TBJ's 750 Test Cyp / 900 EQ and Anadrol log

Resumed with regular training this morning. I went on a 9 mile hike Saturday and went and did core/abs at the gym sunday. Sunday was planks, 200 flutter kicks, 200 leg raises, 200 sit ups, 50 V sits. Also did a pull-up pyramid 1-2-3-5-2-3-1 with over hand pullups, underhand and commando to each side.

Oils still going in smoothly. Have not noticed an increase in appetite or anything. A couple of the workouts including CF had me almost throwing up. I could only down a protein shake and creatine afterward. Made a package of pork chops and a bunch of rice. Ate a 1/3 of it... Vascularity remains the same. Strength has sort of plateaued.. Hitting up a WOD tonight, we'll see how that goes. This morning before weighs I had a shake, 7 eggs and a massive protein/carb pancake. Had the pump real good.

Darius pharmacom gear still going strong.

250 of cyp and 300 EQ of Darius' Pharmacom oil in.

Spent this morning away from my "regular" training schedule. More abs/core work/lunges.

30lb lunges around the studio until
I felt like throwing up. 200 sit ups, 100 side crunches to each side, 400 flutter kicks (each leg counts as one), planks, side planks.

Will be practicing some C&J and snatches later tonight and will probably run 5 miles right before.

Weighed in at 212 fasted this morning.

Doing an off day today. Looks like all of this training is catching up with me. Getting this dull pain in my elbow that causes the entire joint to become inflamed and it makes me lose 80% of the strength in it temporarily.. Can't be good.
Sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend. Been slammed at work. Going to run bleachers today and keep it simple.
from your picture. I think you could have a more muscular harder physic. that is my observation. protein is what builds muscle. take it for what it is worth. no skin off me if you take my advise or not.
I'll be going in and doing a 5x5x5x5x5 bench for load, increasing by 10 pounds each set. Then will be working on some C&J work and some snatches (light weight). Nothing to hurt or aggravate my back hopefully.

Put 3cc of test cyp and 3cc of EQ in each glute. Will be very busy this week and won't really be home.

Oil still feelin smoooooothe.
Mixing it up today. Before I head into work, I'll be doing deadlifts, cleans and push press. Will be pressed for time. I wrapped up my elbow pretty good yesterday when I did my bench. Seemed to really help. Tennis elbow is a bitch and it looks like I really need to invest in a compression sleeve for my elbow or something.. Recommendations other than an ace wrap?

Again.. No time to pin Pharmacom oil this week due to hectic schedule.. I look forward to pinning, like its some sort of ritual.
Mixing it up today. Before I head into work, I'll be doing deadlifts, cleans and push press. Will be pressed for time. I wrapped up my elbow pretty good yesterday when I did my bench. Seemed to really help. Tennis elbow is a bitch and it looks like I really need to invest in a compression sleeve for my elbow or something.. Recommendations other than an ace wrap?

Work them forearms. I know it sounds stupid, but strengthen your forearms with DB/BB wrist curls and DB reverse wrist curls will help. Reverse DB wrist curls helped my elbow pain. Do waste your money on a compression sleeve.

If you buy anything get one of these:

@p-lethal said it helped him

Check out pages 13 & 14 here:

Good Luck
Work them forearms. I know it sounds stupid, but strengthen your forearms with DB/BB wrist curls and DB reverse wrist curls will help. Reverse DB wrist curls helped my elbow pain. Do waste your money on a compression sleeve.

If you buy anything get one of these:

@p-lethal said it helped him

Check out pages 13 & 14 here:

Good Luck

Thanks dude I'll look it up after I bail out of the dentist... [emoji31]

Did some power clean work yesterday.. Holy fuck my grip was terrible. My inner thumbs are tore up because my grip got so loose and shitty after my 20th rep..
Hitting up the cf gym to WOD. Yup. I lift, do (try) OLY lifting and Crossfit [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]