It’s very thin and I wouldn’t mind but I’m getting some rowdy pip from the enanthate of yours. I used to swell up with the mig 840 as well so that made me think it must be it. But damn. Now I’m curious. Is anyone getting any pip from the test enanthate coming out recently?
I get pip from almost every test e I’ve had. Nothing horrible but it’s there. I can put 2cc of cyp in my delts and not even know it happened
Sensitive lot you all are it seems.

Anyway thanks for the advice on the suspension, I definitely know the difference as I have a decent chemistry background but I wanted to know proper procedure, as this was my first time dealing with this particular substance. Thx
continue the verbal diarrhea

Here you are trying to fan the flames.
Congratulations, you've become the very thing you previously cried a river about.

Do everyone a favor and fuck off back to Discord. i spent all night mopping up after your last crying fit. i'm not doing it again.

Edit: Why am i even addressing you? You've been a member for 6 months and have all of 3 weeks worth of participation, if that.

You're as useful as that dumb ass Conner kid. You can now join your little brother on MSG's exclusive list of ignored ignoramuses.

Enjoy your stay on this exclusive list.
Last edited:
I dont give a shit about your flames.

Fuck off and die. How bout that? Eat a dick. How bout that?

"Why am i even addressing you?"

Because you're a boring faggot with nothing better to do.

Living in your head rent free.
It’s very thin and I wouldn’t mind but I’m getting some rowdy pip from the enanthate of yours. I used to swell up with the mig 840 as well so that made me think it must be it. But damn. Now I’m curious. Is anyone getting any pip from the test enanthate coming out recently?
When did you purchase it?
Very recently. Like within a few weeks. Did you get the same kind of experience? I mean I swell like rock hard and its painful almost like infected but clears up after about 3 days completely.
I did but I bought mine way back in September of last year. I started cutting it with 50% mct oil and it made the lumps about 70% less severe. Be careful if you continue cause for me it seemed the longer i used it the longer the lumps stayed around up to 7 or more days towards before I started cutting it.
Here you are trying to fan the flames.
Congratulations, you've become the very thing you previously cried a river about.

Do everyone a favor and fuck off back to Discord. i spent all night mopping up after your last crying fit. i'm not doing it again.

Edit: Why am i even addressing you? You've been a member for 6 months and have all of 3 weeks worth of participation, if that.

You're as useful as that dumb ass Conner kid. You can now join your little brother on MSG's exclusive list of ignored ignoramuses.

Enjoy your stay on this exclusive list.

Damn, brother, I never seen you this anger before.
i never get mad at Meso posts. It is the internet after all. It's more of a pet peeve when people cry a river, are offered a solution, then proceed to keep crying.

There have been a lot of times that I formulated an opinion and then, as I continue to see new posits, I begin to realize there are valid alternate point sources of view. But I learn that with time, and an open mind. No one is 100% correct a 100% of the time. But we all need perspective.
There have been a lot of times that I formulated an opinion and then, as I continue to see new posits, I begin to realize there are valid alternate point sources of view. But I learn that with time, and an open mind. No one is 100% correct a 100% of the time. But we all need perspective.
Post of the day.
Well done.
There have been a lot of times that I formulated an opinion and then, as I continue to see new posits, I begin to realize there are valid alternate point sources of view. But I learn that with time, and an open mind. No one is 100% correct a 100% of the time. But we all need perspective.
Good post....I used to lurk and bite my tongue when I would read posts I didn't agree with or had another opinion on but I've learned through going back into the Meso archives and reading a shit load of posts from 2013...2014...and so on that there are many different view points on the same subjects and like @Inquiring Mind said we all need perspective cause we all aren't batting 1000. ( although I do realize some members believe they ) Because of this I stopped biting my tongue and started posting knowing members aren't always gonna agree with me and for good reason cause I'm not always gonna be right. With that said , I'm also able to recognize when a member is just having fun and busting my balls or is genuinely upset with something I said. And there are quite a few members on here who might not post a lot but when they do its best attention because they are saying something of value.
Hows the cialis anyoje try it?

Ive been using the liquid cialis for years. Good stuff.

@StanfordPharma Are you about up to speed now brother? Sent you an email probably 10 or so days ago and never got a response Im just curious if I should keep tight or resend it. Hell you might’ve been so busy that you never even saw it.
I personally probably didn't see it. Rarely do i check emails any more. Sometimes, when i just need a break from doing all the other stuff i may check a few emails or come on here. Things are just so insane. Anyways, here's where things stand. Almost done shipping all outstanding orders. About one good day of packing and shipping to do. Then i will be going private. May need just a few days to restock finished items. Some synthesizing and capping and such. I'll have new emails and won't be using any of the old private emails any more. Probably start off a bit slow. I need a freaking bit of slow time. I'm so burnt out. Then we'll go from there. Hope i answered your question. If not then fook me, lol. Just pm me if not.
I personally probably didn't see it. Rarely do i check emails any more. Sometimes, when i just need a break from doing all the other stuff i may check a few emails or come on here. Things are just so insane. Anyways, here's where things stand. Almost done shipping all outstanding orders. About one good day of packing and shipping to do. Then i will be going private. May need just a few days to restock finished items. Some synthesizing and capping and such. I'll have new emails and won't be using any of the old private emails any more. Probably start off a bit slow. I need a freaking bit of slow time. I'm so burnt out. Then we'll go from there. Hope i answered your question. If not then fook me, lol. Just pm me if not.
Best news I’ve heard awhile! Good luck Stan!
I personally probably didn't see it. Rarely do i check emails any more. Sometimes, when i just need a break from doing all the other stuff i may check a few emails or come on here. Things are just so insane. Anyways, here's where things stand. Almost done shipping all outstanding orders. About one good day of packing and shipping to do. Then i will be going private. May need just a few days to restock finished items. Some synthesizing and capping and such. I'll have new emails and won't be using any of the old private emails any more. Probably start off a bit slow. I need a freaking bit of slow time. I'm so burnt out. Then we'll go from there. Hope i answered your question. If not then fook me, lol. Just pm me if not.
Great decision.