TBJ's 750 Test Cyp / 900 EQ and Anadrol log

Has the EQ affected your gas tank for metcons in a positive way?

Does it help counter the cardio you lose from teen?
50mg of Darius' Tren A in.

Little (large) pre workout meal here. Tomorrow I'll be back in the box but I'm about to go to the gym for a little work in about 2-3 hours. Can't wait...



Can't wait to throw winny in..
I just wanted to say:

I take that back. I'd run EQ again. Never below 900mg. I am NOTICEABLY more vascular. Darius' 300mg/ml is smooth, very smooth. I just can think of a few other compounds I'd run.

To my fellow CFer. You know, I ran a 12:32 2 mile run yesterday... And it was easy..... On tren. Thinking about it now, no way I could do that without EQ. I'm just trying to be fair here in my review... These are some second thoughts I had, add more later [emoji16]
I was just looking at my
Old pics... When I was running large amounts of aas later summer compared to now. I was fucking large, but nowhere near as vascular as I am
Today. I skipped deadlifts
Today's because we are doing them tomorrow during our WOD. I'll try for a pic... I'll be veiny as hell
Thanks. Just noticed the typo in my post. I am running EQ this cycle hopefully to gain more endurance and then towards the tail end to counteract the tren during metcons.
Ever ran GW? I'm afraid of all the cancer claims. Never ran into an exerciser who has tried it.
Ever ran GW? I'm afraid of all the cancer claims. Never ran into an exerciser who has tried it.
Lmao... I've read about GW so much. I've read in only extreme amounts in rats was it?? Then I've read that's bs?? Who knows.

Everything in life causes cancer.... Some things just speed it up.

In back in the box tomorrow. Deadlifts to start
Thanks. Just noticed the typo in my post. I am running EQ this cycle hopefully to gain more endurance and then towards the tail end to counteract the tren during metcons.

I wouldn't mind cruising on say.. 250 cyp and 300 EQ. For a couple months until next blast off
Did a grinder today. For time:

20 Bar facing burpee
20 OHS 95#
20 Thrusters 115#
20 Power Cleans 135#
20 Front Squat 155#

Strength before the WOD was 5x5 deadlifts at 75% 1rm

Holy back pumps batman! Dbol was kicking in.
Lmao... I've read about GW so much. I've read in only extreme amounts in rats was it?? Then I've read that's bs?? Who knows.

Everything in life causes cancer.... Some things just speed it up.

In back in the box tomorrow. Deadlifts to start
There was a thread last year and some smart dudes (ie Millard, doc scaly, etc) figured the stuff was hella cancerous.

The main argument that proponents have is that humans would never use the amount given to rats. Yes we would take a lot more if using the correct ratio calculation when comparing rat to human dose. You got to read the thread. They are way more succinct.

Anyway, you tried it? How was it for CrossFit?
Did a grinder today. For time:

20 Bar facing burpee
20 OHS 95#
20 Thrusters 115#
20 Power Cleans 135#
20 Front Squat 155#

Strength before the WOD was 5x5 deadlifts at 75% 1rm

Holy back pumps batman! Dbol was kicking in.

Lmfao. Dbol in Crossfit. Nicely done sir. I want to try 100mg pre workout... Dem pumps after a WOD and lifts.. Shit man
There was a thread last year and some smart dudes (ie Millard, doc scaly, etc) figured the stuff was hella cancerous.

The main argument that proponents have is that humans would never use the amount given to rats. Yes we would take a lot more if using the correct ratio calculation when comparing rat to human dose. You got to read the thread. They are way more succinct.

Anyway, you tried it? How was it for CrossFit?
No I haven't tried it.

I'm going to place an order with Darius for some of his winny, read some good stuff about it and his gear has been good this far. I'll be in Hawaii in 45 days... Gotta really finish this cycle here...
First official day back in the box.

Deadlifts 3-2-2-1-1-1. Finished with 415, no belt. I didnt use a belt the last rep and I was bending over a little as form got sloppy. I havent hit that weight in months... and it was easy. I had ropes going down both shoulders, through my biceps and forearms. Vascularity was nutts. I take back what I said about EQ. Id run it again... in doses of 1200mg+. In between sets I was heading over to the rig and hitting 10 reps of super wide grip over hand pull ups... Felt great and was effortless.

Ive been doing nothing but pullups and body weight work for the last 30 days since being out so it feels good to be back in an actual gym.

Gearz from Darius @ Pharmacomstore:

Pinned 3ml today. 100mg of tren A, 250 Cyp, 300 EQ.

I am nearing the end of my cycle... Im a little sad... Will be throwing in winstrol at 50mg a day for 40 days to cap things off. Will update with pics, etc.

Weighed in at 202 today. Midsection is cutting up nicely. I am nowhere near as full as I was last year. But I was also 235 and eating 400g carbs a day and no abs.... I miss the size I had but much prefer how lean Ive gotten over the past 5 months.
Off day today... Much needed rest. I recently adopted a puppy and she is a handful. Sleep is few and far in between, especially with my schedule. Starting to think about a fall cycle. I'll be cruising late June and on until September I believe.

Darius' gear is extremely effective and some of the best I've used. The only other that I can think that can even come close is oxydine and that stuff was fantastic.

For fall I'd like to try something different...

Sustanon, anavar, tren a and mast p

Let's all theorize for a moment. Can anyone think of a solid outline up for debate?? Let's hear it.
Primo, tren, and tbol. Only cuz that's what I want to try next. Right now I'm on test-c, EQ, dbol, with tren, mast, var finisher.

Would like to know what you liked best while training Crossfit.
Primo, tren, and tbol. Only cuz that's what I want to try next. Right now I'm on test-c, EQ, dbol, with tren, mast, var finisher.

Would like to know what you liked best while training Crossfit.

I wanna do sust/tren/mast/var.... Good thing about my gym, they have everything... Literally to train with....Not just Crossfit stuff. If this makes any sense? God damn you just be shredded. That's lots
Of good gearz. Do you have a log???

I'm going to be dropping down to 250 cyp and 300 EQ for ten weeks. What I like best??? Prob just the cyp/EQ. I was super strong on just that cycle. Now I tossed in tren and now going to do winny... Winny is going to ruin me. This is where I will be very selective on my WODs and stick to squat/bench/deadlift/more traditional bodybuilding stuff
Primo, tren, and tbol. Only cuz that's what I want to try next. Right now I'm on test-c, EQ, dbol, with tren, mast, var finisher.

Would like to know what you liked best while training Crossfit.

I wanna do sust/tren/mast/var.... Good thing about my gym, they have everything... Literally to train with....Not just Crossfit stuff. If this makes any sense? God damn you just be shredded. That's lots
Of good gearz. Do you have a log???

I'm going to be dropping down to 250 cyp and 300 EQ for ten weeks. What I like best??? Prob just the cyp/EQ. I was super strong on just that cycle. Now I tossed in tren and now going to do winny... Winny is going to ruin me. This is where I will be very selective on my WODs and stick to squat/bench/deadlift/more traditional bodybuilding stuff