TBJ's 750 Test Cyp / 900 EQ and Anadrol log

Sorry for the lack of updates. I don't want to half ass things here but I might drop some progress pics and take a week break. An ortho thinks I fucked up a nerve in my elbow doing rope climbs and it hurts when I do anything. The good news is, is that my back is better... On its own.... Somehow. Still a little pain but not like it was... It's pretty fuckin hard to sit back and take it easy and nurse an injury. I really don't know how some of you have the patience to do so.... I KNOW I need a little break and I want to last for the longevity of lifting, Crossfit, etc. I'm having a hard time even writing this but I've been putting my body through hell. The good news is is that the compliments are flying in left and right. I've had people give me a hard time when I take off my shirt to workout or go hike telling me that im showing up. The thing is, I don't consider myself even half as jerked as some of you on the board but it's nice to know that people notice... Anywhow... I'm going to eat a box or cinnamon rice chex.. Brb. I'm going to pin some of Darius' pharmacom gearz and reflect a little. Stay tuned.
I did my last workout tonight for a week. 3x2x2x1x1x1 PR'd on my last bench rep, had a boner going into the WOD.

I'm strong as fuck compared to last summers tren run. It's nutts. Less pump, hardness, but maybe I'm hitting my stride with this 750 cyp/900 EQ. Still don't know about the EQ. It's my first run btw. But the test is strong in this one.
Off topic.. Can a mod help me change the title of my thread?

Maybe if you PM Millard Baker, but I don't know for sure.

So you don't think running EQ @ 900mg/wk had anything to do with your elbow (make it easier to injury)?
Maybe if you PM Millard Baker, but I don't know for sure.

So you don't think running EQ @ 900mg/wk had anything to do with your elbow (make it easier to injury)?
I have no idea. Hard to tell.

Vascularity is up but who's to say that's not the cyp which gives me vascularoty or my diet.. I can't tell. Need some EQ vets to chime in
Notes so far from rest day #1:

Took a bunch of sildenafil last night. It was fun.

Woke up from a nap just now and my elbow was numb down to my pinky... Ulnar nerve entrapment? GFD. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.

That's all for today.
Did light shoulders and some other stuff today.. Went really light.. Arnold press, flies, reverse fly, lateral raise, DB pullovers, hammer curls and 100 crunches. Felt good. Zero pain in the elbow, tricep and forearm...

Second day on tren a @ 50mg/day.

Will have some pics mid May. Will be manipulating my water/sodium right before a big pool party. That will mark about week 6.5 on tren a (along EQ and cyp). Excited for results.
2 mile run, 300 air squats in reps of 50, BW lunges, abs and planks. Also did 20 pullups real slow and 30 push ups to feel out the elbow. Just taking it easy..

Injected 250 cyp and 600eq of darius pharmacom oil into my left glute, smooth as always
Sorry for the late reply. Trying to stay off my elbow...

Pinned 50mg tren a from darius an hour ago. Headed to the track for some sprint work.

Dynamic stretch and sprint.

400m x 3 - 3 minute rest
200m x 4 - 1:30 minute rest
100m x 6 - :45 second rest.

Abs, core, stretching.
Injuries frustrating always. Set long term goals. After dealing with repetitive hamstring strains and knee tendonopathies this past year. I have put a break on my compound leg training. Just a small amount to maintain and the rest is rehab work.

Once you identify the problem the plan is easy, just gotta stick too it. Mine is pelvic rotation. Once I fix the posture, I'll rehab hammy and knee properly over 6 months. All the while VERY gradually increasing volume and workload. After that time period I'll stick with pussy weights and slow proggression maybe even some plyo to REALLY strengthen connective tissue. About 12 month plan. I spent 12 years doing the damage, what's 12 months bulletproof ing it for another decade

You just gotta commit to recovery. I know it really really sux to leave out any part of your balanced and carefully planned programming. Best luck bro
Injuries frustrating always. Set long term goals. After dealing with repetitive hamstring strains and knee tendonopathies this past year. I have put a break on my compound leg training. Just a small amount to maintain and the rest is rehab work.

Once you identify the problem the plan is easy, just gotta stick too it. Mine is pelvic rotation. Once I fix the posture, I'll rehab hammy and knee properly over 6 months. All the while VERY gradually increasing volume and workload. After that time period I'll stick with pussy weights and slow proggression maybe even some plyo to REALLY strengthen connective tissue. About 12 month plan. I spent 12 years doing the damage, what's 12 months bulletproof ing it for another decade

You just gotta commit to recovery. I know it really really sux to leave out any part of your balanced and carefully planned programming. Best luck bro

Damn.. I need to have your patience. Sounds like you really know what you are doing there. Thank you for the positive words!
100 push ups, 75 pull-ups, 200 air squats, 200 crunches

That's all I got for today.

No arm pain, not going to push it.

50mg of Darius' tren a in.

Damn.. I need to have your patience. Sounds like you really know what you are doing there. Thank you for the positive words!

I know what to do just don't have the patience either. Just keep your eye on long term goals. Hope your recovery goes well, looks like you have already modified your workouts to prevent further injury. That is key. Good luck
How are you liking the pharmacom tren so far?

Well I had sex with my gf the other day and my cardio is absolutely gone already. Aggression is up and strength not quite. Tren always kicks in week 3. Where I feel invincible, insane pumps, sweating buckets and gasping for air. I'll keep you posted. So far so good.
I know what to do just don't have the patience either. Just keep your eye on long term goals. Hope your recovery goes well, looks like you have already modified your workouts to prevent further injury. That is key. Good luck
I hate resting so much. I can't stand it. I really need to be patient..
I hate resting so much. I can't stand it. I really need to be patient..

It is so so hard. I want to pull 500lbs off the floor in 2016, easily achieve able from where I left off. Long term goals....

Today is leg day. I will go in for light ham curls, leg ext, BB hip thrusts, abs and back ext. not strong enough to do hypers with legs yet. Breaks my heart tbh. Keep your head up
It is so so hard. I want to pull 500lbs off the floor in 2016, easily achieve able from where I left off. Long term goals....

Today is leg day. I will go in for light ham curls, leg ext, BB hip thrusts, abs and back ext. not strong enough to do hypers with legs yet. Breaks my heart tbh. Keep your head up
I feel like I'm wasting gear. Can't stop now ;)