JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Getting sick doesn't happen very often. When it does it gives my body a different look. Shocks my system. I usually get a bit dehydrated when sick. I look flat but very lean. The glass is half full?
Smith machine bent rows (thanks @Oregonstrong I fucking LOVE these. Excellent lat amd scapular activation when you dont have to concentrate on balance)
185 3 sets 12

Thanks for this @brutus79 and @Oregonstrong. Did them the couple day ago, still a bit sore. It does make a big difference, better control, better squeeze.

Btw great log @brutus79 and @johnnyBALLZ still got 20+ pages to read from the one in Sept.
Getting sick doesn't happen very often. When it does it gives my body a different look. Shocks my system. I usually get a bit dehydrated when sick. I look flat but very lean. The glass is half full?
I've lost like 10lbs last year after a serious bout with flu so yes it dehydrated me as well as making me weak as hell:confused:
Did 16 sets of abs today and my 45min cardio.. The cardio streak stops here at 13 days.. :(

Started feeling weak and rundown last night, still went to the gym today but feel worse now. I'm going to listen to my body and take these next two days completely off. I think I've been overdoing it with all this cardio.

l have a lot of shit going on this weekend with family coming into town and my training parter still isn't feeling great so that made the decision a little easier. I just realized I'm only talking about taking two days here, why do I feel so guilty about this?! haha

No cheat meal planned but I may have a few beers to deal with all the crazy people coming here in a few hours.. Have a great weekend guys!!
cant ever remember hearing or reading about 40 or 50 or 60 sets guys...thats just fuckin crazy!!!! brute how are you feeling???
Did 16 sets of abs today and my 45min cardio.. The cardio streak stops here at 13 days.. :(

Started feeling weak and rundown last night, still went to the gym today but feel worse now. I'm going to listen to my body and take these next two days completely off. I think I've been overdoing it with all this cardio.

l have a lot of shit going on this weekend with family coming into town and my training parter still isn't feeling great so that made the decision a little easier. I just realized I'm only talking about taking two days here, why do I feel so guilty about this?! haha

No cheat meal planned but I may have a few beers to deal with all the crazy people coming here in a few hours.. Have a great weekend guys!!
Beer when the family visits is a must. Enjoy the time off and I look forward to when you guys get back!
Did 16 sets of abs today and my 45min cardio.. The cardio streak stops here at 13 days.. :(

Started feeling weak and rundown last night, still went to the gym today but feel worse now. I'm going to listen to my body and take these next two days completely off. I think I've been overdoing it with all this cardio.

l have a lot of shit going on this weekend with family coming into town and my training parter still isn't feeling great so that made the decision a little easier. I just realized I'm only talking about taking two days here, why do I feel so guilty about this?! haha

No cheat meal planned but I may have a few beers to deal with all the crazy people coming here in a few hours.. Have a great weekend guys!!
Have fun, and the rest will do you some good. Why not back off the cardio for now?
Did 16 sets of abs today and my 45min cardio.. The cardio streak stops here at 13 days.. :(

Started feeling weak and rundown last night, still went to the gym today but feel worse now. I'm going to listen to my body and take these next two days completely off. I think I've been overdoing it with all this cardio.

l have a lot of shit going on this weekend with family coming into town and my training parter still isn't feeling great so that made the decision a little easier. I just realized I'm only talking about taking two days here, why do I feel so guilty about this?! haha

No cheat meal planned but I may have a few beers to deal with all the crazy people coming here in a few hours.. Have a great weekend guys!!

I'm not sure what this cardio you speak of is but giving it a rest for a couple of days sounds like a good plan. Have a great weekend JB.
We will be all hands on deck tuesday... I need some time. Flu took it out of me and still is. Woke up a super skinny 263 this morning and havent been eating shit. Yuck.

On the bright side I am spending 10-12 hours getting my back tat done tomorrow at 9am baby. Cover up and cover job.
We will be all hands on deck tuesday... I need some time. Flu took it out of me and still is. Woke up a super skinny 263 this morning and havent been eating shit. Yuck.

On the bright side I am spending 10-12 hours getting my back tat done tomorrow at 9am baby. Cover up and cover job.
Ya the flu will take it out of a person but im sure it wont have you down for long. You'll be back an killing it in no time bro;) I'm also working on getting my back piece done as well if we can ever find a decent ass babysitter now days:rolleyes: lol.
Ya the flu will take it out of a person but im sure it wont have you down for long. You'll be back an killing it in no time bro;) I'm also working on getting my back piece done as well if we can ever find a decent ass babysitter now days:rolleyes: lol.
lol I'm not the kind to stay in bed too and the last flu I managed to successfully break my fever by stepping outside in the cold at night and walking in the snow wearing nothing but a thin robe and it felt like a summer night to me. Two days later I was out and about so yes it can be done ;)
I know that flu can take it out of a person. Youll be back an killing it in no time bro;) Get that much needed rest. Damn man 10-12 hours under the gun is no joke. I still gotta get my back piece done as well if we can ever find a decent ass babysitter now days:rolleyes: Longest session ive been through was 5-6hrs on my sleeves. Damn I just posted this twice thanks to my lil girl shutting off my wifi an getting me all fucked up lmfao. That little shit:p:D
I know that flu can take it out of a person. Youll be back an killing it in no time bro;) Get that much needed rest. Damn man 10-12 hours under the gun is no joke. I still gotta get my back piece done as well if we can ever find a decent ass babysitter now days:rolleyes: Longest session ive been through was 5-6hrs on my sleeves. Damn I just posted this twice thanks to my lil girl shutting off my wifi an getting me all fucked up lmfao. That little shit:p:D
thought you drunkenly doubleposted it haha, but yea little ones get sneaky :D
That would be better than what my son did when he was little in walmart on time. Bathroom+little boy+phone=flushtime. That sucked to have a $800 phone go for a swim. Im still smh over that one. Aww yes kids, gotta love em:)
@Skull, just wait till she grabs your phone and somehow makes a witty post :p
Or when the little 4yr old that would hang out with you in the basement and mimic your lifts with a broomstick opens the front door when you're comimg to pick him and his sister up to go to dinner and he's now 6'3"(inch taller than me now) and when I go to hug him he's impossibly thick.
He's 24. His older sister, my oldest, is 25. She's leaving for a year long stay in Australia in a few days. I'm not sure I'm even living the correct life any longer?
Or when the little 4yr old that would hang out with you in the basement and mimic your lifts with a broomstick opens the front door when you're comimg to pick him and his sister up to go to dinner and he's now 6'3"(inch taller than me now) and when I go to hug him he's impossibly thick.
He's 24. His older sister, my oldest, is 25. She's leaving for a year long stay in Australia in a few days. I'm not sure I'm even living the correct life any longer?
Good job dad. Your boy grew up to be bigger than the original. I also hope my boys will make me look like a runt later in life. Good possibility. My kids are no where near 24&25. Maybe another 14 yrs or so
Or when the little 4yr old that would hang out with you in the basement and mimic your lifts with a broomstick opens the front door when you're comimg to pick him and his sister up to go to dinner and he's now 6'3"(inch taller than me now) and when I go to hug him he's impossibly thick.
He's 24. His older sister, my oldest, is 25. She's leaving for a year long stay in Australia in a few days. I'm not sure I'm even living the correct life any longer?
Ya mine are still just little ones. Im more than sure my little boy will grow up to tower over me. Shouldn't take him long as short as I am lol