JBallz and B79 gear up again!

IMO deadlifting is by far the most mental lift there is. Have Brutus video you on the 315 and again on the 425 next time. I'm guessing we will be able to figure some things out based on the videos.

Yea, definitely time to do a video.. I need to see it for myself too.
It is amazing how much help video can be. My progress was stalling a little pulling several weeks before my meet at the end of January and I couldn't figure out what the issue was.

I compared the video to about six months earlier when I was on a really good run pulling and there were a couple of obvious differences. Made the necessary changes and pulled a 20+ pound PR meet day.
I think its cool that some meso bros can train together,around my neck of the woods it seems everyone is crossfitting..should had moved a training buddy up here with me when I moved.Im sure that would had went well with the wife.
Man, I needed the gym today after that crazy ass weekend. Feel great after taking the 2 days off. Did 22 sets delts and 15 sets traps in about 45min with another 45min cardio.

Do you do cardio first thing in the morning on empty stomach or right after you just hit the weights?
I've worked out many times around noon without eating anything for lunch, so I ate after workout...good results with that.
Back day yesterday... no time for bi's but jb stayed and can talk about what he did.
Military press
1 in front 1 behind head = 1 rep
3 sets 12
Lat pull downs
3 sets 12
Lat swing downs
3 sets 12
Smith machine bent rows
3 sets 12
Close grip seated rows
7 sets 12
Close grip pull ups
3 sets 8 bw
Tired and out of breath... super busy at the office and couldn't steal much time. Good workout for the time though
Did 20 sets biceps yesterday after that.. ^^ Tried to do cardio yesterday but it was almost impossible with the groin issue.

Today was abs and 45 min cardio, groin is still tweaked but was much better today.. Legs are sore as shit from Wednesday night though..

Taking a shot of TNE tomorrow before we blast chest and tris!!! :)
Chest tri day #2
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 1
355 x 1
400 x 0
375 x 0
315 x 4 (jb hit 9)
FUCKING pissed about 400. Started up, stalled. This volume doesn't seem good for pr's. I am looking beastly and just weighed in at 268.8
Incline db bench w/100's
3 sets 12 (jb did 30 first set)
Chest flys 45's
3 sets 12 (1 for me. Shoulder not feelin it
Uppercut cable flys
7 sets 12
Triceps push down drop sets 6 plates x 12, yank a plate, 12 etc
5 sets
Skull crushers
90lbs 3 sets 12
Seated cable pullover 120lbs
3 sets 12
Cable triceps p/d
7 sets 12

Pollo after. Ate 1/2 chicken, double yucca, rack of ribs, rice, beans, 2 rolls in 9 MINUTES. THAT IS A PR AT LEAST.
Chest tri day #2
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 1
355 x 1
400 x 0
375 x 0
315 x 4 (jb hit 9)
FUCKING pissed about 400. Started up, stalled. This volume doesn't seem good for pr's. I am looking beastly and just weighed in at 268.8
Incline db bench w/100's
3 sets 12 (jb did 30 first set)
Chest flys 45's
3 sets 12 (1 for me. Shoulder not feelin it
Uppercut cable flys
7 sets 12
Triceps push down drop sets 6 plates x 12, yank a plate, 12 etc
5 sets
Skull crushers
90lbs 3 sets 12
Seated cable pullover 120lbs
3 sets 12
Cable triceps p/d
7 sets 12

Pollo after. Ate 1/2 chicken, double yucca, rack of ribs, rice, beans, 2 rolls in 9 MINUTES. THAT IS A PR AT LEAST.
315x4 after two heavy misses is solid. JB has 400 in him for sure if he is hitting 315x9.

Thanks MP. Yea I told brutus he was toast after the 400 fail, he fought with it for a bit. I'm sure he would've got at least 385 if he didn't burn himself out.

I was happy as hell to hit 355 then I felt good enough to try my PR 365, BAMM!! It's amazing how natural this new grip feels, weight is coming down to my chest easily now. Thanks buddy @brutus79 .. ;)

Incline 100's for 30 I was amazed at too..

Awesome day..
Rough past few days making the decision to give our puppy back to the owner.. After 3 months it's just a lot more than my wife thought she would be and no one really has the time she needs.. Kids and wife are fine but it's been bothering me for some reason, I didn't even want her to begin with!! What the fuck?!

Anyway, my wife WAS upset (now says it's for the best) earlier so we went out for a bit..

grouper francaise:

Great log and awesome work. Definitely gonna follow this one through. Thanks for posting all the details
Back/bi day #2
Military press 12 in front 12 in back 115 lbs
3 sets
Lat swing downs
3 sets 12
Smith bent rows 205
3 sets 12
Seated underhand pull back 115
3 sets 12
Wide grip seated rows 70
7 sets 12
Wide grip pull up
3 sets 12
Seated bb preacher curl 60
3 sets 12
Hammer curls 40 (jb using 80)
3 sets 12
Incline curl drop sets
4 sets 10
Hammer strength preacher curl
7 sets 12

Real good day. My body is starting to warm up to this volume- shoulder good... gyno lumps still there but shrinking and not at all sensitive.

I have winny- does anyone know if winny turns to estrogen? I could google it and ill but I am fucking BEAT! 200+ sets a week takes it's toll by sunday along with 60 hours at work and 15 days a month with my awesome three year old. Tired as fuck and force feeding at this point- but feeling super solid.
Kids and wife are fine but it's been bothering me for some reason, I didn't even want her to begin with!! What the fuck?!

That's not a surprise. They call dogs man's best friend for a reason. But if you don't have the time the dog deserves, you made the right decision. At only three months old she'll adapt quickly with a new owner and in a few months won't even remember you.

Dogs are the best, though. Way better than a woman. They're always happy to see you, never moody, they don't complain and they don't ask for much. My last wife hated my dog so much she finally said "it's me or the dog," before going out for the afternoon. When she came home she found her bags packed, a new unopened 50lb bag of dog food sitting beside them, and me and the dog sitting on the sofa watching football and drinking beer. Needless to say she wasn't happy.
That's not a surprise. They call dogs man's best friend for a reason. But if you don't have the time the dog deserves, you made the right decision. At only three months old she'll adapt quickly with a new owner and in a few months won't even remember you.

Dogs are the best, though. Way better than a woman. They're always happy to see you, never moody, they don't complain and they don't ask for much. My last wife hated my dog so much she finally said "it's me or the dog," before going out for the afternoon. When she came home she found her bags packed, a new unopened 50lb bag of dog food sitting beside them, and me and the dog sitting on the sofa watching football and drinking beer. Needless to say she wasn't happy.

Awesome story.. :)

Yea, it's been rough.. I'm sure she'll be ok.. I hope she does forget about this but I won't forget her.. On a good note though, our 7 year old golden is thrilled she gets all the attention again. I swear she was trying to get rid of the puppy by leaving her at random places around the neighborhood during their excursions..