TBJ's 750 Test Cyp / 900 EQ and Anadrol log

I wanna do sust/tren/mast/var.... Good thing about my gym, they have everything... Literally to train with....Not just Crossfit stuff. If this makes any sense? God damn you just be shredded. That's lots
Of good gearz. Do you have a log???

I'm going to be dropping down to 250 cyp and 300 EQ for ten weeks. What I like best??? Prob just the cyp/EQ. I was super strong on just that cycle. Now I tossed in tren and now going to do winny... Winny is going to ruin me. This is where I will be very selective on my WODs and stick to squat/bench/deadlift/more traditional bodybuilding stuff

I mean Idk how u like to run cycles but I would run a gram of sust for 12 weeks the tren mast var for last four.


Tren mast var all at 50mg day for 8 weeks. Sust at cruise dose

Probably latter now that I think about it. High test sux IME . Mast might make you a lil tight on your oly lifts so warm up well. Honestly with var you can drop the mast altogether
I mean Idk how u like to run cycles but I would run a gram of sust for 12 weeks the tren mast var for last four.


Tren mast var all at 50mg day for 8 weeks. Sust at cruise dose

Probably latter now that I think about it. High test sux IME . Mast might make you a lil tight on your oly lifts so warm up well. Honestly with var you can drop the mast altogether
I like your idea. Thanks homey. Savin up for now... Probably just run mast. I can't get that much var...
Workout 2 back in the gym... Getting stronger (again) moar veins, etc..

5x5x5x5x5 hang cleans


3x3x3 light dead lift @ 315 lbs
5x10 chin ups
BB curls
DB hammer curls

Darius gearz in:

50mg tren a
300mg EQ
250mg cyp

Had the biggest fucking body pump after finishing my WOD. Thought it was so good that I'd do lights deads and an open gym workout. I am shaking so bad I can barely write this.

Vascularity is nutts...
Sorry. I have to squeeze this one in.

Did bench yesterday and a light chest routine.


20 super wide grip strict pullups

Finished with 3x20 BW dips

About to throw in winny.

Darius Pharmacom gearz in:

50mg tren a
250mg cyp

I have a charity event im helping do tomorrow. Might be MIA this weekend.
Legs yesterday..

Back squat

135 x 20
185 x 20
225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 8
(Back started to tighten up here.. Laid off)
135 x 10
135 x 10

Front squat

185 x 5

BB lunge

135 lbs 10 steps each foot x 5

Darius' gear in:

250mg cyp
50mg tren a
300mg EQ

Felt very damn good. Back started to hurt pretty bad. I hurt it years ago deadlifting 185 (yes, 185 pounds). Pinched a nerve OUTTA nowhere and it hasn't been the same since.

Evening WOD was "Angie".

Needles to say I'm fucking fried today. I'll probably go to the gym and row for an hour soon and loosen up.
Back workout was good. Decided to switch it up a little.


425x3 (decided to back off.. Low back pain again...)

Chin ups

BW x 20 x 5

DB rows

100 x 5

Believe it or not I was pretty fried from the chins. I was really going slow and concentrating on squeezing my shoulder blades down as i contracted. I saw a lady who has treated Olympic athletes the other day and she said I've been relying way too much on arm strength for lifts. She did some movement tests on me and said that's probably why I've had tricep and elbow pain... Go figure.

Darius Gears in:

Tren a 50
Test cyp 250
EQ 300

Down to 5ml of cyp and EQ...it's almost all over...
Damn man reading your log has got me really looking forward to the cycle I'm bout to run its identical except I'll be using test e. Good log bro!!
Hey @TBJ9000 did you have to give blood since you running EQ
I donate every four months. Donating. Next month. Hematocrit was elevated the first time. I was done donating in like four minutes lol. The lab tech was like... Uh... That's the fastest I've seen in a long time. Declined her Powerade and walked out like a boss ;)
Damn man reading your log has got me really looking forward to the cycle I'm bout to run its identical except I'll be using test e. Good log bro!!
I'll try for post workout pics, morning pics, etc.

Im super vascular when I carb up and I just look generally bigger, it's nice. Darius has made a lifetime customer out of me. His customer service has been top notch and his willingness to just help is refreshing.

So far so good. I ordered some sustanon and winny. Stocking up for a nice fall blast...
Thanks for the feedback. I was just wondering if I could get away with not donating

Get away with it? What are you going to run??

I don't pretend like I know everything but I work in the medical field, ED trauma to be exact without disclosing too much info... Maybe I can help
I'm going to run test e at 750 a week and eq at 800 and some tbol. I was just wondering if it would be a must to donate blood.
I've heard people not donating and was curious if you do. But you do and your probably a lot more knowledgeable then me about blood pressure if that's your career. Thanks for the help bro
I've heard people not donating and was curious if you do. But you do and your probably a lot more knowledgeable then me about blood pressure if that's your career. Thanks for the help bro
Knowledgeable about blood pressure? Lol you're funny! Hypertension runs in my family.. If I don't take extra care my blood pressure rises very bad..

Is it a must? No. Should you? Might be a good idea. Will you die if you don't? No. Don't listen to the bro science. If you want, don't donate and get bloods and ill help interpret your blood work
So my uncle who is aging with Down syndrome is extremely sick and ended up in the ICU this weekend. It's been a terrible busy weekend and I apologize on the updates...

Having sort of to abruptly end things here and I apologize..

Final thoughts on cycle:

The EQ worked. Hunger was hit or miss for me. The vascularity was definitely there and it's like none I've ever had before. It wasn't road map veins or anything but if I was well hydrated and carbed up you could definitely see my "perma pump" and those veins all over my forearms. Coworkers would joke about jabbing me with a 14ga for an IV.

I feel I should've structured it a little better. It was some Crossfit, some BB'ing... So I apologize in advance if I lost anyone there.

Thoughts on that particular cycle... I wish I would've started at 500mg cyp, then bumped to 750mg. At some points I felt a little stale mid cycle and could feel needing to change dosages.

Darius has some wonderful, smooth oils and the gear speaks for itself. Sure I am being a little bias here... Admittedly. But for anyone who hasn't tried Darius' gear I encourage you.... Customer service is top notch amongst MANY things.

I'll try to get some after pics up.. Again, it's been a bad, busy weekend. My physique hasn't changed too much though in slimming in the waist and looking longer up top... Hmm