Standford's Primo 200 mg/ml - Analysis Preformed Performed by Analiza Białek, Chromate & Jano

B Ware

Well-known Member Supporter
Official results for @Stanfordpharma1 primo

Analiza Białek - 171 mg/ml

Chromate - 263 mg/ml

Jano - 201 mg/ml

I initially sent a sample to AnaLiza Białek (unable to tag them). While waiting on my results a new U.S based testing option became available ( @Chromate ) and I decided I would send him a sample from the same vial I was already having tested. My goal was to promote and open some doors for some new testing options. Unfortunately in my case it backfired.

I received Chromate’s report first. It showed a shocking result of Methenolone enanthate 287 mg/ml. I publicly expressed my concerns for my results without revealing specific details so my sample would remain blind to Analiza’s eyes. I believe I said, “Chromate’s equipment needs calibrated”. Well, I received another report from Chromate showing my sample results to now show Methenolone enanthate 263 mg/ml

I then received Analiza’s results on the same sample. Their report showed my sample to be Testosterone Enanthate 171 mg/ml. I informed them that I would like a retest as I had sent the same sample to another facility and that their reports were not even in the same ball park. Analiza agreed and sent me another report today which showed Methenolone Enanthate 171 mg/ml. They apologized for the mistake.

While having Chromate’s report of overdosed primo and Analiza’s first report of underdosed testosterone e I decided to send a 3rd sample from the same vial to @janoshik . Jano’s results are exactly what the label claimed the product to be Methenolone Enanthate 201 mg/ml

My thoughts...

Analiza - was very slow but they also received my sample right before Christmas so that could have greatly affected why they had my sample for several weeks before giving me my results. Communication was also slow but again, holidays. I had high hopes for them as a source on this forum sent them and Jano the same samples and other than hcg I believe everything else was nearly identical. Unfortunately they provided me with the wrong compound on my sample and even their retested sample shows the sample to be under dosed.

Chromate - he seems like a genuine good dude from our chats. I can tell it bothered him and got to him that I doubted his results. After he gave me a second result he also provided the raw data and explained to me why he believed his report to be spot on. I hope this thread doesn’t discourage him from pursuing this venture. Yes, his sample seems a little far fetched as it’s hard to believe a source would make such an expensive mistake as to greatly overdose primo but I believe he could do some calibrating and hit his mark in the future. Communication was top notch and I received my report the same day he received it.

Jano - within minutes of emailing him I had a response. The same day he received my sample I had a report. Not much needs said as he’s well established and I trust his report.


Analiza 1st.JPG

Analiza 2nd.JPG

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Kinda odd you have to tell a testing company their results were completely wrong and they need to redo it. I wonder if they’ve done that with other samples.

Regardless thanks for doing this brotha! Would be interesting to see more of these comparisons in the future.
thankyou for spending your own money testing the same sample with 3 different facilities
top man!!

i was all in on the bialek hype train but seeing that they cant even get the compound right doesnt give me any hope that the 171mg/ml result is even accurate
more like plucked a number out of thin air
Analiza made a mistake by simply changing the identity without accounting for the response factor difference between the two compounds. I'd like to see another correction from them.
I try and be as ethical and professional as possible and will only say I would certainly like to offer to pay for these testing results. @B Ware never accepts, but the offer is always there. What I can do is maybe send products in and pay for testing for some sort of experiment that the community would like to see. Or if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.
You beat me to it.

See thread for exhaustive details and this post for current draft. The concept seems to be all the rage currently with the true harm reduction crowd.

Thanks for asking. I have offered to contribute via CIM.

So far I got a yes from Axle (haven't heard anything else since then) and a strong no from QSC.

And finally this post attempts to lay out the objective and motivation as clear as I can (in before someone says this is another rehash of heavy metals testing only)...

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So either Jano knew what the sample was or was supposed to be prior or he’s the only testing resource who got this correct (this is not an accusation, it is pointing to the only two possibilities and I don’t believe anything nefarious has occurred).

Am I missing something?
So either Jano knew what the sample was or was supposed to be prior or he’s the only testing resource who got this correct (this is not an accusation, it is pointing to the only two possibilities and I don’t believe anything nefarious has occurred).

Am I missing something?
game show wheel GIF
So either Jano knew what the sample was or was supposed to be prior or he’s the only testing resource who got this correct (this is not an accusation, it is pointing to the only two possibilities and I don’t believe anything nefarious has occurred).

Am I missing something?

I can assure you Jano knew nothing of the samples contents. He was only used after receiving an over dosed result and a wrong compound result. At that point I was honestly worried about the contents and sent off to Jano for some clarity. This was all discussed and some have been following along in Chromate’s thread for nearly a month. Many have asked for my Chromate result for a few weeks now and I’ve publicly said no, not until I receive Jano’s results.

I get it though and understand you’re not making accusations. Just wanted to point out some more details that folks that haven’t popped in Chromate’s thread are unaware of.

This has turned out to be an expensive batch of primo for me to say the least.
I can assure you Jano knew nothing of the samples contents. He was only used after receiving an over dosed result and a wrong compound result. At that point I was honestly worried about the contents and sent off to Jano for some clarity. This was all discussed and some have been following along in Chromate’s thread for nearly a month. Many have asked for my Chromate result for a few weeks now and I’ve publicly said no, not until I receive Jano’s results.

I get it though and understand you’re not making accusations. Just wanted to point out some more details that folks that haven’t popped in Chromate’s thread are unaware of.

This has turned out to be an expensive batch of primo for me to say the least.

Two things first as a member who uses Stanford and primo, idk if u would take any donations for the testing u did but this greatly benefits me. As I pretty much strictly been using Stan's products. Idk if u do except any donations for what ya have done please dm me and let me know. If u won't take it from Stan maybe I'll take it for some members who benefit from ur testing and also what u have discovered. Which is we have to use jano for testing , till these other two can dial in there machines and samples/standards for now jano seems to be the only one...

Secondly I think it'd be huge for Stan not only would it be more finished and raw product testing of his products which is always good, but it'll give these testers a chance to redeem themselves somewhat and also dial in there machines maybe even talk to one another maybe they can learn from each other and where there issues like with the poor results.... So I deff appreciate Stan offering this up for the community, maybe other srcs will become involved as well so the whole burden isn't put on Stan.... Stan this goes for u as well idk if you would be open to donations but if u are please let us members know .......

Thank both you , and thank u Stan for putting out legit perfect dosed primo
seems to be a trend that analiza is consistently off the mark when compared to other labs.

Wow that's crazy. A guy you badger every single day, doesn't want to do business with you? I'm very surprised at that
False on both claims.

Asked him/her/they/ze a few times and finally got an answer

Do business? That was never in scope.