JBallz and B79 gear up again!

We will be all hands on deck tuesday... I need some time. Flu took it out of me and still is. Woke up a super skinny 263 this morning and havent been eating shit. Yuck.

On the bright side I am spending 10-12 hours getting my back tat done tomorrow at 9am baby. Cover up and cover job.
Nice.. mind sharing some pics???
I don't know how their Planet Fitness is going to make it through the weekend without these guys there......... the walls might begin to fall in!

BT, don't try to be hard in a reply. You know you laughed! :)
So who can explain to me how I can run well over a gram of test a week multiple times, high dose tbol, anadrol, high test with high tren some times with no ai or seem just because I forget but I run 25 mg ed of dbol with 500 tren and 300 test a week and get fucking gyno? I can run grams of gear and have e2 in the hundreds with no issues and 25mg of fucking dbol (never ran legit before) gives me gyno. Im using an ai and now pumping obscene amounts of nolva in me... can some explain this?
What mechanism would make this happen?
Sucks. Are you using adex or something else?
From what i read methylestradiol is has a degree of resistance to adex. I would use aromasin. Good luck.
I don't know how their Planet Fitness is going to make it through the weekend without these guys there......... the walls might begin to fall in!

BT, don't try to be hard in a reply. You know you laughed! :)
Both JBallz and B79 must really make Planet Fitness rock, as it must be their new gym hahahaha :D;)
So who can explain to me how I can run well over a gram of test a week multiple times, high dose tbol, anadrol, high test with high tren some times with no ai or seem just because I forget but I run 25 mg ed of dbol with 500 tren and 300 test a week and get fucking gyno? I can run grams of gear and have e2 in the hundreds with no issues and 25mg of fucking dbol (never ran legit before) gives me gyno. Im using an ai and now pumping obscene amounts of nolva in me... can some explain this?
What mechanism would make this happen?
Well your not the only one, I just had a mamogram...they said it's gyno...I said Fuck me
Man, I needed the gym today after that crazy ass weekend. Feel great after taking the 2 days off. Did 22 sets delts and 15 sets traps in about 45min with another 45min cardio.

Can't wait for chest/tris tomorrow morning!!
Man, I needed the gym today after that crazy ass weekend. Feel great after taking the 2 days off. Did 22 sets delts and 15 sets traps in about 45min with another 45min cardio.

Can't wait for chest/tris tomorrow morning!!
Did u go work out at Planet Fitness? The cardio bunnies must have helped make the time pass :D
So who can explain to me how I can run well over a gram of test a week multiple times, high dose tbol, anadrol, high test with high tren some times with no ai or seem just because I forget but I run 25 mg ed of dbol with 500 tren and 300 test a week and get fucking gyno? I can run grams of gear and have e2 in the hundreds with no issues and 25mg of fucking dbol (never ran legit before) gives me gyno. Im using an ai and now pumping obscene amounts of nolva in me... can some explain this?
What mechanism would make this happen?

Same thing happened to me brother. What's bad is I used to take a shit load of dbol years ago and always kept it under control. My last cycle I was running test, Tren and dbol and BAM out of no where the shit hit me and I pounced on my Nolvadex quick. A couple weeks later and dbol out of the cycle and I was good to go. Ended up giving all my dbol away and saying goodbye to all orals from now on.
I hope the nolvadex kicks it in the butt for you brother. Good luck.
What up, I'm subbed back in. Fuckin gyno, let me know if anything works for yall. Im thinking I'll just need the surgery. I'm too far gone
Gyno the flu and the IRS all in one week. That is a shitty Trifecta Brutus. Glad its Monday and that week is over for you my friend.
What up, I'm subbed back in. Fuckin gyno, let me know if anything works for yall. Im thinking I'll just need the surgery. I'm too far gone
Ouch that sucks, just swallow your pride and get the surgery done then life will be peachier.
Same thing happened to me brother. What's bad is I used to take a shit load of dbol years ago and always kept it under control. My last cycle I was running test, Tren and dbol and BAM out of no where the shit hit me and I pounced on my Nolvadex quick. A couple weeks later and dbol out of the cycle and I was good to go. Ended up giving all my dbol away and saying goodbye to all orals from now on.
I hope the nolvadex kicks it in the butt for you brother. Good luck.
Sounds like high prolactin levels may have cause this over estro.