JBallz and B79 gear up again!

I hope she does forget about this but I won't forget her..

She will. I got mine when he was 4 months old from someone in the same position as you and he didn't have enough time, either. When he saw his former owner about 6 months later he had no idea who he was - just thought he was another person to meet and then he quickly moved on to the next fire hydrant.
Today sucked. Yesterday jb called in sick so I took the day off. A night of trensomnia, a day at work with broken air conditioning... just felt horrible. Could be all the serms and ai coupled with no test for days... whatever it was not feelin it
Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 7
315 x 1
370 x 1
385 x 0
Flat db bench
105' s x 12
110's x 12 2 sets
Trcep p/d drop sets
6 plates down to 2 four sets
Close grip bench
135 x 10
205 x 10 3 sets
Triceps p/d
7 sets 12

Five guys
Double bacon cheeseburger and fries
Fight vomit
Lay in bed
Running winny now.
Feeling like shit... Monday I did 22 sets delts and 15 sets traps I think? No cardio since Sunday. This isn't good because I'm slightly leaner, I'm starting to figure out I can get away with less cardio but don't want to fall off the wagon!!

Tonight was shit.. I think because for the first time BOTH of us really weren't feeling good. Usually when one of us is down the other drags him up. Wasn't happening tonight. Bad situation, we didn't do legs as planned, half assed chest/tris and skipped out early for 5 Guys!!

Better days lie ahead..
Mo... ther..... fuuuuh.... ker.... Totally forgot to venture over to the cycle log section. Finally caught up on this gem, JB and Brutus "The Deuce". Looking good fellas, all the great qualities I loved in the 1st log. Hilarious, motivating, food, routines, great info, enough gear to kill a small water buffalo.... Classic
Easy lunch break day. Just tossed in winny at 40qd and drying up crazy.

Lat p/d 120 up to 160
4 sets 12
Lat swing down 90
4 sets 12
Wide grip pull up
4 sets 12
Smith bent row 185
4 sets 12
Cable curl 110
7 sets 12

Still feel pretty shitty... e2 is probably bottomed out and no test for a while. Gonna treat myself to 150 t enth tonight since gyno is non sensitive. This weekend will be some crushing training!
Today just abs and 45min cardio. Still not feeling great.. Tonight was a cheat night..

One of these:

A few of these:

One of these:

And some of this:

God willing I'll get in some good tri/chest training tomorrow.. Going for a PR.. :)

met up with a buddy of mine and got it in.

Flat bb bench
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 2
365 x 1
385 x 1
315 x 6
Weighted dips w 45
3 sets 12
Incline db bench 105's
3 sets 10
Push up fail sets
3 sets
Uppercut cable flys
7 sets 12
Triceps push down drop set
6 plates drop a plate every 12
4 sets
Cable pull overs 120
4 sets 12
Triceps rope p/d
7 sets 12

Pretty good session- I really look good physically running super low test but I feel pretty crappy. Running 100 wk test or less... pinning 50 when I feel really horrible. Taking ralox 60mg ed, nolva 20ed, aromasin 25 mg e3d, tren ace 75ed and wini at 30ed. Holding pretty steady at 268. I broke 270 for the first time ever and held it for a few days but then wini started kicking in and dried me the fuck out with low test and probably crashed e2. Im dry as a bone and looking pretty beasty... I will be switching from my fast food diet of the last month to chicken, ground beef and rice because I am so broke. Bankruptcy payment stings a bit. Feel better jb!
met up with a buddy of mine and got it in.

:eek: cheater!! hahaha

Glad you had a good one. This shit sucks.. Been dealing with this since Tuesday and actually felt like I was at 90% yesterday then BOOM.. On our way out last night I started feeling that pressure in my head you get on an airplane with my ears feeling like they're gonna pop. Thought I'd wake up and it'd be gone but NOPE!! Feels like my head is in a vice and my left ear is ferociously ringing.

My wife got some meds called in from a doc. Just want this shit to go away!!! :mad:
Yep - did some crap from Pinnacle a few yrs ago that left me feeling sick and lethargic , and with ringing ears . I couldnt sleep well either . Are you able to be "honest" with your doctor ?
JB, IMO if we're in this world and want to stay in this world, go buy a BP machine for home. They're cheap.