JBallz and B79 gear up again!

Feel better Brutus.

I had a great leg workout today. Nothing like you two do.
20 min stationary bike.
8 sets of Squats A2G supersetted with leg extensions. The highest I went on the squats: 315 x8. Leg ext. Maxed out the stack

6 sets of Leg presses/leg curls/ stiff legged deadlifts. Presses only 5 plates a side but high reps (20-30).
25 mins mostly slow jog on the treadmill.
The lifting part took about 35 minutes. Minimal rest. I was huffing and puffing.
Thought I would share. Felt great.
Brutus, it just shows you're human. The off time will do you good. JB as well. Fall back, regroup and attack is always a good strategy.
I'm done pinning for a little bit too.. Can't hurt to let the receptors clear out a bit if I'm going to salvage this cycle.

Not gonna make it tomorrow but I can't wait to get back, going out of my mind already..
Solid thinking Brutus. You are going to be super lean on a cut, you've been eating everything in sight and still looked lean at 270.

I think Heady Muscle might be onto something on the overtraining. Personally, I would dial back the volume a little while keeping up the intensity.

JB- Hope you feel better my friend.
Well I stopped playing doctor on myself and went in to get checked out today. Doc convinced me to take amoxicillin and also prescribed prednisone which he says should relieve the pressure in my ears/head pretty quick.

I'm supposed to take the antibiotic for 10 days!!! Why?! I'm always hesitant to take antibiotics because they kill protein synthesis. Do I really have to take this shit for 10 days??
Well I stopped playing doctor on myself and went in to get checked out today. Doc convinced me to take amoxicillin and also prescribed prednisone which he says should relieve the pressure in my ears/head pretty quick.

I'm supposed to take the antibiotic for 10 days!!! Why?! I'm always hesitant to take antibiotics because they kill protein synthesis. Do I really have to take this shit for 10 days??
Yes. I have stopped short and been back at the doctor for another, longer cycle from infection reoccurring.
Quick bench tri day aaaaaaall by myyyyyyyself. Dont feel ill but just weak/depleted. Pinned 250 cyp saturday nips be damned!

Flat bench bb
135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 4
315 x 3
Flat db bench
105's 3 sets 12
Dips bw shoulder is bothering me so no weight
3 sets 12
Triceps push/d 6 plate drop sets to 3 plates
4 sets 12
Triceps rope pull down
7 sets 12

Just kinda wandered... decent pace but no drive to do much more than this. Hung out with my daughter late this morning and it was really a victory to get in there with all the excuses I had in my head

Am shake
1/2lb spinach
Flax maybe half cup
8 eggs

Post workout
Tri meat platter chicken/pork/ ribs
Double yucca

2 cups cottage cheese

Couple apples

2 cups lean ground beef
1 cup rice

1 cup steak And 1 cup rice

Much cleaner than usual; ab city diet son!
Well I stopped playing doctor on myself and went in to get checked out today. Doc convinced me to take amoxicillin and also prescribed prednisone which he says should relieve the pressure in my ears/head pretty quick.

I'm supposed to take the antibiotic for 10 days!!! Why?! I'm always hesitant to take antibiotics because they kill protein synthesis. Do I really have to take this shit for 10 days??
Thats how antibiotics work JB. Its Imperative you finish ALL pills
Well I stopped playing doctor on myself and went in to get checked out today. Doc convinced me to take amoxicillin and also prescribed prednisone which he says should relieve the pressure in my ears/head pretty quick.

I'm supposed to take the antibiotic for 10 days!!! Why?! I'm always hesitant to take antibiotics because they kill protein synthesis. Do I really have to take this shit for 10 days??

Just a heads up man. Prednisone is a corticosteroid and I took it once on a cycle and had a dulling effect on my aas. What kind of dose and how long does the doc have you on it? It will also hurt your immune system
Quick bench tri day aaaaaaall by myyyyyyyself. Dont feel ill but just weak/depleted. Pinned 250 cyp saturday nips be damned!

Flat bench bb
135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 4
315 x 3
Flat db bench
105's 3 sets 12
Dips bw shoulder is bothering me so no weight
3 sets 12
Triceps push/d 6 plate drop sets to 3 plates
4 sets 12
Triceps rope pull down
7 sets 12

Just kinda wandered... decent pace but no drive to do much more than this. Hung out with my daughter late this morning and it was really a victory to get in there with all the excuses I had in my head

Am shake
1/2lb spinach
Flax maybe half cup
8 eggs

Post workout
Tri meat platter chicken/pork/ ribs
Double yucca

2 cups cottage cheese

Couple apples

2 cups lean ground beef
1 cup rice

1 cup steak And 1 cup rice

Much cleaner than usual; ab city diet son!

Now that's clean!! [emoji106][emoji106]

Eat lots of probiotics after the regimen is done like yogurt and um idk. But the shit kills ALL bacteria good and bad

I'm going to be putting tubs of that shit down!!
Just a heads up man. Prednisone is a corticosteroid and I took it once on a cycle and had a dulling effect on my aas. What kind of dose and how long does the doc have you on it? It will also hurt your immune system

40mg/day for 5 days. I stopped pinning, I know things are going downhill. What do you mean by "dulling" though? Less effective?
The biggest issue with antibiotics and steroids is the elimination of your bowel flora- massive consumption of yogurt, fermented foods, kefir- nasty shit like that will reestablish your digestive enzymes. Never heard of corticosteroids inhibiting aas effectiveness. .. I just always assumed it was the antibiotics I was taking with them.