared my system.
What’s the opinion on nandrolone and boldenone together? Any input would be great.
I love nandrolone, just my opinion but it takes a little longer to actually work than most anticipate. And I never experienced deca dick or lack of libido. It did give me night sweats like tren and lack of sleep like tren, maybe like everybody says different strokes for different folks, lol
What’s the opinion on nandrolone and boldenone together? Any input would be great.

Never ran the two together, so i really can't say. Haven't used EQ since i was in my 20's and even then, i didn't have the patience for it.

Now that i'm nearly twice as old, the increase in RBC that's typical with EQ keeps me away from it.

i plan to do NPP again at some point, but for now i'm content with my 200 mg/wk of Test Cyp and an oral thrown in every once in awhile.
Never ran the two together, so i really can't say. Haven't used EQ since i was in my 20's and even then, i didn't have the patience for it.

Now that i'm nearly twice as old, the increase in RBC that's typical with EQ keeps me away from it.

i plan to do NPP again at some point, but for now i'm content with my 200 mg/wk of Test Cyp and an oral thrown in every once in awhile.
I love npp myself. I’m interested if there’s any synergy with the two ran together. Next blast will be test and eq, debating if it’s worth adding a little npp.
@hog72 im patient enough for it, just hoping I’m one that loves it instead of hates it.


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