TBJ's 750 Test Cyp / 900 EQ and Anadrol log

Did 50 very strict chin ups and 25 x 275 dead lifts. No elbow pain. Ran a couple miles. Need to get back at it. Feeling ok though.. No need to push it.
50mg darius tren a in with some cyp and EQ.

Forearm vascularity starting to pop pretty good.

Figured I'd go a little heavier on deads today. Went 5x3x315 pretty easy. Followed by 100 push ups, 100 crunches and 100 air squats. Going to take a few days off and reevaluate. I believe it's almost time to get back in the gym...
How's CrossFit on tren? I thought it was brutal. Probably gonna do it again because tren is awesome. LOL

just found your log. Gonna follow just because you said CrossFit hahaha!
How's CrossFit on tren? I thought it was brutal. Probably gonna do it again because tren is awesome. LOL

just found your log. Gonna follow just because you said CrossFit hahaha!

Helen was a bitch the other day.. Should've seen the full body pump I had tho ;)
It's messed up when you have one of he best physiques but you always finish last in WODs. LOL I know I am raising suspicions but I just keep blaming it on Paleo. "Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym brah!" Hahaha if they only knew I was getting some help from my friend PEDs.
It's messed up when you have one of he best physiques but you always finish last in WODs. LOL I know I am raising suspicions but I just keep blaming it on Paleo. "Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym brah!" Hahaha if they only knew I was getting some help from my friend PEDs.
I'm taking a little under a month off. Pinched my ulnar nerve doing rope climbs for time.

I'll be shredded and more filled out by the time I go back.. Been doing deadlifts, pullups and push-ups.
CrossFit will fuck you up!

That's why I focus more on Oly lifting. I only do it for the community/socializing.

Get better bro. Good thing you got help from our friend PED hahaha!
CrossFit will fuck you up!

That's why I focus more on Oly lifting. I only do it for the community/socializing.

Get better bro. Good thing you got help from our friend PED hahaha!
Nice to know I got a fellow cf/oly lifter out there. Been working on my clean and jerk. Some of my lifts are so fucking lop sided..
How do you like the tren mate ?
It's working out well. I've tried two other sources I've stuck wth before in the past. I won't name them but darius' tren a is right there with them. I'm about 2 weeks in now I believe... Should fully blossom here in the next two like I normally do on tren. Diet has been spot on. Had a snickers the other night, that's the worst thing I've eaten in the past month.. Besides froyo [emoji16]

I'm doing a shoot in a week. Don't know that I'll share the pics here but if I like one I'll let it fly.

So far the gear is great. In approaching the end.. Total would be about 15 weeks. I'm sad :( I really want to throw in winny at 50mg for 4-5 weeks.. But that's just me being greedy. Thought about making an order but we'll see.

I've been experiencing full body pumps from just eating and working. It's great. I take off my scrubs at the end of my shift and I'm super full looking and have a minor pump... Darius' Tren/cyp/EQ is working great
Did 5x5 bench yesterday and jumped into 20 push ups and 10 pullups. Did that 5x.

Went heavier than I have in a month. Elbow felt great. (Really excited here!) and feels great today.

Thinking about adding winstrol at 50mg a day for 5 weeks as I near the end of the cycle.

Will post my workout in a bit..
No more made up works outs, back in the gym this week...

Darius' Pharmacom gear in: 50mg tren a, 300mg EQ, 250mg cyp

Got a new power rack and some weights today, I'm stoked.
