JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Forgot the push-ups!! ^^

I was a fucking bitch today, just wasn't feeling it. Brutus with the shoulder and I had some weird pain in my lower bicep and inside of my elbows.. It wasn't something I was worried about but uncomfortable.

I pushed through though, oh yea... I pushed through.. I'll post more later.
Careful of tennis elbow. It's not a pleasant injury to work through although I done it for around 6months one time. It sucks!! If you do skull crushers or full extensions during curls you need to stop. The skull crushers give it to me every time. I recommend just really watching what your doing to figure out when it effects you the worst. Good luck brother.
Careful of tennis elbow. It's not a pleasant injury to work through although I done it for around 6months one time. It sucks!! If you do skull crushers or full extensions during curls you need to stop. The skull crushers give it to me every time. I recommend just really watching what your doing to figure out when it effects you the worst. Good luck brother.

I thought tennis elbow was pain on the outside of the elbow, no?
I know I've said it before JB but I completely agree with Boilermech get rid of the skull crushers they are elbow killers. I know you like them and if you feel like you have to keep them in lower the weight about 30-40% and make them your finisher for 3 sets of 12-15 making sure that you don't move your arms above the elbow at all.

Not trying to be a dick and lecture you it's just that I made the mistake of doing them for way too long before I figured out how much I was screwing my elbows up and once they are screwed up it takes quite while to get them right again.
You'r correct. Golfer's elbow is on the inside of the elbow.

I've had tennis elbow a few times and it's not real fun, golfer's elbow doesn't sound much better...

I'm not sure it's that either though. I know Brutus' heart would break if he knew he hurt me so I've been holding out on posting this.. haha

It happened when we were doing the bench sets of 300.. Bar was on my chest when I failed and all of a sudden this beast of a man was hovering over me yanking that shit up at 100miles an hour!! Ouch!! :eek:

Seems all good now though.
I've had tennis elbow a few times and it's not real fun, golfer's elbow doesn't sound much better...

I'm not sure it's that either though. I know Brutus' heart would break if he knew he hurt me so I've been holding out on posting this.. haha

It happened when we were doing the bench sets of 300.. Bar was on my chest when I failed and all of a sudden this beast of a man was hovering over me yanking that shit up at 100miles an hour!! :eek:

Seems all good now though.
I didn't want my life partner being crushed! I am sorry for being such an attentive spotter... jeez
I thought tennis elbow was pain on the outside of the elbow, no?
Whatever you want to call it brother it hurts and sucks. I got tennis elbow real bad before from skull crushers. Once I quit them the pain stuck around for a long time but I fought my way through it.
Another time I had to defeat the biggest baddest guy at work in arm wrestling and pulled my ligaments in my lower bicep right by the elbow. I could barely do any curls for about a year from that. I never arm wrestled again. But I did slam his ass down hard. It was awesome but not worth it in the end.
Tell that big Ox to be more gentle next time, lol. Jk brutus
Whatever you do just listen to your body and take care of yourself because that type of injury if it gets worse can really put a damper on several exercises.
Chest/Tri day one
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5 paused
300 x 7
300 x 6
300 x 5
Amaxing how weights drop when you are pushing light stuff for volume
Decline bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 10 paused 3 sets
Incline chest flys
Brutal slow 5 reps fast five reps
3 sets
Cable flys 7 sets 12
I only did 5 sets. Shoulder fucking with me and I am convinced it was decline bb bench.
Close grip bench
135 x 10
205 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 10
Cable pull downs
7 sets 12

And I had to walk. Shoulder agony from declines- feels better now but didnt want it to be worse. Know when to walk.

Weight is 265.5 this morning

I couldn't do the close grips that heavy today and brutus was doing 205 with no problem before I dropped it.. Weird stuff..

In addition to the above I did:

two arm behind head dumbell extension 3x12, 85lbs

light lying tricep extension, 30lb dbs, 2x12, dropset into one arm 25lb db 1x12, 20lb db 1x12

light overhead French press, 50lb EZ bar, 3x12

45min cardio
I was a fucking bitch today, just wasn't feeling it. Brutus with the shoulder and I had some weird pain in my lower bicep and inside of my elbows.. It wasn't something I was worried about but uncomfortable.

Careful of tennis elbow. It's not a pleasant injury to work through although I done it for around 6months one time. It sucks!! If you do skull crushers or full extensions during curls you need to stop. The skull crushers give it to me every time. I recommend just really watching what your doing to figure out when it effects you the worst. Good luck brother.

You'r correct. Golfer's elbow is on the inside of the elbow.

I've had tennis elbow a few times and it's not real fun, golfer's elbow doesn't sound much better...
I've had tennis elbow several times and it's not fun. But golfer's elbow was far worse for me. It's not something you can easily "work through". It persisted for over a year in my case. Be careful.

golfer's elbow = medial epicondylitis
tennis elbow = lateral epicondylitis
just catching up on the logs but i had to deal with tennis/golfer's elbow for years and know what you are going through. i had a bad case 8 months ago and I used this flex bar religiously for two weeks and the shit went away. i got it off amazon pretty cheap. in a nutshell negative resistance has been shown to help speed up tendon recovery and strength

@Masters Power this is so embarrassing for you, what you have pictured is a leg abduction machine, that specifically targets the gluteus minimus. Now if the pads were on the inside it would be the adduction/groin machine

Which I use also :) stabilizers/synergistists are important!! I have bad mechanics so glute patterning is very important to me

And yes, besides @gr8whitetrukker I don't know any men that use them. But when I squat 495 in 2016 I'll attribute my success to using the bitch machines after squats and deads

And curls r fuckin gayy... Said the 16.5" arms
just catching up on the logs but i had to deal with tennis/golfer's elbow for years and know what you are going through. i had a bad case 8 months ago and I used this flex bar religiously for two weeks and the shit went away. i got it off amazon pretty cheap. in a nutshell negative resistance has been shown to help speed up tendon recovery and strength

Thanks for that, I'm going to buy a set of those.
I was leaning towards the green one too but I could get the set instead to be able to progressively build/maintain grip strength.
not a bad move at all. i'm bad about using it daily. i just get it out of the closet whenever my elbow starts bitching at me. i'm sure if i did it daily my elbows would be much better

golfer's elbow = medial epicondylitis
tennis elbow = lateral epicondylitis

I call it medial epicondishithole
. I've had them both .. In both arms !!! The golfers took 6-8 months of massage , heat , astym, dry needling , modified workouts , stretches. Fuck u name it . Finally I beat that whore with a broomstick right back into the pantry . Now I train forearms once weekly like I mean it
Funny u guys master / boiler are set off by skulls . I always found #1 shit to set off the epicondishithole was chins . Then palms up curls . Guess it all effects us different cause I still have little
Issue with skulls . Hope that doesnt come creeping up on me thou
I call it medial epicondishithole
. I've had them both .. In both arms !!! The golfers took 6-8 months of massage , heat , astym, dry needling , modified workouts , stretches. Fuck u name it . Finally I beat that whore with a broomstick right back into the pantry . Now I train forearms once weekly like I mean it
Funny u guys master / boiler are set off by skulls . I always found #1 shit to set off the epicondishithole was chins . Then palms up curls . Guess it all effects us different cause I still have little
Issue with skulls . Hope that doesnt come creeping up on me thou

Hey Tile- Pull ups only for me, no chins. Chins never really bothered my elbows but ever since my distal bicep tendon was fully torn and surgically repaired a couple of years ago chins aren't in the mix.