TBJ's 750 Test Cyp / 900 EQ and Anadrol log


New Member
Hey fellas,

Long time reader of Meso... Just wanted to share my log and hold myself accountable. I am in my 4th week already, and am just about to begin my 5th week. I wanted to share where I first began here with Pharmacom's gear. Ill update more with pics and bloodwork in about 30 days. I work in emergency medicine and take care of and maintain my own blood draws. I will be doing bloodwork soon, immediately followed by an "official donation". I bet by that time my RBC and some other things should be nice and high. Lets pickup where I began...

Log will be 18 weeks of 750mg Test Cyp, 900mg of Equipoise and 75-100mg of injectable anadrol pre workout. I dont plan on front loading and am possible looking to add tren a @ 50mg a day for 6 weeks tail end. (To be determined)

I will try to keep this as detailed as possible. Original goal was to lean bulk to 250. As of right now, I've been eating way more and have actually lost weight. I was about 225 a month ago and I am down to 210. I have leaned out quite a bit. I have been cruising on 250mg of test e for awhile now. So as it stands, Ill probably try to recomp. Especially with the high intensity, high volume workouts. Who knows though..

My training has become stale again and I am looking to mix it up. I have been training in a Crossfit gym 2x a week as well for the past month...


212 pounds

Bench mark lifts:

BB Bench - 1 RM 325
BB Squat - 1 RM 395
BB Deadlift - 1 RM 425
Clean and Jerk - Working on it.
Snatch - Working on it.

Training split will be as follows:

Monday - Back, Bi's, Legs

Pull ups (wide grip) - 50 reps
Bent Rows - 4x10,8,8,6
DB or Cable Rows - 3x10
Straight Bar Curls - 4x10,8,8,6
Seated Alt DB Curls - 4x8-10
Preacher Curls - 3x8-10
Squats - 5x12,10,8,8,6
Deadlifts - 3x8,5,3
Extentions - 3x10-12
Standing Calf Rasies - 4x15-20

Tuesday - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's

Bench - 4x10,8,6,4 Every 3rd week use DB
Incline - 4x12,10,8,8
DB Flyes - 4x8-10
Seated Military Press - 4x10,8,8,6
Arnold Press - 3x8-10
Side Lateral Raises - 3x10-12
Tricep Extensions - 10,8,8,8
DB French Press - 3x8-10
Tricep Pushdowns - 3x10-12 Alt bar each week

WednesdayOFF / Crossfit WOD / Oylmpic lift work

Thursday - Back, Bi's, Legs
Lat Pulldowns - 3x10-12 superset with T Rows - 3x12
Hyperextensions - 3x15
BB Curls - 3 sets of 21's
Alt Hammer Curls - 3x10 superset with Cable Reverse Curls 3x10-12
Alt DB Curls - 2x Run the rack superset with Preacher Curls - 3x Stripping method
Squats - 4x10,8,8,6 superset with Leg Press - 4x12,10,10,15
Leg Extensions - 3x12-15 superset with Leg Curls 3x10-12
Lunges - 2x12
Standing Calf Raises superset with Seated - 4x15-20

Friday - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's

Bench Press superset with DB Flyes - 3x10-12
Incline superset with Cable Crossovers - 3x10-12
Push ups - As many as you can in 2 minutes
Side, Front, Rear Laterals, Upright Rows, and Shrugs - 2x5,4,3
Close Grip Bench Press superset with Skullcrushers - 3x12-15
One Arm French Press - 3x10-12 superset with Dips - 3xfailure
Rope Pushdowns superset with Overhead Rope Pushdowns - 3x15




OFF / Crossfit WOD / Olympic lift work

Caloric goals will be around 5000 - 6000 a day. I will be eating relatively clean. (This means no chicken strips, french fries, ice cream, chocolate, soda, booze, etc..)

Super high carbs on heavy training days. Little to none on off days (.... will just see how my body feels)

I honestly dont know how long I could keep this current training schedule up. I will try it for a month straight and see how my body feels. I imagine pretty run down with the amount of work I do, lack of sleep I get and training time in the gym.

I am open for any suggestions.
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Nearly 40 lbs will be a stretch, especially with the 2 crossfit WO a week.
I like the cycle myself but what is your cycle history?
Nearly 40 lbs will be a stretch, especially with the 2 crossfit WO a week.
I like the cycle myself but what is your cycle history?

Agreed. I forgot to take that out.

29, ex marine, 8 or 9th cycle? I've been cruising since last summer. Last summer was 250 test e, 50mg proviron ed, 700 mast p and 700 tren a ED... Way over did it with the tren, but it was fun.

Currently on 1mg adex EOD

What's PCT?
PCT post cycle therapy but if your blasting and cruising or on TRT it doesn't matter.

I take it you were on tren and mast at 700mg a week, 100 ED?
PCT post cycle therapy but if your blasting and cruising or on TRT it doesn't matter.

I take it you were on tren and mast at 700mg a week, 100 ED?

Yeah. I never had my thyroid checked but I'm sure I fried it. It was complete overkill.

I'll add tren a @ 50mg ed in about 6-8 weeks here I think.. I'm gettin the tren itch again
PCT post cycle therapy but if your blasting and cruising or on TRT it doesn't matter.

I take it you were on tren and mast at 700mg a week, 100 ED?

I know.. I was being a smart ass :)

I don't PCT and don't plan on coming off anytime soon.
caught me playing mother hen :)
I am finishing my cycle at 150/100mg test/tren ED, ends this weekend.
Have a love/hate with tren, really screws with my sleep but love the effects.
caught me playing mother hen :)
I am finishing my cycle at 150/100mg test/tren ED, ends this weekend.
Have a love/hate with tren, really screws with my sleep but love the effects.

The proviron really helped with my tren sides, the mast too. Never had ed issues. It was Bayer, I loved it.

Do you have a log going?
How are you feeling atm? Im on 600mg/week pharmacom test e in week 5 and I'm really liking it at the moment. Getting blood results next week but test will be capped at 1500 ng/dl.
How are you feeling atm? Im on 600mg/week pharmacom test e in week 5 and I'm really liking it at the moment. Getting blood results next week but test will be capped at 1500 ng/dl.

It's going good. Vascularity is coming out. I've never run EQ before, believe it or not. The Pharmacom oil is nice and smooth. I wish I had some more injectable dbol. Using the drol now (again) but I at one point I was doing 50mg/50mg pre workout. That was gold.

I'm curious to follow up on your blood work
Just pinned 1ml of adrol. Pharmacom oil is as smooth as ever. Breakfast was 6 eggs and two medium protein pancakes.

Im starting to lean out big time. Starting weight was 225 and I was at 208 yesterday. I'll have some progress pics here soon.

Not sure how I've liked losing weight but the mirror is still agreeing with me. Also, my endurance is sky rocketing. I've been implementing some interval miles into my training. I absolutely killed two runs yesterday and I wasn't even pushing it. In about a month I'll be going for my old sub 6 min times. Will update in a bit after workout.
I have another charity event to attend today and I'll be with my niece later. Getting my training in a little earlier and a day earlier than usual. My recovery is insane right now. Running endurance, lifting endurance, DOMs, everything is up.

Will weigh myself at the gym. 100mg of Pharmacom adrol
In the right quad an hour ago... Ready to get it.

Hey fellas,

Long time reader of Meso... Just wanted to share my log and hold myself accountable. I am in my 4th week already, and am just about to begin my 5th week. I wanted to share where I first began here with Pharmacom's gear. Ill update more with pics and bloodwork in about 30 days. I work in emergency medicine and take care of and maintain my own blood draws. I will be doing bloodwork soon, immediately followed by an "official donation". I bet by that time my RBC and some other things should be nice and high. Lets pickup where I began...

Log will be 18 weeks of 750mg Test Cyp, 900mg of Equipoise and 75-100mg of injectable anadrol pre workout. I dont plan on front loading and am possible looking to add tren a @ 50mg a day for 6 weeks tail end. (To be determined)

I will try to keep this as detailed as possible. Original goal was to lean bulk to 250. As of right now, I've been eating way more and have actually lost weight. I was about 225 a month ago and I am down to 210. I have leaned out quite a bit. I have been cruising on 250mg of test e for awhile now. So as it stands, Ill probably try to recomp. Especially with the high intensity, high volume workouts. Who knows though..

My training has become stale again and I am looking to mix it up. I have been training in a Crossfit gym 2x a week as well for the past month...


212 pounds

Bench mark lifts:

BB Bench - 1 RM 325
BB Squat - 1 RM 395
BB Deadlift - 1 RM 425
Clean and Jerk - Working on it.
Snatch - Working on it.

Training split will be as follows:

Monday - Back, Bi's, Legs

Pull ups (wide grip) - 50 reps
Bent Rows - 4x10,8,8,6
DB or Cable Rows - 3x10
Straight Bar Curls - 4x10,8,8,6
Seated Alt DB Curls - 4x8-10
Preacher Curls - 3x8-10
Squats - 5x12,10,8,8,6
Deadlifts - 3x8,5,3
Extentions - 3x10-12
Standing Calf Rasies - 4x15-20

Tuesday - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's

Bench - 4x10,8,6,4 Every 3rd week use DB
Incline - 4x12,10,8,8
DB Flyes - 4x8-10
Seated Military Press - 4x10,8,8,6
Arnold Press - 3x8-10
Side Lateral Raises - 3x10-12
Tricep Extensions - 10,8,8,8
DB French Press - 3x8-10
Tricep Pushdowns - 3x10-12 Alt bar each week

WednesdayOFF / Crossfit WOD / Oylmpic lift work

Thursday - Back, Bi's, Legs
Lat Pulldowns - 3x10-12 superset with T Rows - 3x12
Hyperextensions - 3x15
BB Curls - 3 sets of 21's
Alt Hammer Curls - 3x10 superset with Cable Reverse Curls 3x10-12
Alt DB Curls - 2x Run the rack superset with Preacher Curls - 3x Stripping method
Squats - 4x10,8,8,6 superset with Leg Press - 4x12,10,10,15
Leg Extensions - 3x12-15 superset with Leg Curls 3x10-12
Lunges - 2x12
Standing Calf Raises superset with Seated - 4x15-20

Friday - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's

Bench Press superset with DB Flyes - 3x10-12
Incline superset with Cable Crossovers - 3x10-12
Push ups - As many as you can in 2 minutes
Side, Front, Rear Laterals, Upright Rows, and Shrugs - 2x5,4,3
Close Grip Bench Press superset with Skullcrushers - 3x12-15
One Arm French Press - 3x10-12 superset with Dips - 3xfailure
Rope Pushdowns superset with Overhead Rope Pushdowns - 3x15




OFF / Crossfit WOD / Olympic lift work

Caloric goals will be around 5000 - 6000 a day. I will be eating relatively clean. (This means no chicken strips, french fries, ice cream, chocolate, soda, booze, etc..)

Super high carbs on heavy training days. Little to none on off days (.... will just see how my body feels)

I honestly dont know how long I could keep this current training schedule up. I will try it for a month straight and see how my body feels. I imagine pretty run down with the amount of work I do, lack of sleep I get and training time in the gym.

I am open for any suggestions.

Thank you for the update!
Nice log!
Well... It's safe to say Darius' test cyp is fully kicked in. Holy shit I am a walking erection. This marks week 5.5 for me. I literally am hard all day long... The girlfriend isn't complaining either.

I'm feeling stronger as well. I'm getting a little burnt on this training split. I might switch it up after this week. It's taking its toll on my lower back and hip. I had a pinched nerve a couple years ago from dead lifting and it hasn't left me since.

I actually missed yesterday's back workout so I'll hit that today. About to eat two bananas and have a shake. Will pin almost the last of my drol too :(

Will report after.
Looks like i tweaked an old injury when I was doing BB rows (225 which is normally easy).

I pinched a nerve about four years ago doing deadlift using terrible form. It's stuck with me on and off over the years. Sometimes it takes just a small, WRONG movement and it goes off. I'm going to get in to see my chiro and another guy. It hurts so bad that I can't even tie my shoe..
I've had to take the last two days off from training. My back is hurting so bad that I cannot do simple things like tie my shoe. I can't get in to a sports guy until the 6th and I have an appointment then. He has helped some friends of mine recover from some serious injuries. I'll probably stick to things like pull-ups and push ups for the time being. I don't know really. It's pretty bad right now. Even sitting down hurts..

I'll still be on my pinning schedule with the EQ and cyp from Darius in the mean time...
Back still hurts very bad... But the good is is that I'm a walking erection. Really wishing I could run 1.5g of Darius Pharmacomstore cyp instead of 750mg.. A man can only dream right? I'll be taking an off day tomorrow.. This isn't good...